All races are welcome. Druids are strong in the Isles... almost nonexistent elsewhere. (There are a few enclaves in Alusia). They teach that all things have divine spirits, and all things are interconnected. While they recognize many Powers in the world... most are considered equals, no more or less superior than any other. They do revere beings they call the Lord and the Lady, first among Powers, and first among equals. Druids have many symbols.


I pulled my elvish and dwarvish cosmologies straight out of the Silmarillion. As noted above... some elves have rejected old beliefs and joined druidic circles.

(Actually, the Celestial Church claims that their beliefs are derived from elvish beliefs. The elves sputter when the idea is mentioned.)


Most of the non-human races (other than those listed) practice some sort of ancestor worship.


Outside of offically sanctioned good, neutral and evil forces (angels, devils, ancestors...) there are a number of beings which seem to possess some manner of divine power, but don't seem to have much of an organized group of worshippers. Examples might include Ildris - a Sylph with cosmic control of the weather, who is worshipped by flying creatures throughout Alusia... and Dorn -- an immortal mummy which no one has ever been able to destroy (or communicate with). These beings are collectively referred to as "Powers", and some do become worshipped by others.