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The Summoning Chamber We gathered at Dawn in our camp, the night visitor a traveler of dark roads long gone. The Halfing Spirit continues his slumber in the discarded crate that he has claimed for his bed. A long ways into the morning, he arises and is very pleased to see us. But this does not extend to wanting to travel with us as he sets off at a brisk pace toward the Crystal Chapel, making no attempt to travel with us as a group. Seeing his intent devotion to his goal, we allow him to continue unmolested and instead turn our attention to Arbor. Jaden casts the spell that takes us there, depositing us in the fields just outside of town. We take up rooms at the in and decide to make a search of the surrounding ruins in the morning. The ruins are a series of abandoned settlements that once spread far across the valley in this region. BlackHawk had spent some time poking around these hills, and thinks there might be likely ruins, worthy of exploration further up the river valley. We set out for the north. The hills are very green, thick with vegetation with occasional basalt outcrops poking through along the mostly limestone hills. In the afternoon we come upon a hot spring. The water is brackish and very hot, but some lower pools have cooled enough to be tolerable. The group enjoyed the pools while I walk a sentry path around the area. It is during this walk, that I notice our observer, or more likely I am allowed to spot our visitor. By all appearances an Elf, standing among the perimeter of trees on edge of a thicket. I slowly approach, recognizing his face as one I saw on my visit across the mountains. He seems mildly amused at the antics of my companions in the lower pools, or was it just my female companions. We exchange greetings and he thanks us for the help earlier in avoiding Ranger patrols. He asks of our intentions, and I inform him we are exploring the ruins in the valley and does he have any knowledge of likely intact portions. He states that the ruins are the remnants of the last inhabitants of the valley before the arrival of the FireLords. The ruins are the direct result of the vicious assault the Wizards unleashed upon the valley. Only to the north, further up the river is he aware of any intact buildings, a Temple complex, the Temple of Summoning. I wish him a good journey and return to my companions. We agree the Temple likely to far to reach tonight so set up camp near the pools. In a search for firewood, BlackHawk spots a sparkle in the grass. A gold Celtic cloak clasp shaped like a multicolored fish. Raven recognizes it as a stylized salmon. BlackHawk presents it to Raven. Stephen cast a detection spell upon the pin to see if it were magic, and it seemed to have some, although the strong response from the surrounding hills seemed to blot out the weak sense form the pin. As night descends Stephen sets out to play a song around the camp fire. Before long, all manner of fey folk come out of the wood and join the Foxes around the fire. I walk the perimeter keeping a careful eye on all who join us this night. A dire Owl chooses to join us, whether for the music or the concentration of fey-folk we are not sure, but it sits quietly all night. At some point Moondrop makes an appearance. She informs us that Mr. Owl likes to eat fairies. She is also still looking for Terrance the Turtle, who apparently has the ability to fly which must be a strange sight indeed. With the Dawn now past we set out up the river. At a fork, we continue to the right, up a dry side channel. As we continue, the channel widens and the surrounding hills close in, eventually rising to steep cliffs. At a sharp bend in the river, I spot a dark opening 200 ft up the cliff face. I climb up trailing a rope down to my companions. The opening is small, but it is doorway in a cleverly constructed wall that seals off a much larger natural opening in the cliff face. A cover seems to have once been attached to the opening's frame but has since eroded away. From the opening, a clear view is possible both up and down the dry riverbed. The others ascend and we discover a long passageway at the rear of the cave. The passageway seems carved in some places and natural water worn stone in others. Scorch marks are noted along the wall at one point and a mud-plastered façade is discovered later on. Eventually the passageway leads to a large chamber, now deep within the cliff. The chamber is a huge expanse, but is rear seems choked with rubble. The purpose of the room is unclear, and what limited searching we completed just convinced us that there is too much rubble to think about trying to find a passage continuing on from here. We return to the mud plastered portion of the passage. There is some thought that it might be a catacomb and should not be disturbed. But I argue that if that proves to be the case we will reseal the opening and move on. Chipping away the mud proves very easy revealing a 2 foot by 2 foot square opening sealed with small metal bricks. Each brick is marked with a binding rune but no mortar is detected. Too small for a burial, we decide to investigate. The bricks can be easily removed once the small attractive force between them is over come with a little force. A passage sloping up is revealed when Stephen tosses a light-enchanted stone into the opening. I climb up the passage into an ovoid chamber, stepping aside as BlackHawk and Stephen follow me up. The chamber is small with a pentagram dominating its center. It is inscribed with silver lines that faintly glow. A metal shield hangs on the wall opposite us, its face covered in arcane symbols. A cluster of ceramic jars fill the right side of the room and six humanoid skeletons are lined up along the left. Stephen and BlackHawk investigate the skeletons and I check out the jars. The sketetons seem to be arranged as if sleeping. No signs of a violent end were detected. Jaden decides to