24th of Heat 802



It is a miserable day and it looks to be a long one, with the rain slowing our progress. We hope to arrive at Tooley around 4:00pm. With the heavy rain encounters with predators or bandits seem unlikely but I worry about the condition of the road. I would hate to be traveling the road we were on yesterday in this weather. Around about noon a young woman came jogging up the road. She had long blond hair and was wearing a cuirboulli breastplate, a short skirt of leather strips and leather boots. She darted past the company muttering "Scuse me" as she passed. I saw no need to interfere with her hasty travel. My concerns regarding the road are fortunately unwarranted. Almost as soon as we left Falling Rock Keep the road improved dramatically. The terrain leveled out and we dropped in elevation and the road surface was in remarkable condition. I could only think that the Gnomes influence extends well beyond the walls of there settlement.

Our first sigh of Tooley came around 3:00pm and was not what I expected for a Gnomish settlement. It is nestled in a hillside very similar to Bliss but facing the forest instead of the sea. It shines of metal and I can see smoke plumes from what I assume to be chimneys and forges. As we enter a clearing, before us in the road is a Gnomish Paladin on a Dire Badger. Stephen greets the warder and I can swear I can hear suppressed laughter coming from behind me. He introduces us and explains that we are the advanced guard for an Adventurers Guilds caravan and our orders are to wait here for the rest of our party. He introduces himself as Sir Sedryn and informs us the wagons are entering the gorge as we speak.

As we waited for the wagons to join us lensl asked the paladin if he saw the blonde woman that passed us earlier. He said he did and that she claimed to be some sort of priestess and that she was inquiring as to whether The Summoner had come this way. Sir Sedryn said he informed her he knew of no summoner and let her leave on her way. I have to wonder if she was for some reason looking for one of us but then why would she just dismiss our encounter.

When the wagons arrived Dorian gave us all a final briefing regarding the restrictions that we will encounter while in Tooley. They include access to only certain areas of town and that there are certain contraband that we will not be permitted to leave with. He also informs us that we will be searched when we leave. I question him regarding anything that we may be bringing in that may be a problem. He thinks not but I take him aside and tell him of my Uli flower and ask if this would be cause for concern. He thinks not and I also ask what he knows of such a flower. He says he has head stories and questions the fact that this could just be a rare wildflower. Either way these are not the type of things that they would be concerned with. He reiterates that these are very lawful people and that theft is a very serious offence.

As we regroup Sir Sedryn escorts us pass the boarder and toward town. As we travel the forest is broken with meadows that get increasingly larger and frequent as we get closer to town. Within these clearings we start to see cultivated fields and farmsteads. As we get to the outskirts of town we come to a heavily fortified wall. Beyond it we see 2 and 3 story buildings forming the town with a large massive keep sitting up against the shoulder of the mountain. I find it a little unnerving that as we have been traveling the number of Gnomes traveling with us has been gradually increasing. I never quite see where they come from they just seem to be there. I wonder what skills or magic they use to perform such stealth. By the time we reach the main gate there are at least 3 of 4 Gnomes for each of us. The entrance to the city proper is protected by great walls rising at least 50 feet and the main gate is at least 20 feet. The main gate is flanked by two much smaller gates that are a round 4 feet in hight. The main gate is open and looking in I can see a short tunnel with a second gate at its far end that is closed. The tunnel seems well protected both by Gnomes that we can see and I believe quite a few we can not. Dorian speaks to the guards in a language we have never heard. Soon after the outer gates start to close. As they seal a number of bolts pin it in place. Immediately after the outer gates are sealed the inner ones start to move. They too have an intricate, almost clockwork locking mechanism that releases them from their resting state. As they open we find ourselves facing an idyllic looking immaculate main street. We are escorted to a 2 story building that has a look of a structure that I would find back home in Ardainia. It is almost Victorian in design very different from the medieval architecture prevalent here in the Isles. The wagons and horses are cared for by the innkeepers and we are shown to our rooms. Dorian informs us that tea will be in about 20 minutes and the stores in town will close in about 2 hours. The rooms are comfortable except for there size. They seem to be sized for Halflings with the ceilings just tall enough to stand under and the beds comfortable if two are pushed together.



