We made our way back to Bliss. On the way we encounter a large number of Raphaelites. At the Western Gate the guards informed us that Roderick was looking for us. We duck in to the Elfsong to see if Lia was present but she was not there. At the stronghold, more guards inform us that Roderick is looking for us.

Roderick meets us and takes us up to our rooms. Informs us that Ardanian Church priests had arrived in town and were met by the Michaeline Abbot. They left to the southeast. Other rumors included a large amount of cash that rogues seemed to have suddenly acquired. An eye tyrant was spotted to the west, it did not attack, just kept heading west. Also some large creature is prowling farms to the northwest.

Later we made our way to the Elfsong, where we encountered Lia. She reported that something was detected during the Michaeline ceremony that caused the Chief priest to pause then gather together the paladins. She decided it was time to create a diversion using a bottled hellcat and bottled blink dogs. The abbot was summoned and eventually things were restored to order and the ceremony continued.

It was at this point that our lives took an unexpected turn.

Everything seemed to slip into a haze from that moment I sipped the cool water from my flagon at the Elfsong. Enjoying the refreshment after the past day's events. I had much to think about and much to prepare, that is the only reason I will allow myself for what happened next.

My mind was far away, across a sea even, when I heard someone mention my name across the tavern. My head sanpped around before I realized that the name was Jotork, that had been called and that only one group would be looking for someone under that name; Blackcloaks.

As certain as a beard on a Dwarf, there stood a blackcloak quizing the barmaid. His back was to me and Aylith was not cooperating with his interogation, but his companions caught the motion of my head and our eyes locked....

"There's the Elf, now!" The cleric spun with evil grin on his face, when suddenly it went pale. It would seem he was not counting on my Fox companians. He bolted for the door, his pirate companions not understanding his sudden flight stood dumbfounded.

I lept to the table and sprang to the next. I heard Stephen sing out, and I had to be careful not to overshoot the next jump as I felt my speed nearly double. With I cry I was through the door before the pirates could even think of stopping me. It would only be moments before I ran this cloaked figure down and settled this.

I reached the street and turned for the dock. There were many people on the street, but not so many that my quarry could easily hide amonst them and keep up his speed. But he had... My initial glimpse of him was from a long distance. Even with that lead I could easily catch him, but he looked over his shoulder and disappeared. Invisibility...it would be tough, but I might be able to cut...what...he was now several hundred yard further in front of me. Some kind of teleport, but that should not be possible. There he goes again. He is making good time, but my speed is incredible. I am heading down hill, up ahead the docks. My quarry pops out one last time and appears along one of the docks. He is screaming and waving his arms. I can not hear his words, but a mass of armored soldiers takes up position along the base of the dock. Around...risky, through...painful, over....done. At a full run I spring off the pavement. The men even made the attempt easier as they hunkered down ready to accept what they thought would be an enormous impact. I caught a few looks of surprise looking down at them, and then was back to the hunt.

A Navigator's ship, just ahead. It was starting to pull away. All I needed was the quarry. I lept for the deck .....and there was an incredible shout.

I was stopped in mid-leap. I fell into the water barely able to move. The ship sailed on.

I made it to shore eventually. Jaden was there confronting the armored figures. Blackhawk was in the water as a variety of creatures thinking of making a pursuit.

In the Elfsong, Blackhawk began his great pursuit. My first reaction is to prevent escape and to assess the situation. Are there more outside? Perhaps throughout the city? If it is a sole bounty hunter observing his retreat could lead us to more of the scourge. I must gain the advantage of height. Knowing the fastest way to the roof I slide under the table and change into a cat. Hunting through the rafters and relaxing in its hidden perches with Deval in the past gave me quick access to the roof.