enter the room to investigate the runes, I step aside to let him enter and examine the jars. They are pretty common clay wine jars, with ceramic covers that have been sealed in place with pitch, and then with a layer of clay. The clay of the seals has worn with time, but the rest of the jars are in great condition. The jars have runes carved into them. We recognize the Binding rune Ormu again... the other rune Stephen vaguely remembers as Diza, a rune tied to perserverance. Upon entering the chamber Jaden gasps. In the passageway he had cast a spell to allow to see invisible objects and upon entering the chamber he is able to make out a silvery ovoid, roughly human-sized, floating in the air about 2 feet above the ground, centered in the Summoning Circle. Whatever this creature it was obviously still bound in the circle. Excited discussions ensued to what should be our next move. The consensus seemed to be to reseal the room and return later after we had learned anything about what may actually be encased in the circle. Stephen approached the circle, careful not to breach it. He bid it farewell but received no response. Preparing to leave myself, I opened my senses to the room. I was hesitant to leave, believing a wind spirit trapped in the circle for 1000 years. Saba's spear thrummed sensing the powerful creature, but still I sensed no evil and Varda's gift showed me the same. I concentrated on the Old Elven tongue and asked "Who do you serve?" As a faint whisper I more sensed than heard, came back "I serve my summoner" The spirit seemed very old and tired, and I could not get a further response form it. The creature's response changed the party's mind and a decision was made to camp outside and make another attempt at contact on the morrow. Before we left Stephen suggested that a delve into the Legends surrounding this chamber might be worth the effort. He made the necessary arrangements and began his song. Almost immediately his voice took on a strange quality. his voice in a higher register, sounding like a young boy."They came to this place from the smoking ruins of the Temple of Summonings. They brought with them their tools and their powers. With magic they hollowed this chamber, and sealed it with lead, with clay, and with magic.""They then raised up a creature of Holy Vengeance, to punish those that had defiled the Inner Shrine. So powerful was their desire for retribution, that the being they called forth was not the one they had named, and was stronger than they anticipated, and none could command it.""In their Wisdom they chose not to free the creature they had called forth without being bound, even though it would have done as they desired and slain the enemy... it wouldn't have been controlled, and would have carried vengeance to those who were enemies of the Summoners but had not committed any sins.""Not being strong enough to bind it, and lacking the True Name by which it could be sent back, those who brought it here were forced to remain -- unwilling to release the being from its containment, and aware that any disturbance of the summoning was likely to free the demigod.""Eventually, they died of thirst... fully aware that a running stream lay a few hundred feat from where they were. The enemy came to this tunnel and collapsed the roof with fire and earth magic... but never did they find this small room behind the spells that protected it.""None there are living -- until now -- who knew the things that happened here. Speak no more ill of the Summoners here, and forget not what they have done."Stephen's head drops, and he lets out a breath. Then his head snaps back up, and he looks around in a startled way, seeing the consumed incense and the surprised looks of the Companions. His voice sounds a little ragged, but normal."What?......", apparently unaware of what just transpired. As we filled him in, Jaden sighs, and scratches his head."Why do so many of my brethren choose to call others to do their bidding without considering the consequences? After my scrying incident, I am afeared to try, but I am sad for the demi-God so trapped here. Maybe I should cast speak with other plane in order to perhaps ascertain the creatures real name in order to release it back to it's home? Or, Elensul, maybe it would be the right time to ask for the Valar's help, and use the necklace? I am open to suggestions."He looks at the group, questioningly. I respond, "It is as I thought, there is no evil here, only sacrifice and forbearance. Here lies the last hope of the inhabitants of this land to repel the Fire Mages. And though they suffered horribly, they refused to unleash their unchecked fury on the world."Turning to the remains, I dropped to one knee. "May you be at peace, your sacrifice was noble and good. May Nienna's grace guide you home."Turning to the others, "Thank you for that, these noble souls deserved the release our witness can bring them. But we should now leave. Unless this creature wishes to reveal its True Name to me or Jaden with your spell, I fear there is little we can do to eventually release it from this plane." With this new knowledge, we decide to move on to seek the Temple of Summoning to see if a clue might be found there that might help us release this creature back to its home. We reseal the chamber, covering up our disturbance. Then descend back to the valley floor. Before nightfall we arrive at the ruins of a rubble dam near the base of a dry waterfall. Arising from the riverbed is a large pillar of rock that used to be part of the cliff face, except a 30 foot wide swath of rock had been removed to separate the pillar from the surrounding rock. A stair was visible 30 feet up the pillar, apparently the depth of the one-time reservoir created behind the dam. We decide to spend the night a small distance away from the tower. With the idea to explore it in the morning. Dutifully submitted Élensûl Lotharien
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