After a quick tea we start to look around the shops near the inn. There is a large variety of crafts represented including glassworks, jewelers, clockworks, and weapons. All the items are very finely crafted with prices to match. Stephen wishes to look at musical instruments, lensl is interested in a bookstore, Jaden is interested in some jewelry for Lia and I am looking for a spyglass and some specialty arrows. On out way we pass by a china shop that seems to specialize in finely crafted tea sets I see a spyglass in another shop window. I take a look quickly at it but with a price of 200 gold I decide to pass. Our next stop is a large weapon-smith named Fog and Sons. As we enter the first thing we notice hanging behind the counter is an exquisite rapier. It is a bright silvery color with a basket hilt decorated with roses. Runes seem to also adorn the weapon. Stephen looks for any musical notes on the rapier believing it to resemble Sharp, Carlottas blade, but it does not, but even my untrained eye can see the resemblance. When Stephen inquires about the blade the shop keeper, who introduced himself as Dran Fog, informs us that it was made by his brother Neill who resides in the Gnome capital city and that he is considered the best rapier craftsman in the entire world. Dran added that Neill now does custom work exclusively but there are a few items here for sale now. Most of his pieces have roses adorning them and are primarily made of Mytheral. When asked if the city is open to visitors he said that it is but it is hard to find but with skill and effort it can be located. We were also told that for something like a dagger it would cost upwards of 1,000 gold and take 6 to 12 months to produce, mainly due to the backlog. They also sell masterworks arrows and these are quite unique. For in addition to the precision craftsmanship each is painted with detailed scenes on the shafts. Both Stephen and I purchased a quarrel each for 50 gold and Jaden gets some crossbow bolts as well. As we leave Dran gives Stephen a silver business card with impressions of swords and roses on it. I would think this would come in handy if we decide to visit the Gnome capital.

Our next stop is a jewelry store where Jaden finds a very fine chain made if silver and I purchase a tricolor gold ring with roses circling it. I hope it will be a good base for a magical enchantment someday. The book store is supplied quite well but most are in Gnomish so lensl ends up passing on a purchase even though one book on dark elves would have been interesting if it was in a language he understood. But that did not stop Jaden, he bought two on the wizard wars with the hope he will learn the spell comprehend languages in the coming months.

Our last stop is down a street that specializes in woodcrafts. Stephen finds a very nice shop selling wooden instruments. Most of the instruments are very small and a harp catches his eye. It has a swan figure head with its wings sweeping back into the frame. It also has mountain flowers carved throughout the frame. It has a high tone ideal to accompany a female soprano. I can picture the spirit at the Elfsong Tavern as Stephen tries it out. Apparently the quality does not stop at its beauty. I can tell Stephen wont leave without it even though he fears for its loss with his past luck at keeping his possessions safe while traveling. After seeing the traveling case he decides on the purchase. I think we are all looking forward to the music Stephen will be able to share with it.



Upon our return to the inn Dorian is there to greet us. He seems to be enjoying himself sipping what appears to be a local ale and chatting with the innkeeper. He says that he was just thinking of leaving to go to the fortress and thought that we would enjoy it. As we travel the streets the city seems to be laid out similar to bliss with the lower area the commercial section with a more residential feel as you gain altitude. As we approach the gates to the fortress a number of guards greet us. I get the feeling that Dorian is well known here. The construction of the fortress reflects the quality of the goods we have seen in town. The stone walls seem to be fitted so tightly that no mortar was needed in its construction. The gate is made if some sort of metal perhaps a steel alloy of some sort. The doors look gigantic with intricate workings that remind Stephen of his book. Two guards, one being Sir Sedryn, stops our entry and asks each of us who we are and what is our business here. We each declare our intentions and then a great clanking sound emanates from the door as is mechanisms begin to activate and the door opens. As the door opens I notice that 8 more guards seem to have appeared from out of nowhere. As soon as we pass the entrance the door again starts it movements and seals behind us. Now before us is an even bigger door that is four times the size of the first. It is also made of metal but this seems much older and has a unique round shape. This door is so massive that it takes it almost a full minute to open. As it is opening we notice that it fits in the frame with interlocking rings each stepped smaller than the door itself. The bottom of the frame then slides away and a grate positions itself to crate a walkway. The wall that the door is set in is over 10 feet thick made of a mixture of stone and metal. As we enter the fortress proper the door again starts is slow process of sealing us in, or the world out. All during our travels in Bliss the one theme that keeps reoccurring is defense. There have been vast fortresses and large armies to defend against what? Are they all leftovers from the wizard or is there a enemy we have not meet yet that is so terrible that these people must live in such fear. The expense to keep these armies active and the structures so tight must be large, I have to wonder.