Once on the highest gable I saw my prey. He was some how half way to the dock already and just as I caught sight of him he vanished. I took to the air as a bat and headed toward the docks. Yelling caught my attention from the pier, still ®ù mile away. It was the Blackcloak and he was already boarding a ship. Next to the ship was lensl floating in the water. I altered my course to dive under the docks to help Elensul as I noticed a dark shape on an intercept course with me. All I could see was a shadowy figure and glowing red eyes. I immediately dove and made a quick left turn and looped up behind it. It was a Raven but one either possessed or something similar to what the bounty hunter tried to release just before the demon took his life. It did not follow as I dove under the docks and turned into a shark hoping to assist lensl, but by now lensl was climbing up onto the dock and the ship was leaving at a brisk pace. I took the time to change again into the fastest thing I could think of to try and follow the ship, but even in the form of a dolphin I could not keep up with it. I tried to call to other dolphins but it was becoming obvious that if we were to follow this hunter it would not be with my help. Dejected and at the end of my strength I turn to head back toward the docks.

I then hear a ship cutting through the water heading in my direction. Has the Blackcloaks ship decided to return? No it is a second ship, with a new possibility to pursue. With my last bit of strength and a great lack of thought I managed to literally throw my exhausted body onto its deck. °¶Blackhawk eventually comes to on the deck of Master Tharni°Øs vessel.

Elensul returned to the dock to find PALADINS! These are what helped the assassin escape. He was walking around town with pirates and now they are are trying to be high and mighty. They looked at me like some kind of criminal, but all I see is guilt and comtempt. It would appear they were escorting an Ardanian Cardinal. I should unleash my fury on them here and now but soon Roderick is here and Janos. And still the paladins pay an arrogent defence. There is much that needs settling here but today is not the day. The Navagators arrive as does Stephen with news of a murder. Our group assembles and Young Master Tharni takes us off on his ship in pursuit. The Baun should be closed before they can pass.

Stephen fills us in on what he discovered after discovering Ezekial Harville, of Ardania, then seeing him turned tail and ran!. Sensing that it would be bad if he made it to the docks, I entreated Elensul to stop him. Even as Elensul darted from his chair, I crumbled a shaving of licorice between my fingers while singing a spellsong. Knowing that Elensul should now be able to deal with Ezekial, I turned my attention back toward the pirates. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lia and Jaden making for an exit; Blackhawk was nowhere to be seen. It seems I was supposed to deal with both pirates by myself.

Fortunately, my opponents seemed rather confused as to what had just transpired. Capitalizing on their distraction, I sung a melody through the room designed to implant a feeling of goodwill and friendship to me. Generally, I dislike such solutions. Imposing my will, forcibly, over another is distasteful. However, by charming them, I would be able to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and would spare the Elfsong from property damage. As well, we would be able to question them later and might learn more of the Blackcloaks's actions and degree of influence in the Isles. Even as I wove the song through the air, I could feel the willingness of the pirate's mind to accept, to have somebody tell him what was going on; a mere lackey, used to following orders. I told him to have a seat and a drink and let me take care of the 'Elf problem' for him. His comrade's confusion was discordant to the mood I was creating so I used the inherent powers of my lute to quell his concerns a few moments later.

Having reduced the threat the pirates posed, I called for the Watch. While I waited, I began to review what was happening, finally allowing my paranoia some rein over my thoughts. When the watch arrived, I sent one to warn Roderick, another to request that Sir Janos seal the Bawn, and the last two were instructed to escort my new 'friends' to the stronghold. I must have carried an authoritative tone well that night, they all departed without further question. Then I, too, departed for the Navigator's offices.

Leaving the Elfsong, I could see no sign of Jaden, Blackhawk or Elensul. Peering down toward the harbor, I could make out the form of a ship moving away from the dock. It was moving far to quickly to be anything other than a Navigator's vessel and I quickened my pace. It appeared that Elensul may have failed to stop Ezekial so I pinned my hopes on notifying the Navigator's. In retrospect, it seems so obvious that the Ardanians couldn't have come into Bliss with the assistance of a Navigator. As well, it would make perfect sense to eliminate the presence of any Navigators within the city if you had arrived on one of their vessels without a Navigator aboard. As I raced down the street, it didn't occur to me that I would find the staff murdered. My heart aches that I was unable to search the whole building in the hopes of helping save one of the victims. However, the blood was already dried on the man I did find. The ship was already leaving. It might be that my friends had already befallen the same fate as Uncle Max. Grief and self-recrimination would have to wait. Perhaps the Celestial Church could provide assistance.

