Continuation of the 11th of Harvest 802

After spending the day with the Halflings I am very pleased to see the safe return of the rest of the Winged Foxes, except for one. I immediately approach Raven and ask if Deval safe? She says that he is and that he has stayed at the location Mr. Biggerstaff directed us to and is awaiting our return. She hands me the company log so I can catch up on their day. Jaden joins me and describes their return as I scribe this entry from his description.

Our first task was to survey this tropical location. It is apparently an Island quite a bit larger than Old Turlough about 40 miles at is largest. It is very hilly, with limestone hills topping out at about 400 feet in height. There are indications that this place experiences severe storms at times but there seems to be plenty of fresh water and food available.

As for signs of inhabitance, there is a site with the remains of some old bamboo structures and a fire pit that I would guess by Jadenís description to be at least 10 years old. But the most obvious structure is a large black stone building similar to the ones we have seen on Tholos and Otter Falls. This one is bigger than the others we have seen standing about 32 feet in height with the sides angled inward. It consists of two stories the second triangular one sitting on the flattened top of the first. It is made of black basalt and has no visible seams. The entrance is triangular and the rear wall has a very detailed pattern of interlocking triangles. The other walls and floor have the same pattern but not as dense. The pattern is designed so that if you were to follow a single line it would trace out all the lines of the pattern in the room. Raven gets an uneasy feeling regarding the structure and DeVal wonít even enter it.

Deciding that it poses no danger to the Halflings we decide to return to convince the Mayor that this will be a suitable home for his people. As we prepare to leave Deval shows signs of wanting to stay since she is enjoying the sun. Raven agrees and we proceed back to the big tree that held the crossroad. As Stephen performs for the guardian a stirring in the bark of the tree is seen and slowly takes on the outline of a human face. The form slowly emerges from the surface of the tree and its skin changes from the color and texture of bark to a smooth dark chocolate color. It is a woman that had elfish features but is not Elvin. Jaden even remarked that she was remarkably beautiful but not to mention that to Lea. She was wearing a small grass skirt and some bracelets but what caught our attention were hundreds of little bells she had wrapped on her legs. As Stephen continued to play she would tap her foot causing the bells to ring out. When Stephen finishes his song he request passage. She turns back toward the tree and as she turned brushed Stephenís cheek with her long fingernails. She then blended back into the tree. Stephen seems a bit dazed and said he thinks we can pass. As we entered the crossroad the sent of rich moist earth surrounded us. We sense that we were held in a caress for a moment as we passed before we emerged onto the dead plains.

We spent a few seconds looking about the statues but none seen to be of specific people, just a representation of different races. Besides on this mound where there is some dried grass there is no signs of life at all just dust. Off in the distance in all direction are rings of standing stones and just over a mile to the north is a large hill with an enormous ring of stones. These stones seem gigantic in size and one particular grouping has a huge cap stone toping them. The feeling here is that life is just being sucked out of you. It is as if these stones are funneling away the very life force of this area. But for some reason it seems to be focusing its energy toward the large stones to the North. Raven also mentioned that she felt a great presence or presences on top of that hill, were she swears she can just barely hear thousands of voices chanting. Refocusing our attention to the task at hand we look for the original low hill we emerged from some 800 feet to the east of the crossroad. It is unremarkable and looks like any of the other numerous hills in the area. We quickly make our way toward it and Jaden casts a reduce spell on the entrance stone so it could be easily moved.

We entered the dark tomb and down to the circular room where the slab with the image of a Phoenix awaited. Raven used the token to activate the portal and with everyone holding hands passed through to the chamber of the Phoenix. The heat was immense but the crossroad is easy to find and as Stephen considered what song to sing to the guardian Raven tried to talk to the Phoenix and gives it her blessing and to ask its permission to pass the Halflings through its home. It gives no sign of understanding or shows any interest at all. As Stephen sings and Raven accompanies him with her drum the surface of the stone seems to ripples slightly and we all passed from the heat to the icy cold of the mountain ridge. From the thinness of the air Élensűl believes it to be about 24,000 ft in elevation. Tying us together with rope we made our way to the next crossroad that is marked with a celtic spiral. Stephen greets the guardian and starts to sing. A translucent blue feminine hand emerges from the rock and grabs Stephen by the arm and in one quick movement pulls him into the crossroad. If not for the rope tying us together it is questionable whether we would have been allowed to pass.

As we emerged onto the small island we notice Stephen was covered in a thin film of ice. He seemed immobile and dazed from the passage. The ice easily breaks away and Raven wraps them together with her cloak to warm him. He soon revives and says the last thing he recalls is a kiss on his lips by the guardian and then there was just cold. To get off the island Raven turns into a Dire Bare and together with Élensűl drags some logs over to make a bridge.

Stephen tries to persuade Mayor Welby to order the start of the journey but he is hesitant to lead his people to a place he has not seen and along a dangerous path he has not followed. But after sleeping on it and with a little help from Carlotta in a dream, he agrees to trust us and orders the packing up of camp.

Scribed by BlackHawk Fox