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After a long day of travel from Green Hill we are welcomed here at Trollbridge with an attack of Goblins and the threat of a horrendous storm. And now with the Bore breached and a larger goblin army massing in the hills we have decided to take quick action. Our first duty is for communication so the bore can be closed and to get word to Fort Vindemar so reinforcements can arrive and kill anything that may exit the bore and to make sure the road remains open. Next is to assure that the supplies we are entrusted with do not fall into enemy hands and that they are delivers to the armies of Ft. Vindemar. To accomplish this we first send two of the apprentice rogues north to contact Cymric, the earth wizard at Falling Rock Keep, for it was him that closed the bore once before. Next Raven took the shape of an owl and flew south to contact the garrison at Fort Vindamar. Now that that is attempted we needed to look at our situation. We have no assurance that the rogues will get through and a second team seems to be in order. The weather is deteriorating fast, and with the rain and new moon we will soon be in total darkness. So after some heated discussion we decided that with the threat of the army in the hills growing and the weather turning worse we not wait for dawn but risk traveling while we can. The plan is for Dorian and the guards to escort the apprentices north a short way before returning to guard the fort or the bore. We will head south with the wagons and drivers, hoping to draw fire away from Dorianís group and then proceed to Fort Vindemar as quickly as possible. In preparation the drivers wrap the wagon wheels in cloth and grease the axels. The Guards cover the hooves of the horses in leather and the fire is allowed to slowly die down. The plan is for us to leave first and proceed north as we get ˝ way over the bridge or out of sight Dorianís group is to quietly leave to the north. As we leave the protection to the fortress walls the night air is filled with, I donít know how to describe it. It is not just a malevolent or evil rage I sense, but an imbalance in the very core of the energies that surrounds us, a twisting or deforming of it. All I can say is it is just a wrongness. As we get closer to the hills cries and howls can be here echoing through the forest. As we look up to the spruce covered mountains, dots of light can be seen throughout its range, campfires of the massing forces no doubt. There must be thousands of them. Were could they have come from so quickly. I find it difficult to believe that in the short time the bore has been open that it managed to attract this many creatures. I worry for what lies ahead of us. As we start across the bridge it hits me how dangerous a situation we are putting ourselves in. We can not see across the bridge and we are sure to be followed from behind cutting off our retreat. That added to our exhausted condition, the lack of Raven, and the depleted powers of Jaden and Stephen from the earlier battles; I donít want to think about it. This could be bad, Very Bad. A cry closer than I was expecting startles me and just as I regain my composure a horn calls out followed closely by many more. The cries increase to almost a roar as we here creatures racing down the slopes and scampering in the woods just behind us. Jaden and Élensűl lead the way while Stephen and I cover the rear with the four wagons between us. I call to Moondrop in hopes she can scout the other side of the bridge but she is no where to be found. We are now æ of the way across. I am not sure whether it is from the sound or vibrations but I sense a large number of creatures on the bridge behind us. As I am looking back Stephen puts his hand on my shoulder directing my attention in front of us. Élensűl and Jaden have come to a stop and I can see a figure on the bridge ahead of them. At first I can not tell the size of the humanoid but as Élensűl slowly approaches it, it becomes obvious it is a giant. Stephen quickly starts to make his way to the front of the caravan when a tremor shakes the bridge. The Giant through a bolder at Élensűl and in a flash Élensűl was just barely able to jump out of its path in time, but as it hit pieces of the bridge went flying. The Giant now picked up a large tree and was testing his grip when Stephen arrived to greet him. I could see Stephen trying to talk to it but I also notice a large pile of boulders beside the giant that he could use as projectiles. This is not a random encounter. He is here for a reason and I think that this will only have one outcome and it ainít going to be pretty. So here we are trapped on a bridge with a giant in front of us and hordes of who knows what, coming up from behind. To whomever was in the hills earlier today throwing that fireball at us the situation must look pretty good. So we enter battle. Élensűl tumbles up to the Giant in an attempt to land a punch but just makes a glancing blow. The Giant swings at Élensűl with its free hand and connects firmly. I can hear the sound of the hit all the way back here and it makes my stomach turn. Jaden then casts what looks like an attempt at his last fireball spell behind the Giant but it flies off to one side and hits the rope handrail of the bridge instead. As the fire erupts both the giant and the rope are enveloped