19th Day of Heat

We awake well before dawn for what I consider to be our first true Guild assignment. As I look out the window into the dark of night I can feel the damp cool air. There is a refreshing essence on the breeze from the late blooming spring flowers. Here we are, in the middle of heat and still seeing spring blooms. It is a concern that has haunted me since our departure from Seagate. The winter just doesn?t want to leave. I am brought back from my thoughts by the sound of Jaden arranging the healing potions that Lea made for us at the last minute. I pray we will not need them but we have been warned that there may be many dangerous encounters on this journey.

Our new potions consist of

1 cure serious wounds
3 cure moderate wounds
4 cure light wounds
1 neutralize poison
1 cure paralysis

We meet the rest of the group at about 4:00am and the plan is to leave 1 hour ahead of the main convoy. We leave through the south gate one that we have not seen before. The road is well maintained and is about 20 feet wide but is a bit muddy with the constant light rain. We meet Rosco, a Ranger that will be traveling with us. He is a Halfling with on a small pony size mount. He seems very friendly and capable, he will be invaluable with his knowledge of the route and of its dangers and marvels.

As we travel southeast the countryside is as beautiful as any we have seen here on Bliss. The mountain chain that backs Bliss run down the coast and the rolling foothills are covered in terraced green fields spotted with small hamlets. About a half an hour out of Bliss we see Rosco riding up. He tells us that we should enjoy the countryside as there has not been any reports of hostile creatures or robbers from here to Arbor and that he will check up on us during the day but for now he will head back to make sure the rest get a smooth start.

The time before dawn has been very peaceful with only the neighing of a few mountain goats to break the stillness. Even the sound of the ocean has faded as the road has taken us inland. We stop at dawn to greet the new day as the sun rises over the towering peaks.

As we restart from our short break Rosco rides up. He says all is well and that the plan will be for us to find a suitable spot to camp at about 4:00pm. That should put us a short day?s ride this side of Arbor. Soon we come upon a high over look and from here we can see the bay of Bliss and some of its numerous off shore islands. Rosco also points out a high pass in the mountains to the East. It seems to be the only easy way to breach the mountain chain that forms the backbone of this part of the island. The pass looks to rise at least 12,000 feet and as we later learn is the easiest way to the Easter Druid Circle.

At about noon we ask Rosco to return back to the main party to see if all is in order. Soon after we come to a wide river and a series of stone pilings that carry the road over it. I check along the river for any signs of danger. Just spotting some trout I return to the group. The weather has cleared considerably and the coolness of the morning seems far behind us as the day starts to heat. After we cross the river we stop and top off our water skins. It was during this time I notice at a great distance in the heights of the mountains a flock of large flying creatures. They seem to be no threat but I fear it could be a sign of things to come.

Later in the day we hear a call of a large cat in the distance. Being both concerned and a little board I stop and with the help of Raven return back down the road to try and find the source of the call. I stay on the road while Raven enters the bush. DeVal seems nervous with his tail twitching back and forth. He stays while Raven continues to prowl the underbrush. After some time she returns and we decide it must have been run off by our presents and we return to our group.

A farmer, his wife five children and some family pets pass us moving back up the road. We warn them to the possibility a large cat off the road ahead of them. They thank us as they continue their travels. Raven still being concerned of the possible danger of the cat she decides to turn into a Falcon and travel back to check on the rest of the caravan. She returns about an hour later with nothing unusual to report.

Soon we come upon another bridge. This one is shorter that the last and the stream is smaller but is running faster and seems deeper. I again work my way down to the bank to search for hiding nasties. Just as I was peering into the shadows something jumps out at me and I slipped and fell into the icy water with a big clumsy splash. Out from under the bridge comes the laughter of small child. I recognize it as Moondrop and a big grin washes over my face. I introduce her to the party and she asks if we are all adventurers. She said she was an adventurer, but not just an ordinary adventurer but a great adventurer and she thought we could use her help. When I ask if there was anything of interesting on the road ahead she said that back the other way was a farmer that she had some fun with. When we questioned her she said only that you can have fun with milk.

Since it is getting late Raven and I start to look for a suitable campsite. We have no problem finding something that would work in the woods that border the vineyards. Stephen, Raven and I sweep the area for anything that could pose a danger to the company. We do not fine anything dangerous but we do find an old piece of sculpture. We clear the forest litter from around it and it reviles itself to be the upper third of a limestone stature of a human woman. It appears to be very old and a quick look up the slope does not revile is origin. Raven decides to cast speak with stone to find out if it can tell us anything about its past. Raven said that it came from a small shrine that used to be at the top or the ridge. It was crafted by a short heavy set man with red hair and a beard over 1000 winters ago.

As we were sitting around the camp discussing the statue all of a sudden I notice a sudden silence and a leaf that was blowing in the wind frozen in place. A quick glance at Moondrop shows that she too is stopped in time. Just then a young man in a rust colored robe appears before us. He has a bottle of wine and a glass in his hand; he nonchalantly greets us hoping we have had a nice day and that we should try some of the excellent wines here. He then abruptly changes the subject to say that his brothers tend to be overconfident. Take this spell that holds you now, a long time ago they learned how to cast it and since it works so well they think nothing of it. So I though it would be interesting to see whether you break it. Apparently satisfied that we had no way to free ourselves he bids us farewell and fades from view.

A full minute passes before we can start to feel the paralysis that held us begging to fade and just as we fully recover the wagons arrive. Ignoring the incident we see that the apprentices seem quite happy with themselves seeing some wild dogs and bagging a goat for dinner. We split up evening watches, having at least one of us along with an apprentice on each shift. Throughout the night the only thing out of the ordinary was during the second shift a silhouette of something large passed in front of the moon.

We wake to the music of Stephen. The day looks to become much warmer than yesterday, a find day for traveling. As the party wakes and prepares the wagons Raven and I take a quick trip to the top to the hill to look for additional remains of the shrine. We find 3 flat peaces of marble that looks that it could have been part of a floor. Not much else is left.

As we are riding down the road Moondrop approaches Raven to ask about the forest spirit that was flying around her. Raven said that she was not aware of the visitor but to tell her if she sees it again so she could greet it. Moondrop seemed surprised that a fellow Druid would not have been able to see such a being but she agrees to tell Raven if it returns.

Just before noon we get to see out first sight of Arbor. We arrive early afternoon. I am sure we are all looking forward to spending a few hours to explore the town.