22nd Heat

It seems we have come upon a group of Tinkers, as that is what Roscoe tells us they prefer to be called, although it is surely not the name the use for themselves. They are camped in the high ground above the bowl, away from any rising water from the fast approaching storm. We deem it necessary to ask if we could join them.

Initial plans were laid to sneak toward the camp, but Roscoe warned us that the Tinkers might take offence. They are a mysterious people, have the command of Spirit Magic, and can often see things that others cannot. My eyes shift to Stephen, the expression on his face shows me that he has concern for the Torc and Bracers as well. Roscoe instructs us to go make arrangement for the rest of the caravan and rides back to join them. With a last warning he says we need to be on our best behavior with these people.

With Roscoe gone, we are able to open discuss the risk Stephen takes if the Tinkers can see the T & B, but from all account the Tinkers are wild and spirited, but not inherently dangerous. Stephen, ever the group spokesman rides to meet the Tinkers, I walk behind him ready to foil any pursuit if Stephen needs to flee. We approach the fire and Stephen greets a man readying a fire. Stavros is his name and this troupe is his family, apparently two teenage boys, a young woman and a younger girl, two small children, and his wife. We are welcome to share the campsite, even when warned how many will be coming. Stephen signals the others to approach and we all set to tasks to prepare the camp. Raven set off to hunt, while the others dealt with the horses and tried to get some information out of Stavros. I wander off at this point and decide to help the boys collect firewood. I have a little fun, trying to win their trust, by breaking branches with well placed chops and kicks. I think all I did was create more work for myself, as they then spent less time collecting and more time spying on me from behind trees.

With my last armful of wood, I reenter the camp as the wagons slog into the campsite. Apprentices appear behind each one, a think layer of mud coating each. Thoroughly exhausted, they look grateful that their further services will not be needed this evening. The Foxes and the drivers get the wagons arranged in the camp and see that the horses are looked after. Jaden seems to have gotten Stavros to look at his horses hooves and found a bad shoe that the tinker immediately sets to working on. Raven about this time emerges from the wood with a brace of pheasant and what appears to be a weasel or rodent.

Luca, Stavros’ wife is preparing a large pot of stew. She takes the offered animals from Raven and with a deep penetrating stare thanks her. These were not the only stares around the campfire, Blackhawk, Jaden, and Stephen were all unabashedly staring at Stavros’ daughter, Dourena.

Raven returns to the group and informs us that the Tinkers are endowed with Naming Magic, very powerful and ancient form of magic. She must have sensed this power within Luca. Dorian is there and informs us that this area is called Grantham’s Bowl. Grantham was a ranger who retired to become a druid. He lived well past 100 years old, all the while isolated in the majestic valley.

With the meal mostly consumed, Stephen begins to play his pipes. He is joined by the Tinkers, in particular Stavros, who is a master of the fiddle. And here is where trouble begins. With a wry smile on her face, Dourena begins a very provocative dance around the fire, her eyes always fixed on the various men in the crowd. I had my eye toward the apprentices, suspecting the worst and thus was totally caught off guard when Blackhawk stood up, walked into the circle and attempted to dance with her. Dorian was quick on his toes though, and quickly led Blackhawk away from the fire. Word like, should know better and what were you thinking, were heard muttered from Dorian, and Blackhawk with a sheepish grin on his face. I quickly checked my other companions, Jaden and Stephen, although staring seemed to be making conscious efforts not to, and then I noticed Raven staring with, could it be a look of disguised jealousy. No time to dwell on that as I fully realize the effect this young woman is having on my friends, the apprentices are likely going to need a watchful eye over them this evening.

Blackhawk eventually returns with a wet head of hair and more fully composed. The music breaks up around 10:30. At this time Luca and her preteen daughter Gretta, help a very old woman from the back of a wagon. She is led right up to me and introduced as Bobba Veeda. What follows next is my remembrance of her exact words. Fellow Foxes may feel the need to remit their own interpretations as the woman’s voice while talking with me seemed to strike at my soul, when she moved on to the others I found it difficult to hear every word. Of course I was also a little dazed by her message and likely affected my perception of the following events.

So the woman was introduced, obviously powerful in the Naming Magic, she says:

‘Welcome Elflord, it has been long since we had one such as you among us. The eagle turns before the wind, does the wind turn before the eagle? A thousand, thousand roads lead to sacrifice. All will bring ruin but one.’

She moved on to Stephen, ‘A mighty yoke around your neck young ox, strong enough to break kingdoms.’

Shuffling on to Jaden, ‘you juggle castles, one day you may have to choose.’

Up to Raven next, ‘the Bear and the Serpent wrestle while the cat watches. Soon you must choose as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.’

And lastly to Blackhawk, ‘Find something that is lost or it will be lost forever.’

With that the Tinker family gathered their things and moved off to their wagons. In the confusion of the gathering breaking up, I spot Hafez attempting to stay in the shadows, probably trying to see which wagon Dourena enters. I approach behind him, and lay a heavy hand to his shoulder. “Best if you stayed with the group.” Hand still on shoulder, I led him around and pushed him off toward where the other apprentices were starting to bunk down for the night.

The first watch fell to Blackhawk and I. Most of the watch went by with me dwelling on what the old woman seemed to see for my destiny. It was not pleasant, in fact all of ours were heavy with portent. I began to wonder if any were in fact sleeping, or like me going over the fateful words in their heads. At some point, Blackhawk came up to me. He started off by asking me if I remember Dorian describing what Grantham looked like. Dorian had not given a description, so Blackhawk can only say that he thinks he might have seen Grantham’s spirit. Neither of us seemed surprised, not sure if that speaks well of us or bodes ill. We go back to pacing. At first I thought maybe I was seeing the spirit Blackhawk saw earlier, but the expectant thrill quickly died when I saw Hafez, again attempting to sneak to the wagons. My night vision being sharper than his I actually had to wait for him to approach me much closer before the folly of his ways became apparent. He had come to with 20 feet of me before he realized I was standing between him and his goal of the wagons. Without missing a stride, he pivoted on one foot, and returned the way he came. I started to follow, and that sent him quicker on his way. I turned my watch over, and retreated to my bedroll and was not disturbed until morning.

23rd Heat

We break camp, Raven chats with Luca, while Blackhawk appears to be buying a knife from Stavros. Dorian warns us that the road ahead may be in bad shape, so we each but a shovel from Stavros. Finally the horses are ready, it is time to move out. Stephen thanks Stavros for his hospitality and music. ‘It is good Torcwearer’ is Stavros’ farewell.

The road is either solid rock and in good shape, or is comprised of mud. As bad as the road is, there is nothing that seems so bad that the wagons can not pass through. The road slowly rises. We are still on the cliff face and great stone spires, actually sections of the cliff face broken off from the mainland, rise up the sea on our right. Eventually the road approaches a great chasm. Instead of trying to span this gap, the road leads over to a nearby spire across a well made stone bridge, likely of Dwarven or Giant construction. Four more bridges hop between towering spires and eventually place us back on the cliff face, now on the other side of the rift. We take a break at a bend in the trail. Ahead we can see a tremendous spire, again joined by a bridge. A stone keep rests upon the crown of this geologic structure, our resting point tonight, Fallingrock Keep. The road curves away from us as a large bay spreads between us and the tower. It will still take us a few hours to reach the safety of the keep, but we have seen little today that might threaten us, if that hold for just a little while longer, it will be recorded as an uneventful day.

Dutifully recorded Élensûl Lotharien

23rd Heat