Journal log - Early morning

Early yesterday morning, we awoke and debated our course of action. We ultimately decided to go for Thieves Island as opposed to Ash Island. Lia felt that our chances of encountering somebody were considerably better on Theives Island, but we decided that we would rather take our chances with the people that lived there rather than the undead we might encounter on Ash Island. Just to keep our options open, I sang the new song of power that Wenna had taught me. To my surprise, there was a Crossroad just a few yards up from the beach! I asked everyone if they thought we should try it out and they were all willing. Being somewhat unsure what to do, I had everyone stand around where the "doorway" was and tried to address the guardian. With a wild rush of air, we suddenly found ourselves on top of a large tower. Looking around, we saw a banner that Lia indicated was used by Umbrion. It seemed that the crossroad didn't take us someplace we wanted to be. I was unsure if we could return. Did I need to know the location of the "doorway"? As I pondered, Jotork suggested that if the doorway existed, it was still nearby. So, I addressed the guardian again and we were returned to our kayaks. Very enlightening! I will have to look for more of the Crossroads.

As we prepared to leave, we all agreed to assume new names. After all, we had "new" bodies. Though, we were still unused to the swapped forms.

As we left, we kept seeing very strange creatures. After affects of mental maladies? The affects of the Wand? Some other explanation? It seems we have left Wanderland with more questions than before we arrived. Still, there is something on the island that may help us understand the brothers and their fued. I would like to return later and see what we can learn. Though, I am fairly determined that the next time we meet, it won't be as much a one-sided affair.

During our trip to Thieves Island, there were three noteworthy events that happened. A liquidish form peered up out of the water at us. We were unable to get a good look at the thing. But, it did remind us of a water elemental. Not much we could do about it at the time. But, as I think on it, I am filled with trepidation. The Blackcloaks passed through the Veil. Something that we have been told requires mastery over the various elementals bound in the Veil. Could it be that they have summoned up an Elemental to scout and locate us? I certainly hope not. The second event was a monstrous fish took a nip at the kayak with Bran and MacGyver. Bran rolled though it and righted them. MacGyver was not even awakened by the dunking. He must be suffering a strong enchantment indeed. Still, it concerns me that something saw the kayaks and thought us morsels. On to Puddleby is my foremost thought. Then we can travel in a big ship instead. I must learn to keep my thoughts a bit quieter! Later in the afternoon, we could make out the sails of a large ship in the distance. We guessed that it was heading for Liberty. A town that we want nothing to do with.

We managed to make it to a relatively obscure beach. Melanie had been spotting along the coast for quite some time. We had, in fact, passed at least one village. But, we made landfall without any further mishap. We scouted the immediate area and Melanie found some trails. Bran was investigating an enourmous tree that they identified as a camphor tree. What a behemoth! Bran thought it was a sacred spot and addressed the tree appropriately. We decided to make camp nearby.

At sunset, the entire place erupted with the sounds of birds. In the distance, we could hear a pounding, much like that on Peaceful Island. Orgas! This place is rife with wildlife. I took an early watch so I would be awake during the night. Later, I found out that some monkeys made an appearance high up in the tree. DeVal took an interest too them and ended up scaring them away. In the meantime, Melanie tried to sooth him and received a scratch in return. Also during the first watch, some sort of hawk came diving toward the camp. Melanie shot it down and disposed of it.

Before the second watch, Melanie wisely set up a dweomer to create a perimeter around our camp. This was fortunate. During the watch, an Orga charged the camp and attacked Arnestra. As the spell sent up an audible alarm, James and I jumped up from our repast and sought for the source of the danger. I made for a flanking action and drew my rapier as Arnestra and Lawrence held the Orga off. As I watched the thing fight, I realized the full value of our initial encounter where the Orga proved susceptible to my song. As we cahrged up to it, I took the opportunity to jab it deeply in the back. It turned and savaged me badly before Lawrence eviscerated then thing. Arnestra and I drug it out to the ocean where a large creature quickly surfaced and swallowed it! As we returned to camp, Arnestra and I compared notes on how lucky we were the first time. Lawrence applied more healing salves and I stayed up as I no longer needed the rest, and quite frankly, didn't want to return to the weird dreamscape that Elves call "meditation".

