Log of the 28th day of seedtime, following Jaden’s entry

We are still stranded on this small isle. We have no means of transportation off of the island other than what we can creatively invent with what little material we have ­ that being a section of our ship’s poop deck, a barrel half full of oil, a large ornately decorated trunk containing silk, and a few of our own meager possessions. The island is virtually barren, and food is scarce. We did discover an ancient structure, buried beneath ages of sand.

Last night, we debated whether of not to enter the structure, as the possibility existed that it might contain useful items, and equally, the possibility of dangerous creatures. The argument that we were in a poor position to combat deleterious monsters was significant. I believed however, that there was presently no way for us to successfully depart from this isle with what we had, and whatever hope there was lay within the structure. Settling the argument, I announced that in the morning after breakfast I would be breaching the entrance of the structure, and whosoever wished to join me could do so. As it turned out, everyone did join me.

Oddly, later that evening, McGyver and I spotted a large bird like creature circling overhead. It’s black form blotted out the stars. We observed it as it circled and then headed north then west. After a breakfast of fish, clams, and some other crustaceans that McGyver acquired from tidepools, we headed to the structure. We finished excavating the door. It was outlined in a simple but beautiful stylized knotwork. Though I recall seeing this artform in the isles as a child, no meaning could be inferred from this design that marched around the door in a uniform manner. The great strength of BlackHawk and Jaden was enough to push in a fragment of the large, metal clasped wooden door. The new opening allowed for the release of a rush of “dead” or bad air. It effectively knocked all of us, save Stephan, out cold. Stephan revived us by pulling our bodies away from the opening into fresh air. After we allowed some time for the poor air to vacate, McGyver slipped a fish into the opening to see if any creatures were within. Then slipped a “lighted fish” inside, and McGyver followed behind. Seeing how the door worked, he was able to open it for us.

Within, we discovered the remains of an ancient settlement. It appeared as if it had been vacated at a moment’s notice just the other day. There were little signs of decay, and objects looked like they had just been left behind at a moment’s notice. We discovered a fire pit in the center of the structure. I surmised that whatever caused the structure to be vacated, the occupants left the fire burning. The structure was sealed shut, and the flames used the last of the breathable air, sealing this place as a preserved monument. At the door we entered, there were spears with bronzed heads, shoes neatly placed on a rack by the door, and simply but smartly crafted chairs, signifying an area where guards came and went or stood watch. Further in we discovered bundles of sleeping furs, more chairs, a small table with two chairs and a chessboard in mid game. Further on we found a very large wooden dining table set with many chairs, the head and foot of whish being very intricately carved. These throne like chairs had fine carvings of knotwork and dragons and a crown. One was obviously for the king of chief and the other for the queen or lady. The table is very large and was cut from one piece of wood, the rings of the tree still being quite visible radiating from the center. There were fine place settings still upon the table, and half eaten food on the serving trays and the trenches, further attesting to the sudden abandonment of this place. The half dome structure that we observed from above on the sand dunes, we were able to now see was once a tower. It lay in ruin, too wrecked to explore extensively. BlackHawk did find, however, the broken remains of a very large diamond or crystal that had obviously occupied the top of this tower. They could not discern its use. Perhaps it was used for light, as this structure may have been a lighthouse to warn passing ships of the jagged rocks to the east. Or perhaps the tower and crystal were some type of magical communications device.

Upon observing the dining area, Stephan noticed that there still remained a torc and armbands sitting on the throne chair. They were made of gold, beautifully and finely crafted. The torc was gold also, but lined with a silvery metal on the inside, possibly mithral. Steven opted to try the jewelery on, and placed the items carefully about his neck and wrists. Then they disappeared! He could still feel them on his body, but were no longer visible to others or himself. BlackHawk, had in the mean time, wisely decided to check outside periodically for any appearances of a ship or creatures. He was still concerned about the black birdlike creature that McGyver and I had spotted last night. After he checked outside yet again, BlackHawk was rewarded with the sighting of a large flying creature. I went outside to see if it resembled that which I had seen the night before, but it was too far away to tell. We waited for it to approach closer. We were finally able to discern that it was a Dragon! It was too far away, and the sun was not right, that we could not determine its color. I immediately asked who among us spoke draconic, then remembered that Jaden probably did. Jaden was, however, not able to bring himself to make the attempt and returned inside the structure.

I was sure that the appearance of this Dragon was linked with the event of Stephan’s jewelry donning. I believe that somehow the jewelry, this structure, and the Dragon are connected in some way. Perhaps the torc is a communications device of some kind. I beseeched Stephan to come outside to let the Dragon see him. I know that he attempted a mental communication, but nothing seemed to happen. He then took cover inside the structure, but I was determined to discover more about the Dragon and remained outside. The Dragon flew past very close, but I was able only to determine that it was light colored in appearance, and that it wore jewelry of its own. One of the Dragon’s fingers bore a torc. I believe that if it were hostile, it would have made an attempt at us, but instead it just flew off to the north and northwest.

BlackHawk has used his star navigating abilities to determine that we are probably north and east of Bliss. These creatures that we have seen also indicate land to the west. So we know that we will be sailing westward. Despite some resistance from BlackHawk (who appears more interested in preserving these artifacts than out hides), we have concluded that the structure’s contents can aid us in our departure. We believe that we can use the great table as a raft, and some other objects in the structure as necessary accoutrements. One of the tall chair backs can serve as a rudder, and the spears or beams as masts. (The silk can be used as sails.) McGyver is also looking to other furniture pieces to use as outriggers to maintain our ballast. I am confident he can come up with a safe and effective design.

I had another dream that disturbs me. It is mostly that I cannot fathom its meaning that distresses me. My first dream three nights ago was about my father and some of the other members of the Black Griffon Company. I believe that in the dream I was young, a child, at least that is what it seemed from my perspective. The Companions were discussing something, and there was a large table in the center of the room with a map on it. My father was idly juggling three daggers as he was speaking and walking around the table. He inadvertently bumped into me, and startled, let the daggers fly upwards. They all landed point down in a group, embedded in the table, sticking through the map. I tried to see where on the map they had landed, but was unable. I don’t recall much else, except for a woman with a harp, which I think now was Carlotta De Gray.

The next night I dreamt I was in the same room, but this time alone. The daggers were there, still stuck in the table. I approached the map to try to view it, but then heard or felt movement behind me. I turned around, and there was nothing there, not even the room. It was just a gray swirl of nothingness. When I turned around again to the table, it was gone too, and I was surrounded by the grayness. Somehow, I still felt a presence. The third night, last night, I dreamt this yet again. This time the grayness was black, and there was a presence moving within it. I cannot fathom what these dreams mean. I may have to spend some time meditating on the images later today.

I am looking forward to the work in building our raft. I am eager to find land and someway to communicate the deeds of the Ardanian church to our Guild. I grieve for those who were lost at sea, and I pray for them that their souls may find solace and be able to move on. I believe in justice, and more importantly Balance. I very much believe that the best way to redeem the lives of those lost is to insure the failure of the Ardanian church’s goals toward us. To that matter, I plan for us to be successful. It is, at the moment, the goal which we must keep foremost in our minds.