Mira of the Arden Pazyryk People is a strong and beautiful barbarian. She is 5'9'' and very muscular. She has long thick black hair and green eyes. She has tribal tatoos of mares on both wrists and a firebeast on her right shoulder.She wears undyed leather armor and carries a round shield with a fire symbol on it. She fights best with a shortbow or a javelin. She tends to be curt and rather surly until you get to know her.

Once you have spent some time with Mira, you will find her to be devoted to her shamanic studies as well as her warrior training. She is a fine hand with horses, being one of the Horsepeople. She is very superstitious when it comes to fire, how it should be handled, ect. She is also very careful to appease the spirits whenever she sees anything that might cause them displeasure.

If Mira becomes your friend, she will fight to the death for you. Once you earn her trust (and it's not easy to earn) she will consider you as family. There is nothing soft about her until you see her with an animal she loves. She can drink most men under the table.