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Company Log, 30th Heat-1st Breeze, 802 We reached the suburbs of Bliss in the late afternoon. The white city looked splendid as we climbed up the road to the lower entrance of the Stronghold. It was much changed since our departure, guarded by a number of heavily armed and armoured men, some with crossbows loaded. I wasn't sure of our reception but then a cry went up among the guards and we were welcomed most warmly. They were eager to tell Dorian that we were expected in Thomas Thorpe's office immediately. I was not surprised to find Sir Janos and Liam waiting for us as well, they nodded as we came in and seemed quite glad to see us. Thomas welcomed us and congratulated us on completing our mission. He was impressed by our conduct, saying he was certain we would make quite a name for ourselves. (I could feel myself blushing at that).He questioned Dorian, and then asked us about the events at Troll Bridge and Fort Vindemar once Dorian had left the party. He was particularly interested in the giant, asking Blackhawk if he knew what kind of giant he was. Blackhawk didn't know, and I suggested that since Elensul had been the closest, maybe he knew. Droll as always, Elensul described the giant's knee cap in great detail. Blackhawk went on to relate that the giant seemed to be waiting for us, in league with the goblins in some way. Thomas thought this union between giants and goblins to be quite unusual, and agreed when Stephen suggested the possibility that some infernal force was involved, since Dorian reported a large number of hobgoblin clerics. We were assured that troops had been deployed along the road and that it was secure for the immediate future. Thomas related Lady Moira's thanks to Stephen for his letter. She and some members of the Navigator's Guild spoke to the Arborian's about their concerns and have come to an understanding. The Guild's presence and protection during the recent battle reemphasized their importance in Arbor. He told us that ships were now traveling in groups because single ships were unsafe. It seems that a red sailed ship was sighted in the veil last month and it attempted to attack a Navigator's Guild ship that was going east. The blackcloaks didn't know that there were other ships nearby, and in the ensuing battle the red sailed ship was sunk. They searched for three days but found no survivors. Some of the bodies that were recovered were damaged by lightning, a remarkable fact since none of the navigators were using lightning spells. I suggested the possibility of infernal involvement, describing our incident with the assassin. Thomas said he'd look into it. He told us that Sister Fara has been sending representatives to the Guild every day and asked that we take pity on Sir Janos and seek her out. Apparently, it is necessary to talk with her people at some length each time they visit, which has created some strain. Thomas then gave us some welcome news about Ardania. The St. Clair's have come out firmly on the side of the monarchy. They aren't necessarily pleased with the current King, but are loyal to the crown, whomever is wearing it. Some of the Harville's have been executed for their involvement in the insurrection and the common folk were not as supportive of the church as they had hoped. Max was killed in plain sight and he was very popular with the masses. The DeGrey's and Foxes have allied and kind of melted into the woodwork. The Foxes have closed their borders. (On a personal note, I wonder if my father is inside or outside?) As a result of all of the turmoil, the clerics have been expelled. They in turn have put the duchies under interdiction. Susanna of the House of Greenmantle wanted to see us in the morning regarding payment. Blackhawk asked if the rat problem had improved. Thomas replied that Roderick thought that something was displacing the rats from the depths of the sewers and that patrols had been stepped up. I asked about the priestess and the noble woman, and told briefly of our encounters with them. Thomas said he had heard nothing, but then motioned to an aide who had been standing in the shadows. He whispered something and the aide took off at a brisk pace. We were dismissed then, but Stephen elected to stay behind for a moment. He told me later what was said, included herewith. Janos reiterated to Dorian that the Taoiseach information is top secret. He said that they are working to keep the news under wraps for as long as possible and have been relatively successful at preserving Stephen's safety in that regard. Stephen asked if others might be able to see them, as Baron Kandarius could, he said he wasn't sure, and to ask Sister Fara, for she would know more about the subject. Then he asked how Thomas felt about the torc and bracers being found, and he answered that the Rangers are still the High King's men. The Taoiseach's presence both validates