My visions trouble me of late. It is strange that such a problem should befall me, but true comprehension I am sure lies beyond me on the winds. The fact that I shared this vision while my companions slept provides further proof to my mind that this was more of a sending meant as a warning from those hoping to steer our fate.

I feel that the vision may have been a blessing from Sulimo, who now watches our sky, much as Orome stalks the wood. The Giant Eagle was a messenger, silent but attentive. A herald that the Lord of the Winds was abroad tonight. My words were accepted but not answered. My touch was accepted but not reciprocated. A call to the shifting winds declares my readiness. A shaft of starlight is my reward.

The vision comes as I contemplate the significance of the night’s events. I have a sense of coolness and floating in darkness. I seem to be skimming the water , then ascending through clouds, I am like the eagle tonight, swift with an eye taking in all details. It gets darker as I pierce the clouds and enter a stunning star field of such luminous as I have never experienced. I hear a rustle of wings and sense the presence of the Giant Raven, I am not afraid as the Raven has proven to be a trusted ally. The is a flash of white and suddenly I am over a vast ocean racing through a patchwork of clouds. An land up ahead, a cliff. I skim the crest of the cliff now a tree height above the ground, white mountains rise up in the distance.

I approach a clearing in the trees and see a village of longhouses composed of wood and peat. The inhabitants dressed for cold weather appear to carry jagged spears as the dry meat on racks. My flight enters the largest structure where I witness an argument in process. No one seems to take notice of my presence. Young members of the tribe want to act immediately on a pressing matter, but the chief stresses patience and a calm approach. Heated words are exchanged, and the young fall back in shock. After a private word amongst themselves the young warriors storm out. I feel repelled and leave the structure.

Soon I am again over water. This time I approach a jagged island. All the peaks are snow covered save one. I sail between the peaks and down a long crevice at the base of a cliff. I feel the warmth of the surrounding mountain and soon enter a huge chamber. At its center rests an enormous Red Dragon. Unlike the inhabitants of the longhouse, the Dragon soon noted my presence. It opened it eyes and raised its head and spoke in a menacing voice, “You thought that I couldn’t see you, but I can. No piece of wood or metal will keep you from being killed”.

Again I am out at sea. Islands pass on either side. I see Puddleby followed by the Darshak’s home where many boats are under construction. Soon Freeport looms into view and my path veers. I see a man chained in a cell, where he is I cannot tell before my vision is absorbed by a great white city with numerous towers astride a wide river. Beyond this lies a great city of Orcs and Dwarves in their mountains.

The land here seems fertile and rich, but as I watch pestilence and disease seem to spread across it. I have a sense that I am bleeding , unable to staunch the wounds.

That vision is replaced by the Halflings in Carlotta’s Cove. They sing and dance around fires on the beach.

Suddenly I sense a young woman, exotic with dark hair and skin. She wears odd robes and holds a piece of paper. She is crying, the tears raising faint puffs as they fall to the dusty ground. She looks up, as with the Dragon, she seems to be aware of my intrusion. She whispers something I cannot hear and dismisses me with a wave of her hand. I recoil across the landscape and soon find myself returned to myself upon the roof of the stronghold.

I shared this with the others, only to discover that they shared the experience, although none sensed the others during the experience.\

Later that day Stephen returned from his talk with the charmed pirates. They had little to add, seeming taking all their orders from the Blackcloaks they encountered just outside the Baun. But one thing he did say stuck with me. Stephen asked them what exactly they were planning to do upon encountering me. Is reply was that the Blackcloak was to somehow disable me and then the pirates would grab me. I am intrigued to know what this plan entailed.

With much to think about I set out into the Forest. It is here that I find the giant footprint similar to that as seen in the ancient Forest. Orome’s presence? There are tales of something large prowling the woods. His presence is needed.

My time in the woods does little to sort my thoughts. I return to find Lauciian has alerted Blackhawk and Stephen to a cave in under the Fortress. The way is now sealed so I reascend to the roof to await the sunset. The wind is especially bitter today. I am glad for the Elven boots I recently acquired for the stone radiated as if from an icy core. With the Sun not yet below the horizon there is a tremendous shadow out of the west. I Giant Eagle circles my station and comes to a rest in front of me. Although the wind tore at my hair and cloak, the majestic bird landed with a grace that belied its great size. The Eagle was a snowy white with the orange highlights of the sunset on its feather tips. I bow and offer greeting to this Lord of the Skies, much like I had to its brethren. It replies in Elvish, with a voice I would not think came from a bird,.”Greetings Herald.” I am confused by his greeting, but he assures me that I am to be a herald to my people. Through witness and reporting of the truth and serving as an honest guide I can be a service unto the Elves. He comes to warn of the coming storm as the cold will be great. Of the great Dragon, he knows that it rises, but is bound in its home and needs time to break free, so I should prepare. I asked of the creature that prowled the woods around Bliss, he knows not what the Ancient Power is, but the Huntsman does indeed stalk it. I thanked it for its council and it takes to the air, its cry momentarily silencing the howl of the wind. With a twist of its wing it catches the wind and races from sight.

With the warning in mind, I descend from the roof, forgoing the comfort of the stars tonight. As I move down the halls I imagine that the wind still has a hold me gently tugging albeit without the icy edge