Tracing my steps back up the streets toward the Church, I could hear bells from the Stronghold. It would appear that my messages had achieved some sort of results. The return journey seemed to take twice as long. As I neared the square, I came across a column of Rangers heading down toward the docks. I moved aside so that I would not impede their progress and watched for anyone familiar. Within moments, the last of them were passing me. I called out to one of the officers, seeking to divert some of them to the Navigator's warehouse, but they were intent on following their orders and ignored my calls. I bear them no grudge, they were acting as instructed and I was likely somewhat responsible. After they passed, I continued to the church and sought out Father Lodhri.

He was a bit surprised at my insistence to interrupt him. I quickly explained that murder had been committed at the Navigator's Warehouse and asked that he send assistance. He immediately turned to make preparations to go there himself. My request that he speak with me further must have seemed strange, but I quickly relayed the information that assassins and bounty hunters were on a ship trying to leave the Bawn and I entreated him to get word that the Bawn must be sealed. He pondered a mere moment before he said that perhaps Fara could do so and that he would strive to contact her. Satisfied, I left the church.

The streets were eerily quiet. How long had it been since the appearance of Ezekial at the Elfsong? Ten minutes, perhaps a bit more? There were no obvious signs of combat to be seen or heard. If it hadn't been for the bells, it would have been possible to believe that nothing had occurred. Perhaps it was still too soon for even the buzz of rumor to begin? I took a deep breath, what next? Looking up, I could see the Elfsong. Ah yes, perhaps the pirates were still there? I had departed before they were escorted out. It might be possible to learn where Ezekial was heading by questioning the pirates. Entering the tavern, I received puzzled looks from the remaining patrons. In the corner, I could see our table. The chairs were askew and wine was still dripping to the floor where a jug had been knocked over. The pirates were nowhere to be seen and Alyth still looked slightly shocked. Trying to retain my composure, I quietly asked her if she knew where the pirates were. Almost blankly, she told me the guards had taken them away. The back corner of my mind idly pondered what this whole scene must have looked like to the other patrons. What new stories would start about the Foxes after this? Yet, the rest of my mind was screaming that we don't care what they think! The Blackcloaks strolled into Bliss, murdered everyone at the Navigator's Warehouse, and openly sought out a tattooed elf named Jotork! Now, it looked like some or all of them might be getting away! I tossed Alyth a pouch full of coins knowing that she would tally the bill honestly. I then turned on my heel and left. There was nothing else I could do to hinder the escape, so it was time to find my friends and make sure they were faring well.

By the time I reached the docks, a Navigator's ship was in sight and Sir Janos had just dismissed a squad of Michaelines, possibly paladins. My thoughts flashed back to an overheard conversation as well as the information that Roderick passed on to us; the Ardanian's were met at the dock by the Michaelines. Elensul was soaked as if he had been swimming and I could sense that his strength of will and discipline had served him well this night. He was tensed as if ready to do battle and his gaze followed the Michaelines that were leaving before he turned his attention back to Sir Janos. I began weaving my way through the crowd to get down to the clump of Sir Janos, Roderick, Elensul, Jaden and Raven. I could hear Elensul's voice call out that the Bawn needs to be sealed and Sir Janos replied that he is trying. As I edge closer, I can see a red mark on Jaden's cheek and Sir Janos is expressing disbelief that Ezekial could use any sort of dimensional travel within Bliss. Yet, he undoubtedly outran Elensul, even with the assistance of my spellwork.

