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I am recording this to assist my memories of this place. The Wind Shrine of Bliss. Many have tried to prepare me for the journey that lies ahead of me but I have chosen to try and keep my mind free of expectations. My first vision of the Shrine and the peak on which it sits, stuns me. Not just from is shear beauty but from the grander of the workmanship, to mold a mountain. The pillars, towering upwards of 500 feet, are carved in intricate spirals and in impressions of trees and vines that are beyond imagination. As we get closer the details just grow. The columns representing natural forms such as tree trunks seem Elvin in design yet the straight fluted and spiraled ones with ornate capitals defiantly seem Dwarven. One overall impression is of great age. The trail winds it way through the tall grass of the valley and slowly approaches one of the pillars. At the top of this column we see a hanging platform that seems to be suspended without any visible supports. The climb up is slow and exhausting but as we enter onto the ledge we see a much smaller column and a human sized spiral staircase around it heading up and into an opening near the roof of the platform. These steps are narrow and very worn. As we leave the platform we enter a spectacular room comprised of what looks like finally polished gemstones. The light sparkles and refracts into every color of the rainbow. The trail here is carved directly in the crystal and even has ridges and patterns carved into for traction. As we leave this room we enter out onto a series of switchbacks carved into the surface of the crystal face. The rate of assent is steep close to 40 degrees and the steps, though carved are still worn and slick. It has now been 2 hours into the climb and our bodies are starting to protest. After some close calls on the slick stone we finally take a short rest. As we sit for a moment I notice a large shape take off from the cliff above us. My fist thought was that we had disturbed a dragon but after further observation it turned out to be a bird the size of an eagle. The trail soon approaches a waterfall. As the mist starts to cover the crystal path, all traction is lost and it is our inertial that more than anything else that carries us beneath the freezing cold water. The stone here seems to be carved with a leaf design but most of the detail has been warn away with time. Soon after we pass the waterfall we enter one of the foliated areas of the mountain. This area is lush and is full of birds and wildflowers. Raven takes a moment to hunt for anything unusual but just finds the usual alpine flora. Looking ahead the trail enters the cloud base and we soon are back on the hard crystal. A half-mile further a grotto opens before us. It gives the impression of walking into a finely crafted diamond. At the far end is a deep pool about 8 feet wide. Carved above it is an Uli flower from which poured fresh cold water. We all drink form the pond and filled our water skins before we continue the journey In an effort to keep my energy up and my thought from wandering, I started to hum some tunes from my childhood. It seems to be working, the pain in my legs seemed to be drifting into the background but then I heard laughter from behind me. As I turned to find out what was so funny, Jaden said as I started to sing some pixies appeared and started to fly around me just out of my view mocking me and my songs. As soon as I turned to look back they said they vanished. I would love to be able to talk to them but I don't know what about. As my mind starts to drift again I am startled by a figure up ahead on the next switchback. As we cautiously approach it seem to be a large stature made of dry clay. It stands about 18 feet all and shows no sign of movement. We briefly discuses that it could be a golem similar to the one we saw in Puddelby, perhaps a guardian. As Jotork passes it and starts his way up the next switchback, a booming voice rings out. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO TURN BACK WITHOUT PENALTY. We acknowledge his warning and state our commitment to the journey and pass without incident. We have now entered the clouds and without the sun, the wind seems to cut into me. It is a cold damp wind and with the thick fog it would be easy for someone to take the whole party out with one well-placed attack. My thoughts seem to be chaotic and jumping form idea to idea. I try again to sing but no tune comes to mind. Again my thoughts drift to attack, how I could better defend the party, if I only had the knowledge. If I were to join the Rangers they would teach me their ways and there secrets. But NO I could not fit in. I would end up hating them, the structure of having to do what others want, being placed in situations where I have a duty to do things against my better judgment. Freedom. Where would my freedom be? Freedom to do what my heart says. But what of the Foxes do I not give up my freedom by being with them? Do they not control my fate more so than myself? But no, we share the same goals the same drive. We have grown together to become family, friends, our lives are intertwined. I bleed when they are injured. I fly with joy when they sing and rejoice. Whatever doubts are creeping in the back of my sole I banish thee. March! Step; step; step; keep moving; but to where? Where does the trail lead me, where does the future lead us? Who will lead us? Is it right to put the burden of leadership again on Stephen? He caries the burdens of the Taoiseach, why should he also bear the responsibilities as the company leader? Why did I not stand up and offer to lead? What held me back? Do I doubt my abilities? Do I fear the responsibility for others? How can I protect the others when I cannot even protect myself? How can I lead the company when I do net even know were my next step will land. The stakes are so high. What if we fail? What if I fail? How could this have fallen onto our shoulders? The fate of the world in our hands, how cliché, how arrogant. Our hands, our trembling bloody hands. How can we even consider our next step when each can spell disaster for all we know? Step; step; step; keep moving; one step at a time. Have faith the ground will be there to support me. Step; Step; Have faith that if I trip my companions will be there to catch me. Have faith the journey will take me to where I need to be. HAVE FAITH THAT IS THE KEY. Our decisions bear upon us all. We can lead. We can achieve our goals. The leader of the company does not stand-alone but is supported by us all. It is not his call on our direction but he is a