Before I can get into character classes, I need to make a detour into the spiritual beliefs of the player races and homelands. Here are the main belief systems

THE CELESTIAL CHURCH (Church of Celestial Harmony. Angelican Church.)

The original faith of the Alusian Settlers. Practiced by most human races living in the lands of the former Western Kingdom. Teaches that the universe was built by a creator of infinite goodness, who cannot interact with beings as limited as mortal creatures without harming them. Therefore he/she has created angelic beings to help communicate his/her intentions. Some of these angels became rebellious, and are responsible for the presence of evil in the world.

There's no central authority heading the Celestial Church. The highest office is that of Archbishop, who oversees a Council of Bishops and Abbots in his region. The Archbishop is selected from their number. Abbots have a high degree of independence... especially in the Archipelago, where no formal councils exist.

Monastic orders tend to be dedicated to one of the Archangels. So, for example, there are Michaelines, Gabrielites, etc. Some of these orders are contemplative, others are fighting orders (clerics, paladins and monks).

The Celestial Church teaches personal responsibility. Magic is not evil unless it is used for evil purposes.

The symbol of the Celestial Church is an Angel, wings outstretched.


A small sect which splintered from the Angelican Church over a thousand years ago. Blackcloaks (so named for their severe garb) are virtually non-existant outside of Ardania. Their beliefs at first seem to mirror the Angelicans, but they preach that the Creator crafted a small number of perfect souls, which are the very essence of goodness... and that all other souls are imperfect and evil (or, even worse, lacking a soul entirely). The perfect souls can be easily seen because they can only belong to worshippers of the Ardanian Church. The Creator rewards these perfect beings with great wealth and power.... therefore, the wealthy and powerful Ardanians must possess perfect souls.

The one thing the Creator abhors is magic... which is the very essence of sinfullness.

The Church is extremely ordered. The head of the church is His Holiness, Archbishop Patrius Dolan.

The Church has an arm called the Inquisitors, who seek out devil worship and black magic (well, magic anyway) and exterminate it. Their garb is identical to normal Ardanian clerics, but there is always a barely noticible scarlet trim somewhere on their black ecclesiastical garments. Inquisitors acting on a mission under the orders of the Archbishop wear scarlet riding hoods and gloves to make clear their authority. In Ardania, it is a capital crime to disobey or lie to an Inquisitor performing his office. As far as the Church is concerned, the rule applies outside of Ardania, too... but it isn't worth the effort to enforce.

There is no Cleric class per se in the Ardanian Church.... players who wish to become Blackcloak priests should start in another profession (non-magical). A Blackcloak cleric prestige class is available for sufficiently pious and obedient church members of high enough level.

(HISTORICAL NOTE: The success of the Ardanian Church today has its origins nearly a thousand years ago during the Wizard Wars (the Great War). Ardanian Clerics demonstrated the ability to suppress magic... an ability which allowed crack Ardanian troops to close with wizards and slaughter them.)

The symbol of the Ardanian church is a rising sun.