Company Log 23rd of Heat, 802

We were making our way up a narrow stretch of path on the way to Falling Rock Keep when Blackhawk's sharp eyes caught sight of a movement in the clouds. He was still for a moment, trying to discern whether the flying thing was a bird close by, or something much bigger, farther away. It turned out to be the latter. He informed the party that the beast appeared to be a red dragon, and it was headed right for us. As we all made our preparations for combat, I prayed for courage. Surprisingly, I was no more frightened by it than I was the harpies. Time heals all wounds, or at least some strong scar tissue forms, I guess. As the dragon drew closer, Stephen got off a great shot with his crossbow. He appeared surprised to draw first blood. I took Naiilo around the edge of a rocky outcropping and there we took cover. I drank the potion of protection from fire since I am really not as hearty as my companions. Raven calmed the horses so they would not plunge off of the cliff in panic. Elensul drank a potion of spider climb and climbed up the wall about 50 feet, trying to draw the beast's attention. Blackhawk waited to shoot until the dragon was in range, but his bolts bounced harmlessly off of the creature's scales. Elensul's spear met the same fate. Raven raised her arms and began to chant and a bolt of lightning sizzled through the sky. The dragon screamed in pain and unleashed a blast of fire. Raven's horse fell to it's knees, scorched badly. Raven was also burned. A blind rage overwhelmed me for a moment and I wished, not for the first time, that I had memorized ice storm that morning. Instead, I sent a volley of magic missiles. Stephen was singing a very inspiring song, but none of the traditional (non-magic) weapons were working. The dragon, quite young, from the looks of it, had decided that things weren't going as it planned, so it grabbed Stephen's horse, Cadarec, and flew off.

Stephen pulled out the wand of magic missiles and once again was able to mumble something like the command word. The beast dropped the horse and I hit it with another volley of magic missiles. Finally, Raven called down a pillar of fire, dispatching it. It crashed into the ocean below with a great steaming. She then healed her horse of her burns. Stephen was devastated at the loss of Cadarec, and we all took a moment to honor his sacrifice. I suggested that we hurry on toward Falling Rock Keep, and we made it there with no further incident. It is a huge piece of rock which has fallen from the mountain, it's toes in the sea. A massive stone bridge spans a gap that dips 800 feet down. It is carved with gargoyles and is quite impressive. As we approached the giant metal doors that sit flush in the cliff face, Stephen yelled up at the (unseen) guards. They asked for the password, and Stephen yelled back, "We just killed a red dragon, let us in!" Although I doubt that was the password, the great clockwork doors opened and a ranger named Jeffrey introduced himself. We went back to meet the caravan, and told Dorian about killing the dragon. Stephen was more upset than I've usually seen him when Dorian's response was lukewarm. Dorian could obviously tell, because he gave a more hearty "Good work" to the party then. After the caravan was safe in the keep, and the animals tucked away for the night, we noticed a narrow stone tower at the top of the peak, surrounded by a most beautiful garden. Jeffrey said the tower belonged to a wizard, who still lives there. This piqued my curiosity, and as the others really wanted to explore the garden, I felt that we should introduce ourselves and ask his leave. We hiked up to the door and were met by a youngish man who had a dust cloth in his hand. (We found out later that his name is Oscar). He said he'd find out if his master had time to see us and hurried upstairs. A movement in the doorway startled the lot of us. It was an enormous dog, a dire wolfhound, a good 30 feet long. It seemed very interested in Raven, and we all tried to keep it from her,but it was very determined. It snuffled her all over, and brave girl, she reached up and petted it's nose. About then, it whipped it's head around and dashed off through the door. Oscar appeared and asked us to follow him into some very fine quarters. There, we met the wizard Kemmrick. He was cordial, saying he might join us later to talk. Raven told him we were interested in local politics, and I told him about the red dragon. He seemed surprised, saying that dragons seldom came this far south. The dog, now a more manageable size, came into the room and snuffled Raven again. Kimmrick looked at it quizzically.

"Cat, I don't see a cat." He said.

Raven told Kemmrick that she had an animal companion that is a cat. Wolfie (the dog) looked unconvinced and suspicious as Raven petted him. I asked Kemmrick if we had his leave to visit his garden and he said we could. We all admired the beauty of the flowers and herbs until sunset. Raven did a ceremony to honor Cadarec. A personal note. I have spent the past ten years thinking about what I would do if I ever met another red dragon. I have been consumed by thoughts of revenge. While I did the beast some damage, I find myself feeling unsatisfied. Killing it did not bring Lark back. Killing each and every red dragon in the world can't do that. What is the point? Ah, well, I do digress. That is best explored in a journal, not a company log.

A few notes: Dorian said the road will be getting better from here, and that the next stop is Tooley, a gnome village. The gnomes of the fortress are very private about their affairs, and no one should be overly inquisitive. He said this with a pointed look at Blackhawk.

Respectfully submitted by Maxfield Jaden Fox