With the sound of the door closing behind us we have now entered a great hall. It is lined with armor and weapons that all seem to be made of Mytheral. This arming room is lit with fire places and armed guards posted throughout stand at attention. We follow our escorts to the far side of the hall where two additional doors stand. These are the doors to the main courtyard. In the courtyard are two structures one being a 6 story keep with turrets at its corners and a second a large cathedral like hall. Between the buildings is an elaborate 4 story arched door cut into the side of the cliff. It seems to be made with some dark metal none of us have ever seen. There seems to always seem to be Gnomes where ever I look. I would estimate that there is probably 1 to 2 hundred Gnomes stationed just in this courtyard. Our escorts lead us into the tall 6 story building. It has an external staircase with the door on the second or third floor. We are guided through a number of small mazelike rooms and staircases until we arrive in a comfortable looking room with portraits on the walls and a fire place in each wall. At the end of the room is a throne on a razed platform. Seated on the throne is an very old Gnome. Dorian then whispers to stay quiet and follow his lead. Sir Sedrina announces us and Dorian says, Your Excellency I would like to introduce some members of my Guild. We are introduced and then told that this is Kandarius The Elder and would be considered a Baron in human hierarchy. We all bow in respect. He looks extremely old. His beard is at least three times as long as any we have seen and he has a tired look about him. He carries a scepter made of a blue enameled steel and mytheral with a diamond the size of a large egg on its end. He seems surprised to see us and takes time to repeat all our names. After we are all introduced he looks back at Stephen and says Is it time, have you come to call me?

Stephen is taken off guard and after a brief pause he responds, No.

Will it be soon? The Baron asks.

Stephen a little wary answers, That remains to be seen. I do not know how much I will learn.

Now Kandarius seems a little lost with Stephens response and only responds with, Very interesting.

Stephen still taken aback by the conversation states that he did not realize he would be ask that question.

Kandarius pauses a moment then says I do not know if I will be here when the time comes. I have been here a very long time.

Dorian seems stunned and does not know why you would know Kandarius after all you are new to Bliss and are just Journeymen.

Stephen continues and explains to Kandarius that this is awkward for Dorian does not know what of you speak.

He can not see them?

No he can not and we have been requested not to speak of them without first discussing it with the masters of the guild.

Young Dorian I am sorry to speak this way in front of you but I have some very old business to discuss with this gentleman and I am afraid I will have to keep this matter private.

Stephen continues, I will be more than happy to speak of this with you. I believe I could give you quite a tale that I am sure would interest you.

Kandarius responds, I do not think it would be proper to exclude Dorian for it is mainly him that has helped to foster our current goodwill with the humans.

After a brief discussion we decide to inform Dorian of the Torc and Bracers. Stephen then explains that he has been told that these particular items can only be worn by the Taoiseach.

Dorian is aghast how can this be there has not been a Taoiseach in almost 800 years! You are from Ardainia! There is not an Ard Righ!

We respond in unison Not yet!

Dorian face goes white and he asks Kandarius if this is true? Kandarius responds that he does ware the Torc and Bracers I have seen them.

We then ask Dorian not to discuss this outside this room and that he can confirm our story with Rodric or Sir Janos but not to speak of this with any others.

Stephen starts to tell the story of how we acquired the Tork and Bracers when Kandarius says he knows how we acquired the items but to continue for Dorians sake.

After Stephen finishes Kandarius adds that you may think it a coincidence but the Maker intended you to have these things. All this has been set in motion before you or even your ancestors were born. The events that transpired that caused the Tork to be in the place where it was found insured that you would find it when the time came. I am relieved it is not time yet but I can sense the chaos stirring. The change that is sweeping across the world can be felt in the roots of the mountains. I do not think I will live long enough to see your return here to summon me but as I promised long ago I would, and I must attempt to fulfill that promise.

Stephen asks if he spoke with the previous Taoiseach? He said that he did not know Stephens predecessor or the predecessor be for him or the predecessor before him but the predecessor before that I knew. I did not know Gnomes or could live so long he must be a thousand years old!

Jaden asked if he had an heir to take his place but to our shock Kandarius told us that magic is going out of this world and the Gnomes will not be here much longer. So I have no heir for I will need no heir for there will be no Gnomes to hold this place. We are a good people and we will rise up to fight the storm that is coming and that will cost us will cost us. When asked if the fall of his people would be due to the leaving of the magic. He responded by saying they are magical people at heart and that the magic has been dying for 2000 years. The Elves know this that is why they departed. I ask if this loss of magic was just here in the isles or throughout the world and if it was a natural thing. He said that once the magic leaves it leaves everywhere and that there are some that wish to take creation and tear it down. To remove all color, life, spark and beauty from it. I believe that these forces can not be seen yet their results can be seen everywhere. You may be too young to understand but the war is about change and nothing will be as it was. It may be the Gnomes will survive and become a strong people again but it will not be the Gnomes that I know and it will not be the works that we have created that will survive. Of this I am certain. I am a warrior, a very old warrior; I hope to live long enough to fight one more time. I asked about the location of the enemy and all he would say was that there is no location for the enemy for the enemy is all around, deep at the roots of things, killing the trees without a mark on them, killing things down at the roots.