in the inferno. The rope immediately snapped with a loud twang. I hope that a few of those creatures behind us had a firm grip on it when it went. I then turned my attention back to our rear and I could just make out the first of the creatures coming up from the rear. They were still about 400 feet behind us but I decided to send out an arrow as a warning. To my surprise I herd a yelp and I saw it jump to one side with an arrow in its leg. As it was regaining is balance it took a miss step and fell off the bridge. My attention is again brought back to the giant as I see Stephen with his wand sending off a shower of magic missiles. The giant is now rather distracted and Élensűl takes the opportunity to land a series of lightening fast blows to its knee. The giant just seems even more enraged now and swings the tree strait down on Élensűlís head. Élensűl barely saw it coming and could not get out of its full path. It looked like it landed squarely on his shoulder sending him to his knees. After seeing Élensűl take that horrific blow Jaden sends off a round of magic missiles, followed by two of my arrows hitting the giant in his upper arm. Stephen then tries the wand a second time but the anticipation ends in silence as nothing happens after he speaks the incantation. By now Élensűl is back on his feet and landing another series of devastating punches. Blood starts to flow from the now open wounds on the giants badly injured leg. But again the Giant gets in a solid blow as he swings the tree into Élensűlís side. Jaden now armed with his crossbow sends an arrow into the giantís side and I follow his lead placing two more in his belly. Stephen again tries the wand and this time it fires and hits the Giant in the face. The Giant staggers and then falls face first into the bridge. Élensűl takes care of his more painful wounds while Jaden and the drivers move the giant to one side so the wagons can pass. Élensűl takes a quick look over the body and finds a sack of possessions which he takes to peruse over later. As we are getting the wagons pass the remains, we discuss the possibility of a necromancer reanimating the giant and so we decided to send it over the side of the bridge into the gorge below. We quickly get the wagons to the far side of the bridge. Stephan and I stay to give us some distance between the advancing hordes and the wagons. We judge the speed at which they are traveling and decide that we can easily out pace them so as the wagons just leave our sight we leave the bridge and return to the group. About 2 hours from the bridge we see a string of lights in the distance. They are moving toward us and seem unnaturally bright. We can make out that they are figures on horseback moving very quickly along the road. We move the wagons to the side of the road and as they approach Stephen yells out a greeting. Fearing that they will not see him in time he cast a light spell. The leader twirls a glowing staff in the air and the troops come to a slow stop. The soldiers are in full plate and the horses barded. They carry the insignia of the Guard. The leader questions Stephen as to whay we are on the road and Stephen explains the situation at Trollbridge and informs him of Dorian and his group. He says that Raven arrived safely and that this is the first company of troops sent to control the situation. He then raises his glowing staff and the string of troops set off at a vary fast gallop. After another hour of hard riding we see lights in the distance. Even through the rain we can tell that the city is very large. It is built up against the mountains and I would guess into it as well. The road approaches the base of the cliff and the gates to the fortress. A large chain of troupes are leaving the fort and we are told to move out of the way and to see Sergeant Jeffers as soon as possible. when the gates clear we enter a passage at least 300 yards long that runs under the castle. It is covered with arrow slits and holes that things can be dropped down from. æ of the way through we meet a guard that says the stables are to the right. Have the drivers take the horses and come with me to meet Sergeant Jeffers. Stephen and Jaden take the two sacks of gold coins and we follow the guard through a maze of corridors. He stops unexpectedly and touches the wall, as he does this a 5 foot by 5 foot section slides away and we enter another labyrinth of rooms. We finally enter a room with a person that introduces himself as Sergeant Jeffers the Commander of Fort Vindemar. I am sorry for the hurried state but we are trying to prepare additional troops. The troops to the north have encountered heavy opposition. Stephen asks if he could give the gold we carry to him so we could return to the battle. He said that we should hold onto if for now and he will decide later after he knows more regarding the situation. One last thing before you leave. Earlier today goblins attacked Spruce Bluff. But their attack was not typical for goblins. They did not swarm the settlement but stayed on the outskirts and took livestock and destroyed fields until the local troops chased then in to the mountains. Get some sleep now and I will let you know where we stand in the morning. We are then escorted to the barracks for the night. Submitted by a very tired BlackHawk Fox.
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