Winged Fox company Log, 20th Blossom, 801

After Tenebrion left and we could move again, the evening was uneventful. Nothing bothered us. We awoke eager to leave. We encountered the same huge grey cat, in the same position we found him the night before. He and Raven greeted each other and had a conversation in which he told her that 1.) The hunting was good today and 2.) That he had seen no humans besides us, even though Tenebrion would have had to walk by him if he did indeed walk in. I believe he teleported in some way... As we left, we passed down a road flanked by black panthers, three on one side and four on the other. As Raven walked by them, they nodded their heads in unison, almost as if they were acknowledging her in some way. The kayaks were being guarded by two more panthers and a mountain lion. Raven bowed to all of the cats and thanked them. I wonder more and more what happened to her on the Isle of the Gods...For future reference, I will call this island The Isle of the Cats... We boarded our kayaks once again and were at the Big Island before mid-day. It was decided that we couldn't make it to any of the other acceptable islands before nightfall, so we decided to stay there. A structure was clearly visible on a hill, a tall, slender tower. We sent Jeck to look at it for us and he came back with confusing information. He said the structure was not a tower, "tall, but not tower", he went on that there were no people, lots of animals "some very big, some just big", and he described another place, "strange, with apple trees", that sounded like a garden. Respectfully submitted by Maxfield Jaden Fox