There have always been those that would tear the great machine down. They have never succeeded but their attempts need a response by all good beings and there is always a cost for that. There are very few of my age who would remember such things. Humans are a short lived race and do not remember the past and so they are bound to repeat it over and over again. I have seen the darkness rise now for the third time. It is always the same it is all just masks, mirrors and smoke, the same battles the same it is always the same fighter the same combatants. But in the recent millennia we have not been entirely successful so each time we fight we get a little weaker.

Jaden asks if he knew of the Ardanian church and gives Kandarius a brief history of them and there possible alliance with dark forces but Kandarius only responds is, silly humans, there are always silly humans. Stephen asks if the magic were to be looked at as a well is it that the wellspring is being capped off or is it drying up. The Baron says If the world were a loom then magic creates the designs and patterns that are formed and it is as if someone has taken a sharp implement and has started removing threads from it. The forces that drive the world are immutable and I do not think they have been reduced but think they are no longer part of this world. This is not the way of the maker but of those who wish to tear the works of the Maker down.

Jaden asks if the has any words of wisdom for us. Kandarius tells us that it is our burden to bear. The choosing is in the path laid before you but if the wrong person were to stand at the end and represent the world the world would fall and all of it would be unmade. If you are meant to perform these tasks then it will happen. The maker will cause it to be. If you are not meant to hold this, then the trials you will face will prove that.

Stephen says that the reason he does not think it is the time is that he can not be sure anyone else would follow him. Kandarius says when you summon me we will come. I ask that if you do not think you will live to see this battle then where and when do you see this happening? He responds; that question has an answer but just as Jaden you do not understand the question. The battle will not be here and apparently the time is not now. A high king will need to be chosen for without a high king you can not summon the kingdoms. With out the kingdoms humankind will fall.

Jaden wonders what the signs might be that would convince Stephen it is time. All Kandarius says is that it is for him to say.

I bring up the thought that if the life force or magic is being unraveled on another plain of existence then it would make sense that it is there the battle must be fought. I understand that not all our enemies reside on our plain of existence so when I ask when and where the battle will be, I ask perhaps how we can open our eye to these enemies we may not even be aware of yet.

If he is the Taoiseach and he is the one that summons you will have the answers you seek and your questions will be moot. Kandarius then clarified that the summoner can summon the leaders of each clan. Your power is to call them to gather and for you to nominate the candidates. It is then up to the clan chiefs to choose an Ard Righ or not. The Ard Righ gives you the other powers of your rank. It is only under his direction can you summon the armies of the kingdoms. It is that summons I await.

Elensule askes about Vallen Fox and if Kandarius had ever met him. Yes I did meet him once, Vallen Fox was going to be the king. He had wealth and power and the support of a great many people. He was polished and well suited for the political roles that lay before him. But with Ardens success in the Wizard Wars his popularity soared and I believe that the common people developed a great support for Arden to become the new king. I had the honor of meeting King Arden twice and he may have been the best human I had met, a brilliant general. He had a special empathy with his troupes and had a special kindness but he was not suited for politics. I have been told that in his later years he grew colder, to the point that I may not even had recognized him as the man of his youth.

Jaden asked about the Wizard Wars and what the wizards were like. There where no sides in the Wizard Wars at first. The Wizards that lived here were mean and spiteful and they used their magic to smash down the tiniest hints of rebellion. They had a great deal of power and they used it. There were other spellcasters that worked in harmony with The Machine and did not cause the tiniest ripple in the forest. Both of them died. I do not think the wars were the cause for the diminishment of magic in the world but it did consume a great number of magic users.

Kandarius then says his farewells saying the hour is late but also reminding us that if it was not for Dorian and his work at improving Gnome and Human relations we would not be having this conversation. Our luck at befriending humans in the past has not been good.

We say our goodbyes in hopes that we will meet again.

Dorian deeply bows to Kandarius and seeing Dorian looking very pail Kandarius says to him, be of good cheer Dorian this will not be the end of the human age, not if you are true and the people hold to the lightness in their hearts.

We are quietly escorted back to the boarding house, a somber mood weighing heavily on us all.

Submitted by BlackHawk Fox