I finally managed to clear the crowd just as Master Tharni strolled up the docks. Apparently, Blackhawk had jumped out of the ocean as the ship neared the docks. Alas, he didn't quite clear the railing and took quite a beating. Raven hurried to assist him while I solemnly told Tharni that murder had been committed within the Navigator's Warehouse. Roderick dispatched some Rangers to the warehouse as I explained that I had asked Father Lodhri to send assistance. Tharni confirmed that the ship the Ardanian's arrived on was one of the missing ships he had spoken of earlier. He then invited us to join him as he pursued the vessel.

Having just returned to town, we had been at the Elfsong trying to relax. Almost all of our equipment was in our quarters. Master Tharni was willing to wait while Blackhawk and Elensul retrieved everything we would need. After we were underway, I was able to learn a bit more of what transpired when Elensul sprinted out the door of the Elfsong. It seems Ezekial used magic to travel through the crowd to the docks. Elensul was unable to get very close to him. At the docks, the Michaeline Paladins were providing protection for the Ardanian vessel. Nevertheless, Elensul was able to jump over them and continue down the docks. Even then, the ship was beginning to move away. He leaped again and was knocked from the sky with some arcane word of power. Fortunately, splashing into the water helped bring him back to his senses. Jaden arrived some time later and got into an argument with one of the Paladins. Apparently, he incensed the paladin enough to elicit a gauntleted slap. I bless Jaden's spirit, the blow barely staggered him. From what he said, it was a blow to the ego of the paladin. Sir Janos arrived as a red blur and he had quite a disagreement with the Michaelines. In the end though, they hold no authority in Bliss. Blackhawk did his best to pursue the ship. Even trying to summon the aid of nearby dolphins.

Even in retrospect, I can see little we did wrong. The only other course of action would have been to immediately accost the Ardanians. With the apparent protection of the Michaelines, this would have been difficult to accomplish with any success. The toll of the previous few days was beginning to wear upon us and Master Tharni assured us he would awaken us as we neared teh Ardanians. Though we were tense, rest sounded like a good idea. The better to prepare for the upcoming confrontation.

Finding a spot near the bow, I rested my head upon my pack and let my mind drift away. The call of geese over the reflected sunset of beaver ponds filled my minds eye. The rush of the wind past the ship became the cascading sighs of a breeze through a wooded vale. The Song at the apex of the Wind Shrine is beautiful and pure. To know that it is one of the voices of the Valar is wonderous. They are intriguing beings of Power. But, it is a single voice of a Song that encompasses All. The rustle of leaves, the mesmerizing tinkling of water rushing down a beaver dam and the echo of the honking geese are all parts of the same Song. While I appreciate the majesty of the Valar, and a piece of my heart calls the Elvish heritage that was once tied so closely to the Valar, I begin to find more comfort in the sighing of the breeze, heritage or not.

With a start, I felt the ship adjust. As I returned to awareness, I realized it was just the slightest slowing of speed and a gentle shifting of direction. We weren't there yet, but it was time to begin preparing for the conflict ahead. I could see the others stirring, or already awake, as I stretched. I felt somewhat refreshed. Enough so that I would be prepared with magic, song or steel when we caught up to the ship ahead of us in the night.

Some time later, we slowed as we rapidly approached another vessel. Oddly enough, it was just sitting there. I began to sing and play on the lute. Weaving together two songs, one to bolster everyone's confidence and the other to help Elensul hone his focus even further. It didn't take us much time to realize that the figures upon the other ship were mere figments. Our eyes strained as we tried to make out the other ship we could see in the distance.

Suddenly, a small voice said "uh, oh". Looking up, I saw a monstrosity flying above the ship. Sitting upon the beast's shoulders, between cream-colored bat wings, was Ezekial. Pointing at us, he called out. "Grestevious, these are our enemies. Oh Master of Time and Space, do as you have promised." With that, I had the sudden sensation of falling. Just as my vision began to fade, I could hear a clear voice call out. "This could not be prevented, but a way back has been prepared for you. Look for it at the end." The voice was familiar, though I cannot yet think why.