1st Heat

With the metaphysical aspects of our pilgrimage to the wind shrine behind us, the Company of the Winged Foxes settled into more mundane matters. We made several purchases on our way back into town, with Stephen picking up a journal, Raven some new buckskin outfits and beads, and myself, some more dignifying tunic and robes. Upon our return to our rooms, Roderick informed us we should visit Moira in the morning concerning contracts for the Winged Foxes. Quite exhausted from our recent travels, we all seemed to turn in early.

In the morning we gathered an made our way over to the administration offices. Moira greeted us and we chatted about the Wind Shrine, our impressions and hers. Our conversation soon focused on our belief that Maximilian Fox was dead. She inquired how we could be sure of this, and forced us to try to explain our relationship with Carlotta’s ghost. I watched one of her eyebrows slowly rise as we discussed visitations and dreams, but in the end I think she did believe us and expressed her sorrow that Carlotta’s spirit still remained in this world and had not moved on. We also passed along the fear that the other Black Gryphons may be in danger, but she did not know what could be done because the remaining members rarely come to Bliss and seem not to maintain regular communication. She tells us it is seven days sailing to Gryphon’s Keep in the west and some members have taken up residence elsewhere. Their tower in Bliss is unoccupied. Blackhawk asked to look at their charter to see if there might be useful information, but Moira said that it is forbidden to others than the Gryphons.

Attention eventually shifted to the matter at hand and she pulls out three parchment scrolls. She informs us that the guild has made arrangements for the Winged Foxes to be hired for three contracts. She unties the ribbon, enclosing the first one and unrolls the parchment. She begins to read the contractual language, but let me surmise it here to say that Sister Fara and the Celestial Church have contracted with the guild for unspecified salvage work. The Winged Foxes were specifically chosen by Sister Fara to fulfill this contract. We are to receive no payment for the task, although the Guild will receive payment and reimbursement for expenses. We state that we understand why we are not to receive payment due to previous indebtedness to Sister Fara, but Moira goes on to explain that there is a potential reward available to us. Moira goes on to explain that Liam is very excited by this contract and thinks it will improve the Guild greatly. The note on this contract informs us that Fara will call on us this season, and we may be at her disposal for up to two years.

With deft wrist twists, the parchment is rerolled and quickly tied. She pulls out the second scroll and again unties it. This parchment seems much shorter, and upon hearing its charge, it is understandable. We have been contracted to escort a Navigator’s Guild ship to their headquarters’ island and back. This short task begins tomorrow morning and will return us in three days. The Wave Song will be loaded and ready to sail at 8 in the morning. We are to protect the Navigators and will receive a bonus for successful completion of this task.

Upon unrolling the third scroll, we see that it does not appear to contain a completed contract as there are many parts crossed out and may notes written in the margins. Moira tells us that this contract is still under negotiation. It calls for us to be caravan guards for a resupply train that will depart for the southeastern part of the island. On this job we will be paid a set fee, but the amount has not yet been set.

We business now behind us, we have the remainder of the day to prepare for our departure tomorrow. Raven expresses an interest in checking in with the Guild druids Dye and Tamial. She asks me if I would like to accompany her as Tamial is an Elf. Stephen and Blackhawk ask if they might accompany us and Raven allows them to join us. We come across Dye, a human with blonde hair, wispy beard, tanned skin, and what Raven refers to as weathered good looks. Raven introduces us, and he states that he has been expecting her. Raven asks to learn more about the local groves and if Tamial is available also. Dye responds that he would be glad to talk and unfortunately Tamial is off visiting one of the island’s groves and will not return for a fortnight. He asks if we would like to talk more at McCall’s Taverns and we set off and claim a table in the back.

Dye is from Slippery Rock in Allusia near Seagate. It has been five years since he has been there. To Raven’s question he says that there are not many Guild druids as most avoid civilization activities, but the few that have joined are quite powerful. He goes to say that there are lots of druids in the Isles. He says there are currently two Druid Circles on the island. One is to the southwest over the mountains. He is a member of this circle, as is Tamial and it is where she is off to currently. The other circle is east over the mountains, but have not received word from this circle in a while.

Due to the nature of our questions, Dye goes on to give us some history on the druids’ role in the Wizard War. During the war, the wizards went to great effort to desecrate as many druid sites of power as possible. The Druids were divided during the conflict with some fighting for the dark and others the light. Many Circles were fractured by this split, but often the druids found them selves fighting evil and for their own survival as outsiders often lumped them in with the wizards. During the war the wizards blighted the forests and destroyed many sites. One such is above the stronghold, a small shrine on a narrow ledge on the towering cliff face. Giant eagles currently guard the shrine to keep it from further harm. Others can be found in the forests on the island, but unfortunately there are not enough high-power druids to raise the desecrated sites back into the light. A very interesting fact he mentions is that the falling out among the Alliance members was due to the treatment of the druids.