Late in the night, we awakened Bran so that he and I could keep the final watch. Our watch was looking nice and quite when, suddenly, two figures sprouted up in front of me. I muttered a suprised oath as I hadn't meant to be caught so unawares. Bran began trying to wake everyone else while I stalled them.

They began questioning me and alluding to pirates in the area. For my part, I tried to be as evasive as possible. Maybe not the best tactic at the time, but I did not like their demeaner. I was also getting the sneaking suspicion that there were more than just the two of them. Fortunately, the group was awake and, while looking a bit tired, were spread out as if expecting an attack from anywhere. I must confess that it makes me proud to have companions that show such forethought even when being rudely awakened. Unfortunately, the iterlopers had already positioned themselves effectively. With a flick of the finger, the leader signaled the attack. I heard the twang of a crossbow but did not hear anyone cry out. At that, Melanie scurried into the brush. I later learned that the bolt barely missed her. I stepped back and enchanted a rock with magical light. I then challenged the thieves by loudly declaring "You dare to attack pilgrims?" I was hoping to cow them, but wasn't really expecting it to work. More importantly, if any managed to escape, their tale would be confused enough that it would, hopefully, not sound like Ardanian Nobles.

Some of the thieves closed with Lawrence and James while the leader flicked something at me. Arnestra charged into the bushes and speared a thief before he could fire a crossbow. Bran positioned himself and readied his staff beneath his cloak while beseeaching our attackers to leave us in peace. Right around this time, DeVal jumped up and sprinted into the trees. James was exchanging blows and Lawrence feinted and then slit his attackers throat! Melanie shot her bow toward the thief in the brush. Then it began to get real confusing. Arnestra quickly jabbed the thief near her as he tried to complete a spell. Shortly thereafter, Deval came running through and tripped the spellcaster as well. Bran took a dart in the arm and stepped up with his staff. His foe was an ugly looking humanoid, but was not a match for Bran's skills. I made it appear that I had summoned a glowing panther and told the thieves they could still leave and live. Melanie was charged by the crossbow wielder who tried to club her. In response, she dropped her bow and drew her rapier in one swift motion. With a quick jab, the crossbowman dropped. Lawrence threw a dagger into the temple of the foeman assaulting James. The enemy leader moved off into the trees and I tried using my sleeping song, to no avail. James tried to bedazzle him as well. Arnestra fairly skewered her opponent and began moving in my direction. DeVal continued his path in pursuit of the leader and succeeded in knocking his legs out from under him. It appeared to frustrate the thief as he snap rolled back to his feet and threw a dagger at DeVal. Fortunately, DeVal is no easy target. The dagger missed handily. The thief turned to face us as James ran up. With a slash from the left guards position, James dealt him a fair blow. As I called out, "Yield and we shall spare you." Bran arrived and caught the thief a rib cracking blow to the chest. As the thief fell, everyone in the company turned to me with a look of disbelief. I guess we should have discussed capturing prisoners before combat as I did not give anyone any warning with my proclamation.

The thieves had a good quantity of loot. Several potions and some quality weapons. The spell caster turned out to be an Elf disguised as an Orc. I am highly puzzled by this! Why would an Elf choose to masquerade as such a loathsome creature. I am not sure which idea appalls me the most. The possibility that this was a renegade Elf, or that there is the chance that the Elf was some sort of agent trying to infiltrate the band of thieves. Neither thought sits well with me. Unfortunately, all the thieves expired before we could administer any aid. Apparently, we are a puissant group. This is yet another mystery that we must puzzle over. It looks like Bran's wound is poisoned or infected and now we are left with the possibility that these weren't just thieves, but possibly assassins or bounty hunters. That might explain the lack of any typical thieves tools on any of the attackers. We are dividing up the loot and preparing to leave at daybreak. Hopefully, we will be able to treat Bran so that he does not sicken before then.

The log continues a few hours later this day, transcribed by Jaden.