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Heat 19 - Heat 20 Arbor is a wonderful little community. Jaden, Raven and I wandered around it for a little while. Trying to learn from the people. In all, a very healthy community. Reasonably wealthy to by the look of things. I was curious if there was any Druidic influence in the area. Raven was able to point out some signs of older beliefs. Certain herbs in the gardens and such. For the most part though, the people seem to be Angelicans. Given that there is a Michaeline monastary just down the road, I suppose this isn't a big surprise. I wonder exactly how badly harassed the Druids were during the Wizard Wars. Dai gave us a fairly frank perspective. Moondrop's testimony about the Faerie Crossroads has helped confirm the stories somewhat. I used to think that the Druids and Rangers must have very close ties. Now, I wonder seriously. By all accounts, they Rangers were responsible for some of these things. Raven surprised my be calling the destruction of the Crossroads and Evil act. As for myself, I continue to try maintaining perspective. None of us was around 1000 years ago during the wars. We don't really know what transpired. At the time, these events must have seemed to be wise courses of action. Ignorance and doubt cannot be allowed to foster fear and hate. One thing that somewhat disturbs me are the complaints about the current trade status. While the locals have reasonable concerns, they certainly do not understand the facts. The general consensus is that the Navigator's Guild is trying to manipulate trade for their benefit. As a result, there is a small seed of dissent being directed at Bliss. I have sent off a letter to Moira reflecting my thoughts on these developments. If we allow resentment to grow toward the Navigators, we risk the very fear that doomed the Fire Mages. Perhaps this is the very reason that they were so frank with us. The concerns about loss of profits from within the Alliance is also well founded. Is it just coincidence that there are Orcish uprisings in the West? I am inclined to think not. It seems that the world itself is seeing the stirrings of conflict. Are the Blackcloaks responsible? That is a good question. I don't think they are entirely responsible, just deeply involved. In any case, the three of us wandered around town and then headed back to the Ranger's Ride. It seems that Elensul had been sparring with Lauciian. Apparently, his uncle practices some form of an Elvish martial art. Elensul seemed excited by this. I think we all have come to know him well enough to see the slight changes that indicate this. Raven and I washed up before heading down to dinner. Dorian is an interesting person. He watches everyone around him carefully. Certainly a trait I can appreciate! I listened as Rosco explained the importance of Arbor to the apprentices. This valley seems bountiful indeed. It is also very important to the welfare of Bliss. I hope the Darkness does not grow to encompass this fair land. Fortunately, there has been a great deal of effort to safeguard it. A wall 40 miles long that we saw after we left this morning. I sampled a little of all the fare. A great feast indeed. Uncharacteristically, Blackhawk became fairly inebriated. Initially, I tried to pass it off as amusing. I must confess that I was disturbed at his excess in the midst of a job and hoped it would not prove detrimental later on. After dinner, we wandered around some of the common rooms. I was dearly hoping to find someone playing dance music, but the rooms seemed to be too crowded. The music here is good! I was tempted to play myself, but sometimes it is nice to just be entertained. Carlotta seemed to approve of the music. She manifested and began playing with one of the groups. Perhaps manifested is too strong a word. But, we could clearly hear the whistle music and there was nobody playing that we could see. It is more than passing strange to travel with a ghost. However, I am quite happy that she finds something enjoyable in this existence of hers. Would that we could help her more! Is her harp in Griffon tower? If so, how do we gain access without offending the Companions and breaking Guild laws? Everyone else seemed to be growing tired and wanted to bed down for the night. Raven was kind enough to ask me to play harp for her before bed! I have begun to wonder why I did not take up the harp sooner. It's tones are richly soothing. Still, it is a gift to see that Raven enjoys it so much. What better payment could a poor musician ask for than real appreciation from an audience? In the morning, we were up early and ready to move out. Fortunately, Blackhawk seemed to sleep off most of the affects of the alcohol. The day was uneventful up until the Vinyard Gate. From here, we could see where the wall stretch around the valley. We chatted with the guards a bit until Dorian and the apprentices caught up. In the past, the stretch just beyond the gate was a prime spot for ambush. They still operate with that assumption. I suppose some people might think it sounds silly since this hasn't happened in so long, but I appreciate the vigilance of the Rangers. We readied ourselves as best we could and then headed out. The gates opened and out we rode, with Rosco. Almost immediately, the whole ambiance changed. This area was not tamed and domesticated. Arbor would be a nice place to vacation. In fact, I plan to do so sometime in the future. But, it's feeling is more like a light, jaunty jig. Carefree and happy. Outside the gate, the song changes. The form becoming appasionato. There is a depth of feeling here. Something untamed where the form turns brusco. And though I am very comfortable interacting with people, I would also be happy to wander here and listen to the song as it is sung through trees and the brush, by the streams and the rocks and by the creatures living here. We had not been on the road too long when Blackhawk dismounted and drew out his bow. Suspecting something, I immediately dismounted and hustled Caradec off the road. I then moved back onto the road to see what was occuring, my crossbow ready. Just then a winged creature flew past and gashed Jaden badly. Seeing that these were Hippogriff's, I decided some magic might deal with them better. Fortunately, we were able to address the situation fairly quickly. Raven tried to communicate with the last, injured, Hippogriff. Alas, she was not able to establish a rapport with the creature and we were forced to dispatch it. It is unfortunate that they chose to take residence so near the road. It is also hard that their death does not serve any other benefit. Their flesh is not for consumption and their hide does not serve for warmth. The oddest thing about the battle was the sudden appearance of Raven's Wing protecting Raven. A hippogriff dove upon her and was deflected by the shield. Was it Carlotta manifesting again? After the encounter, I tried to speak with Blackhawk regarding his inebriation from the night before. He bristled at me. He seems to feel that everyone else puts us up on a pedestal and that we should avoid doing such to each other. He also feels that my standards are high, but that I should not judge him by them. I honestly have no idea what he is talking about. The standards of a musician high? Perhaps I have changed more than I realize since leaving Seagate. He also feels it is unfair to expect him to be the one to see things before the rest of us. Perhaps this is unfair judgement upon him. We have come to rely on his keen eyesight, but perhaps that is laziness on my part. I shall do some research and see what I can come up with for future applications. In any case, my mood has soured a bit. Perhaps I was wrong to not join in with the other musicians last night. I haven't dedicated a lot of effort to a performance since Beltane. I have been caught up in the study of the Song of Creation and have not been showing off my newfound talents. Certainly, on the road back, I will have to get some attention in Arbor. But maybe I will be able to entertain before then as well.
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