So this journal finds me on Bliss just finishing up a Ranger training workshop. I have learned more in the last 10 days than I have since I left Alusia. Besides basic training and the honing of skills some questions that always haunted my mind were brought up again.

We were taught that spell casting has both a personal and a technical aspect. It was explained that the way each person calls upon or tap into the powers of nature is different and can be a very personal experience but the actual spells have a very specific formula that need to be followed if the spell is to succeed.

This idea ties into something Raven said the other day regarding Stephenís changes. As he has grown in proficiency in his musical skills he has developed a glow to his eyes and a drastic reduction for the need to eat drink and apparently sleep. This concerned me as to his health and possible possession. But Raven showed no great concern and said it just seems that he is deriving his life energy form other sources than ingesting food and water. I thought why not! I am always amazed at the clarity of thought Raven possesses. After all it makes sense that if you can channel natureís power through you then why canít it be used to sustain you as well.

Well getting back to spells. The master that taught spell theory explained that spells can be grouped into what he called circles of power. The first circle is roughly asking for nature to help you in ways that it would usually work any way. The second circle consists of spells that you can use to enhance nature, but the fundamental form of nature essentially remains. The third circle enters the realm I am having difficulty accepting, to actually alter nature to suit your needs. I see the perfection in nature and I question myself what gives me, a 20 year old journeyman, the wisdom to alter or command it. In my mind I remember the revulsion I felt when I first saw Raven take the form of a cougar while she was in my body. If I question my wisdom to use something as simple as poison, I find it difficult to take that next step. It is because of this I seek the clarity of the Wind Shrine.


I find myself changed by my recent training. I did not know how much I actually missed school and the time at the Guild in Seagate. There is an energizing quality to education the feeling of growth and enlightenment. I fine myself more in tune with both my surroundings and myself. I seem to of found myself slipping into a pattern of comfort that dulls the senses and I feel the need to wake with the sun. I have started to condition myself with a predawn run to wake my body and mind so I may be alert to meet the day.


I am glad that we were able to convince Valgerd to join us on our pilgrimage to the Wind Shrine. I hope she will find it as inspiring as I did. Just to re-experience it with someone who has not seen it before somehow lets me relive that newness and wonder. Our first day out is uneventful. I find Valgerd to be a complex woman but one that has loss much with the loss of her friend. We talk of our past and I learn a little of her family. She has been in Bliss for just over a year and comes from one of the islands to the north. As we are talking I suddenly see a bright sparkle in her eyes and a shocked expression on her face. I quickly turn to see the Crystal Chapel. It looks very different than it did when we were here last. The sunlight touching it seems to radiate out in all directions. When we enter the chapel it brilliance almost hurts my eyes and I find it hard to focus on anything in particular. That night we again had dinner with the Abbot who mentioned that the number of visitors had decreased recently. As we retire the single candle on the altar give serenity to the night. I think I will sleep well.

I am up well before dawn and we leave soon after sunrise. Knowing what lies ahead does not help lighten my step but my heart races as we crest the ridge and see that spectacular sight again. Valgerd says in a shocked voice are we going up THAT. I hope that it is not as hard as it looks. We all smile as Jaden says oh thatís just the start of it. I place my hand on her shoulder, ìyouíll be okî, then we head down.

I clear my mind knowing of the trials to come. I focus on the powers that surround me and my worthiness to use them. We start the clime up the great pillars and into the first crystal room. We stop here to rest and take in the view from the platform at its entrance. Valgerd is holding up well as we venture out onto the crystal cliff face. The walk is tiring but not as exhausting as my previous journey. If I remember we had just come from many weeks out at sea and my legs were not in the shape they are now. Hours pass and we finally come to the first oasis on the trail. The plants and waterfall gives us a well needed rest. As I was eating a piece of bread I heard a sound near me. As I explore the immediate area I find a small indentation in the cliff near me and I see a animal. I offer it a piece of bread and at the sight of my hand gives it a small bite. I do not move and allow it to become comfortable with my presents. It eventually takes the bread and then licks the small trickle of blood from my hand in what I sense as almost an apology. I can now see that it is a fox of some sort. It is small, a little smaller that a Swift Fox but with a bushy tail. It is gray with a peppering of black. I recognize it from my studies as a Squirrel Fox but I have never actually seen one. Thinking it would enjoy some of my dried meat over the bread I slowly reach my free hand into my pack to retrieve some for it. It quickly took the morsel and in a flash ran up under my cloak and circled my neck coming to rest on my shoulder with its tail wrapping my neck almost as a muffler. Since our time for rest is short I see if I can persuade my new friend to leave but as I get up, it quickly makes it way under my cloak and settles in with its head peeking out just under my neck. Seeing no harm I leave with my new companion thinking I could return it to the wild when we get back to the valley.

We soon meet the Angel and our first challenge. The towering angel with her shield and sword stand before me but instead of asking us questions she places her shield in front of me and I see my reflection in it. As I look at the image that represents me a wave of despair washes over me. In the reflection I see myself as someone is so pitiful so deplorable he does not deserve to take up valuable life. Realizing the truth and having the self-confidence in myself I start to study the image as a tool that is showing me what I see in myself that I can improve. As I focus on each aspect of my reflection it slowly changed to show my true self and when it showed a reflection equaled reality I was allowed to pass. It seemed to take about 10 minutes to see through my self doubt but as each of my companions approached the mirror only about a minute seemed to pass. I thought, do I question myself that much? Even Jaden seemed to pass much quicker than I. I put those thoughts behind me and look up the trail to what awaits.

Eventually we come to the cave where the crystals form encasing the poor soles that chose to rest in its shelter and ended crystallized here for eternity. I have to wonder what would happen if we were to take one down from the mountain could they be revived, what stories could they tell? As we exit the cavern the light of the peek blinds us and we hear the song; the celestial song, the song of true creation. Fara is there it greet us as she was on our first visit. We rest a bit and we each ask her some questions. I ask about my concerns regarding the song, its relationship to nature and my worthiness to change it by using spells. She said the song contains all elements of both nature and constructions. Thing that are created are all part of the song. If I change something of nature whether by construction, imagination or by spells it is all part of the song. You must trust yourself that you will only do things to benefit the good. Trust that things you change are not destroyed but enhanced by your hand. Go listen to the song and believe in what you hear within yourself. I thank her for her insight and with her permission we decide to stay the night. Valgerd would of preferred to leave but with the though of traveling back down the trail, not knowing of the faster way down, reluctantly agrees to stay. The next day we say our farewells and take the leap of faith back to the valley below.

Once back in the valley my attention is again brought to my fox friend. I spend some time talking to her using both animal friendship and the spell Talk to Animals to explain what she would be giving up and what may lie in store for her if she stays with me. She does not speak but even without the spells I sense she can understand what I am saying. I give her some more meet and a drink of water before we leave. I have to wonder what DeVal will think of her.