Other items of note include the fact that thee is no longer a Master Circle, as there is no Arch Druid to complete this task. Raven asked if the Druids are interested in the lifeforce energies that are so powerful around Puddleby, but Dye states that druids avoid that area due to the forces of Law and Chaos that due battle there. Blackhawk inquires about the Uli flower and if he knew of any of its uses or powers, but Dye states that beyond it being a mythological flower that he has never seen, he knew nothing of its powers.

Stephen asks permission to visit the circle as he is a bard who “seeks knowledge and credibility among people of the Isles”. It seems a strange request, but likely refers to aspect of his bardic upbringing. Dye said that he would introduce him to the Circle and they will hear his request but goes on to warn that the Bardic Test is strenuous and attempted by younger bards. But Stephen assures him that he is ready and willing.

I inquire as to whether any Fianna currently guard the circles on the island. He says there are a few Fianna, but the occupation fell out of favor with the Noble families, so their ranks have diminished.

Raven inquired how Druids currently get along with the Celestial Church. Dye states that Fara and the Raphaelites are open-minded and powerful, so here on Bliss, the Michaelines, who believe druids dilute the reality of spirituality and do a disservice to mankind, are kept in check. The Elves participate less in Druid affairs since the Withdrawal. There is just less interaction do to so many dieing during the wars.

Our attention soon came around to the Ard Righ. It was rumored that he trafficked with demons who eventually brought about his downfall. He betrayed the Fianna and sundered the Kingdom by forcing armies to sacrifice themselves. The Ard Righ always fanned the flames of petty jealousy among his subjects to keep his power, but as kingdoms began to question his judgment and pull back their support, they soon turned on each other to settle these festering debt scores.

With a light meal and several pitchers later we were really starting to starting to get comfortable with Dye and our questions were starting to get further and further off his expertise and he was having to pause longer and longer before remembering significant points in an attempt to come to an answer. All this was brought to a delightful end when Blackhawk delightfully shocked all of us by suddenly changing the topic from the Ard Righ to whether Dye has seen any gazelles. Dye look of surprised shock broke the somber mood that had settled over the group and the intense questioning. After a moment Dye said that he had never seen a gazelle in the Isles, Why? Blackhawk stated that he saw a gazelle carcass in a tree near the chapel. But he was corrected that it was an antelope, and they are present on the island. Blackhawk went on to express his concern that it may have been a wildshaped druid, as it seemed an unusual animal. But Dye went on to reassure him that a druid would reassume its normal appearance if dieing while in wildshape.

With that break we thanked Dye for his time, answers, and company. We paid for the drinks and food and bid our goodbyes. Raven said she is anxious to visit the grove, but it will not be possible before the solstice due to previous commitments.

With that we broke up to carry out small errands. Stephen mentioned Rosewater Park, and Blackhawk wanted to locate the Gryphon’s tower. I headed back to the rooms to set the days events in our log. Of Jaden there is no sign. Last we heard he was going to see if Lia might meet him at the Elfsong Tavern.

2nd Heat

We have our packs and weapons stashed near the door. Stephen has just returned from greeting the sunrise in Rosewater. Raven is busy trying to quiet DeVal’s hollering for breakfast. I sit at the table sipping tea and writing these last notes before our departure. Blackhawk paces the room. Jaden has not returned last night. We must soon depart for the docks, but have no clue as to where Jaden may be. Soon Roderick politely knocks on our open door, and inquires as to welfare of young Jaden. We state that we have not seen him since yesterday morning. Roderick looks distressed, he says he came across a very inebriated Jaden after he received word of a guild member making a drunken spectacle of himself in front of the Elfsong. He helped him back to the Guild. The whole time Jaden kept apologizing profusely to him. Jaden said “He did not know that I felt that way about Max, and that he would have been more gentle with the news to me had he known, and that I did not look at all like ‘His Lady’ “. I had got him to the front of the guild, but he started to protest that he knew the way. Roderick confessed that he way glad of this as young Jaden is a very big boy for him to dragging back to the Guild by himself and Jaden’ alcohol stewed breath was starting to make him light-headed. So he had left him by the gates with Jaden’s promise that he would soon find his way inside. He now feels terrible that Jaden, in fact did not find his way, but we should not worry too much as there was not too much trouble he could have gotten into in his condition. We thank Roderick for his help in looking after Jaden and bringing us news of him, and not to feel bad over his temporary disappearance.

Well, the time is now at hand for us to depart. We will leave a note for him, but likely we will not see him now for three days. He obviously felt the need to let loose from all the pressure he has been under. His relationship, the pilgrimage, Max’s letter, and then Stephen’s vision all must have been pressing him dearly. His cryptic conversation with Roderick seems to indicate something else went wrong in his currently fragile life. Hopefully the upcoming three days will give him some time to put things in order before the Solstice.

Here I will end the tale as we gather our gear and set out on the first official task of the Winged Foxes.

Dutifully submitted,
Élensûl Lotharien