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Steven Fox Personal Log 8th of Seedtime 801 As we prepare for our departure I fine the events of the last few day even more disturbing. I cant help overcome a sense of being rushed into our departure not just by our prearranged schedule but also by some other agenda. If it were solely up to me we would not sail tomorrow. Paranoia makes a very bad traveling companion. 9th Our first day at sea. As I try and put the events at SeaGate behind me for now, I have been spending time exploring the Moonwind. It is an amazing vessel and the more I study it the more I am impressed with the quality of the workmanship and man hours that were put into it. I am developing a grate respect for this ship and the people who put their hearts into its construction. I feel their spirits are traveling with us. 11th I find myself questioning many things. I dont know what is normal and what should be cause for concern. I have gotten very little information from the crew regarding what to expect on our voyage. They seem to just do their jobs and have faith in our Captain and I feel we are supposed to do the same. When we spotted another ship today I asked if it was common to see other vessels during our crossing. The captains response was an uncensored sometimes. It makes me uneasy to not have my guard up knowing the perils that surround us. 12th The weather has been cold and dismal. I find the idea of snow at sea odd; I know I should not, but having no place for the snow to collect seems to take away from its beauty. With this weather, sailing blind without stars, sun or even the endless distance of the horizons as a companion has given me a great sense of isolation and loneliness. Perhaps it is my first hint of homesickness. 13th Sighting land gave me a refreshing boost to my spirits. But why were we not told of our stop here at Tholos? It came as a surprise to all for the Wined Foxes. I guess it is just the first of many surprises in store for us. 14th - I find it strange for the people of Tholos to live there daily lives in the shadow of such a great mystery. The temple could tell so much if we could only understand what it is saying. Mysteries of the past that go unsolved today are a loss to us, but a fount of knowledge to those of tomorrow. I hope to return -- tomorrow --. 18th - A call to arms; Last night I was awakened by the sounds of frantic calls by the crew and my companions, the Moonwind was under attack! Human sized sea creatures had boarded the ship. In a blind dash to the deck we engaged the creatures. The battle was relatively quick and decisive. Without the help of Paules summoning us a wind elemental to whisk the Moonwind away from the creatures, I fear we would not have triumphed so easily. I have to wonder why did they attack us? They seem to be intelligent and if that is the case do they see us as a threat? Perhaps an invader to their waters. If we could communicate with then and inform them we just seek passage perhaps an understanding could be reached. To take life this way, in blind rage, just provokes more death. Perhaps I am being why to sentimental. 21sth - Saw the ship with red sales a second time. Are there other people who travel these waters? If they were aggressive would they not stay out of sight until they attack? The captain shows no concern and I have no other reference on what danger they may posse. 22th - The nightmares came last night. Knowing what they are I have no cause concern myself with them. The ghost ship appeared today, even though I know it is an apparition it has a sense of gloom and depression that is inescapable. Thanks for Stephen and his songs, I found it to take the edge off, but the feeling of impending doom finds a way to creep into my thoughts anyway. I hope it is just the enchantments. 25th - The worst has happened, Nathaniel and his brothers form the Church of Ardania were posing as the cook and his assistants. They managed to kill the crew and destroy the Moonwind just as we enter the Water Wall we live only because of Skellius our navigator, for with his last breath called upon a great water elemental Dirao, to escort us to safety. I pray for you Skellius and if I find a way to serve you or your memory; let it be done. Dirao protected us and pushed us west at speeds only a fine ship could match for at least 3 day until we were deposited on this island. It is not more than a sand bar but at least we can rest and recuperate. We seem to have lost most of our belongings and have used up most of our healing potions but we have survived. I feel I was very lucky during our time adrift for I managed to save most of my possessions but my strength was all but exhausted when we arrived. I do not know how much longer we could of survived. My first goal right now is to survive so the information regarding the threat of the new ways of the Church of Ardania can be told and countered by the Guild and to warn Uncle Max and the remainder of his original party. 27th Dirao Cay, I have taken the liberty to christen this Island Dirao Cay. We have found food and thank to Ravens magic, fresh water but the most interesting discovery is a structure buried in the sand on the north side of the island. We have excavated enough of it to find a door. As we sit by our fire tonight we discuss our options and what perils and benefits by lay within. Steven makes a good argument to leave it undisturbed. I will sleep on the decision and let my dreams and feelings guide me in the morning. 28st We entered the structure today. Something feels very wrong about it. Its purpose is unclear and is location on this spit makes no sense. If it were a warning post such as a lighthouse then it would not be as large. If it were a navel port it would have other buildings around it, and why build on a deserted island without a water supply or a way to support the men without depending on magic. The great hall is adorned with fine detailed work with gold and crystal, a throne for a leader and items I would attribute to royalty. The tower destroyed with such force and with out any other apparent damage to the other structure, the suddenness of is destruction with the apparent death of all souls posted here. What pray tell could do such a thing. Was most of the island destroyed as well? I feel that we should leave this place as soon as possible and that we should not disturb the items within. I feel our presents here puts us in danger and the disruption and/or destruction of these items could destroy any hope of knowing its truth. Late this after noon a very large dragon approached the company. It was the size of this entire building. If creatures like this are common in the islands I fear their wrath. A dragon like that could have easily destroyed the tower in one blow. I have never known of a dragon to adorn itself, but this one had what appeared to be jewelry made of human items on its talons. To wear jewelry does that indicate intelligence or could it serve another as a dog might and be adorned by its owner? It flew by and then left to the Northeast. I feel it was getting a good look at us and then flew off to report back, but to what or whom? With this new threat I agree that we need to use what we can to leave this place and if possible with the cover of night, for an unfriendly visit of a creature such as this at sea on a raft would mean certain death to us all. Perhaps it is my exhaustion and the events of the past few days but I find myself apprehensive at taking any risk and seeing the worst of each situation that comes along. Realistically it could just be the fact it has been a very bad week. | ||
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