25 Heat 802

I awaken at the Gnomish Keep. Their hospitality here is fine and provides well for travelers. There are many rules here, but we shall honor their wishes and abide by them as good guests are obligated to do. The day is gray and rainy again. Sitting in this room, I feel more isolated than I would expect. I sit by the window for awhile, trying to see out to the land, to feel a connection. Today, it is not strong.

I had awoken to some strange and flitting visions that I mostly do not understand. Briefly, I saw the Duke of Carzala, then I dreamt of Mistress Kali pouring over her books. I had a vision of ships on the ocean, and ships at Bliss with rats swarming beneath the docks. I saw the Fianna battling something I could not make out ­ but what, upon their isolated island? I even dreamt of Otter. I had a sense of restlessness among the Druids to the South. Finally, I dreamt of Kimmerick whom we just met, and then of the Elder Gnome as he sits quietly in his chamber.

The visions disturbed me, and I came to the window to try to sort them out ­ to try to remember them more clearly. It seemed as though more detail had been present, but I simply could not see it. I must have been brooding, as Moondrop came to me and asked what was it that was making me sad. Stephen was also wondering why I was so thoughtful. I could not quite describe what it was that was putting me in this mood. The dreams flicked at me just on the periphery of my vision. I tried to explain that it seemed that some of the answers were here in front of us ­ but I felt as though I was just missing something ­ it was eluding me. Like the dreams I had, revealing and true, but elusive and flitting. I shook my head, frustrated, hoping to break the flow of thoughts until another time when the skies were clearer. Perhaps it is time to bring out Deep River. When next I have some private time, I shall partake of the Sacred Smoke and pray for understanding.

In this mood, we set out. For indeed all of us were in a strange frame of mind since last night. I know Élensûl felt confined in his room. He and BlackHawk spent a good deal of their time at their windows. After a deep and serious conversation last night, most of us were left to brood. Stephen and Jaden seemed unsettled. Today, everyone’s moods were a little improved, and the day was promising. We were to go on to Greenhill Keep of the Halflings. Dorian decided to travel with us and have Roscoe with the wagons. No doubt it had to do with conversations that we had had with the Gnomish elder.

We traveled a curving road through low, misty clouds. We wound through gnomish residences that we quaint and well kept. Following the road for a while it finally came to the base of mountains with 400’ to 500’ cliff faces of some very rocky and rugged mountains. Here there was a keep abutting the cliff face. An external staircase make its way up to catwalks and a parapet. At the base were massive metal doors (not as heavy as the Gnome door we saw) about 2 stories high. The door sat in the remnants of a streambed and a road went next to it.

Dorian explained that in the past this road went through the mountain straight to Greenhill, but it has collapsed inside. Long ago, many of the routes to Bliss were taken out ­ and this was one of them. The tunnel had proceeded N-NE, then continued S-SW to Greenhill. It was and alternate route for the gnomes, safer passage. But now it is sealed on both ends.

It seems that Dorian brought us this way just to show us this old passageway. We left and then continued along the rock wall to a huge gate where there were many gnomes. We proceeded through under the portcullis of the gate and left the green countryside behind. We journeyed forth into a rockier, rougher land. Shortly we found ourselves dropping in elevation, about 500’ every mile. At least the ceiling of clouds seemed to lift from us a bit. Finally, we encountered a marker on the roadside. It was a stone obelisk with a shield inset near the top. The shield was split in two, one half depicting a gnomish crossbow and the other a flower. We guessed that this was a border marker between gnomish lands and halfling lands. Dorian choose to return to the wagons with instructions that we were to stop at Greenhill and wait for the caravan. We continued on, noticing that the roads were less well kept than those maintained by the gnomes. The road went on to hug the cliff face, and soon we saw the familiar ocean again to our right.

We were suddenly surprised by an attack from above. A giant spider came racing down the cliff face and attacked Jaden before I could get out a warning. I watched as Jaden struck what should have been a solid blow, but he simply passed through the spider! Élensûl responded, throwing Saba’s Spear, but it also passed right through the spider as if it were not there. I muttered a prayer, and summoned forth a Flame Blade. But then we watched as the spider vanished. Suddenly, it reappeared and attacked BlackHawk, fortunately missing him. Then it vanished before our eyes yet again. Moondrop then informed us that we were under attack from a phase spider.

We waited, holding our attacks, readying ourselves for its next appearance, vaguely noticing that Moondrop has disappeared. The spider phased back, but right behind the horses, then disappeared again. There was a blinding flash, and I was bewildered by it. In that moment, Élensûl threw his Spear, what I thought was into nothingness, but he struck the spider. Finally, the spider phased back to our plane, but this time dead. We gave our thanks to Moondrop who assisted us on that ethereal plane ­ and to Carlotta as well. Élensûl retrieved Saba’s Spear, glad it had returned.