and throws into chaos the life they have here. We bathed and changed and were quite a merry party, walking down the cobblestoned streets of the white city we now call home. The Elfsong was very busy, but Alyth greeted us warmly and found us an alcove with a curtain. She took our order and I gave her a note for my lady, who had been in earlier, but alas, was no longer there. Stephen asked about Sister Fara and Alyth said she'd send her over when she saw her. We soon had some bread, cheese and wine, and were eating and discussing what to do next when the curtain opened. There was my lady! She squealed and threw herself across the table at me, and I must confess that the rest of the evening's conversation was mostly lost on me, but I will make an effort to relate it as best I can remember. Stephen got up abruptly and went across the square to the church. He asked after Fara, but no one could tell him where she was. He came back, and the food still hadn't arrived. We were starting to complain about the quality of the service (well, I wasn't) when the curtain opened again and a comely woman began to drop our supper onto the table. There was no finesse in the way she served and I looked up to find myself staring into the face of Sister Fara! She said loudly "I'm sorry about the delay sir, let me get the wine," then in a quiet voice, she said she had a room upstairs and asked if we would meet her there in half an hour. She said she was concealing her identity and that she would explain more later. She left us, and in a little while, Alyth escorted us up to Fara's room, apologizing that "good help was so hard to keep." Sir Ian was there waiting, sword drawn, looking even more serious than usual. Fara ushered us into the room and addressed the party. "I hope you will excuse the subterfuge. My fears are being realized. The Angelican church is questioning what I have been doing. I have used church funds to do my research and have spent long periods of time away from my duties. My stance on early church history and the issues of healing and resurrection are well known, and the elders are aware and don't approve. I am glad you're back. I have need of your services. I am sending you out to retrieve a book for me. This is a time sensitive quest. You must be in the right place at the right time to be successful. I need you at the docks before sunrise on the 3rd of Breeze. The church is watching me. They think I travel too much so I will surprise them and stay home for a while. I won't be joining you, but Sir Ian will." We were surprised to hear we only had two days to prepare for yet another journey, but I guess that's the life of an adventurer. Stephen relayed Commander Tiberius' request for more clerics at Fort Vindemar and Fara said she would see what she could do. He also asked her about the Friar and the symbol he wore. She said it's a symbol for reincarnation, and she seemed concerned by the tale of how the friar approached him and spoke to him. I made a huge mistake then. I had a thought about Kandarius and how he could see the torc and bracers. I am concerned for Stephen's safety in this regard, so perhaps I will be forgiven my lapse in judgment. I asked Sister Fara if it was likely that we would run into others that could see the torc and bracers. She stood abruptly and stalked out, shutting the door hard. The rest of the party just shook their heads. Will I ever learn to think before I speak? We went separate ways then. I stayed with Lia at the Elfsong, feeling only a little guilty at making such use of Sister Fara's room. Raven went looking for Dai, and Stephen waited with her, playing his harp and attracting quite a crowd. (news of his musical skill has made it's way up and down the coast as a result of our recent journey.) Dai, slightly inebriated and with a girl under his arm, must have been quite surprised to find so many people waiting for him. Raven told him she wished to go to the Grove. He was in no mood to parley with her, but when she refused to be dissuaded, he agreed to meet her in the morning. Blackhawk went looking for Moondrop, who was apparently off on faerie business and couldn't be located. I believe he spent the night in Rosewater. His life as a ranger seems to be making him less and less happy inside of buildings. Elensul decided to sleep on the roof, but lost his way and ended up six stories down in a well guarded basement. The guards, once they got over the shock of an armed and tattooed elf, directed him to the Wyvern gate level, where he tried once more to find the roof, and was successful. We met for breakfast the next morning and then saw Susanna, who told us that Dorian was very complimentary and said that we had earned every copper of the nine thousand gold we were awarded. We are now preparing for our mysterious journey just two days hence. Respectfully submitted by Maxfield Jaden Fox
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