The Voyage (Part 1)

The night before we set sail a argument erupted between the captain and the port master regarding the guards requested by the captain. The port master dismissed the guards and 2 Carzalian war ship showed up and flanked the Moorwind.

We set sail at 5:00 am on the 4th day after the spring equinox.

On the 3rd day out we spotted a large ship with Red sails coming up on us from the NE. It pasted out of sight within an hour without incident.

Day 4 it snowed.

Day 5 Sighted Tholos in the morning and docked to replenish our supplies. We visited the ruins on the Island. An impressive truncated pyramid made out of highly polished stone that resists wear and even dust. Unknown runes where found around the entrance door and thought the interior. The runes where a continuous cursive writing with the only area of a significance deference being a location opposite the door where 4 lines of runes meet in a swirl pattern. A rubbing of this area was taken for further study. Raven was able to get a sense of an unnatural or manufactured origin.

We then traveled to the summit of the crater that formed the island and spotted a ship far off in the distant,we later reported this to the captain who took little interest.

Our next stop, the hot springs in which we all, but Stephen partook. We finish up the day at the Mayors house and a viewing of his collections of artifacts. Of particular interest were 6 small 1” diameter balls with a small flat spot in one side so they could be placed down and not roll. Each apparently were made of a different semiprecious stone and we were told they were unusually strong and could not be damaged or even scratch. They were found at the temple and Raven got the same unnatural feeling from then. We wished we had time to study them further since it seemed to be just a given that any secrets the temple and the stones held could not be revealed. It was just assumed that no one could possibly do anything new that was not done before to unlock there mystery.