guiding light to keep us from drifting apart. The decisions are ours. The victories are ours. Our survival and protection does not fall on any one of us but is ours to. Step; step. Something up ahead, a dream, a vision, a bird, a woman, a serpent, no it must be all. Do I attack? Do I defend? Do I cower? My mind is a haze. I cannot trust what I see. An angel with plumage as beautiful as I have ever seen. Have I died? I hear questions is this the after life? "This is a place of light. Will you walk in the light?" Light? There is something about light? NO it is about WIND. The WIND SHRINE that is where I am going. My mind clears as we stand before the creature, air entering my lungs clearing my thoughts. Yes I will walk in the light. It then rises above the path and flies off with a gust of wind and is gone. I have to wonder if it ever existed. But my mind is clearing, we must move on. Step, Step. Who would build such a trail? It rises at a slope that all but the strongest of us have to crawl our way up. Now that we are moving a gain the wind beats on us trying is best to rid us off this mount. It is so strong I cannot take a breath. The blowing snow and clouds obscure any since of location and again my mind wanders. I am tempted by thoughts of a warm fire, cuddled up with an affectionate lover. A lover I have only imagined in my dreams. My thoughts dart from scene to scene a voice seems to try and guide them. The love of your life, the woman you wait for does not exist on this mountain. If you want her she is waiting for you down in the warm valley below. Her arms desire your embrace but if you do not return now she will be gone. Gone in the arms of another and you will be alone the rest of your life. You must return to her now! Turn around, your happiness lies behind you. I look behind me but I see nothing, my companions are barley visible though they are just a few feet away. As I look down the mountain I see nothing but cold gray. But wait there seems to be some green in the distance a valley of green grass and a cottage, someone waving.... NO IT CAN'T BE it is a dream, a trick. A trick of the pilgrimage. It temps me. I must keep moving. I new voice enters my mind, it is Thomas Thorpe, he is calling; "This is not an deception you must return to the stronghold. We are under attack from the Blackcloaks. Unless you return now we will fall. They will control the Fire Elements and destroy Ardania. Your family home will be burnt to the ground and your mother and father will die in the hands of the Blackcloaks. They will destroy SeaGate; the last of the Elves; all of history will be lost and defiled; nothing will be able to stop them. You must return NOW. Your pilgrimage is unimportant TURN BACK NOW!" I am shocked. I stop. Soon I feel pushing from behind, but I do not move. I call out but I utter nothing. I again listen but all I hear is the howling wind. Again a push form behind, I take a step forward and then let whomever it is pass. I try and call out with my mind to Thomas but there is nothing. I listen a gain to his words in my mind. Do they make sense? I try and suppress my instinct to blindly run off and fight the menace, but wait how could he call me? Why me? Again the world will fall unless I act. He knows not of my parents. I call out again to him in my mind, nothing, I am alone. I am drifting in to nothingness, my thoughts are interrupted by a hand on my shoulder; it is Raven with a touch of encouragement. I put my hand on hers and try and look into her eyes but they are cast down lost into herself. Her hand is cold but I feel the life in it. I draw straight form my love for her. Step. Step. I am stopped. I run into someone. It is Jotork and before him is a 12 foot winged figure. It is white and is holding a sword. With its wings out stretched it blocks the wind, allowing us relief. It truly is an Angel. "You may rest here as long as you answer my questions." Just the sound of her voice is peaceful and refreshing. Fortunately she has what seem like an endless stream of questions, giving us a much needed reprieve from the torturous assent. I can feel my strength returning and my mind sharpening as I concentrate on the moral dilemmas presented to us. After the last question has come and gone we bid our farewells and turn to leave. As soon as we start along the trail again a wall of wind and ice assault us. But this is different it is no longer snow but a crystal snow that now blows. It covers the steps leaving absolutely no traction. Jaden fall and is barely saved by Lea. Our travel now is so slow we are literally just inching our way up. We notice that this snow is not just covering the steps but us as well. If it is left untouched it forms a hard rock shell on us. We must constantly hit the crystal off us or we risk the chance of being incased in stone. Up ahead the path enters the mountain face. I look forward to the shelter, but no, the wind in here is even stronger than outside. This passage is like a 40' x 20' wind tunnel but with a large chasm down the center. The crack extends both up and down. Looking down there is only wind and darkness but looking up is light coming from an unknown source. As Jaden is looking up he slips and starts to slide down into the black hole. Again Lea is there to catch him at the last minute. As Jaden regains his orientation we notice what we first thought were stalagmites actually contain beings. They range form Elves and Dwarfs to humans, all incased in crystal rock. Lea says this is the Crystal Wind and we must not stop here for pausing for only moments is sure death. As we try and start moving again we find that unbeknownst to us we have almost already been encased in crystal. As I watch the rest of the party start to move off I just sit there and watch. I never knew how nice it could feel to be out of the wind. As the crystal coats me it blocks the wind and keeps my warmth with in. It is like a sauna and I just can't bear to leave it to reenter the harsh bite of the cavern. As I drift off to sleep in my warn cocoon a crashing blow awakens me. It is Raven breaking away the casing that has entombed me and I again feel the cold wind against my face. As reality slaps me awake I am dragged to my feet to join the rest of the party heading toward the light at the far end of the corridor. As we exit the cavern into a bright light a final blast of wind tries to push us back but as we take a few more steps forward the wind subsides and the crystals that cover us seem to evaporate. Up ahead we see a familiar figure waving to us. It is Sister Fara, "I am so glad you made it."
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