We began our day awakening early, and being taken to the Stronghold’s Dome for our initiation task as Journeyman. Jaden described this event well in his log. I was glad to know that our experiences have earned the trust of the masters here, and that they felt that we were worthy and ready for this task. We are to be officially elevated at the Solstice.

We returned to our dormitories in the apprentices’ towers. We have rooms there for now, which are actually quite comfortable. There are four rooms off of a common room, and we have windows overlooking the courtyards and town below.

After our task, some of us separated to accomplish some personal errands. I was able to speak briefly with Roderick, to inquire about other Druids here that I may be able to meet. He spoke of a human named Dai from Alusia, and Tamael, an Elvish Druidess from somewhere in the Isles. I thought that Jotork might be interested in accompanying me in meeting with her.

Stephen disappeared for sometime, making arrangements, associating with Guild members, or something of that nature, no doubt. It is very difficult for the Bard to remain still for long. He has not left this trait in Ardania, to be sure.

Eventually, we decided to settle the matter of reforming our Company upon Stephen’s return, so that we would all be able to take care of personal matters that may require our funds. We went to the Administrative offices, and filed the required paperwork. BlackHawk was good enough to help with wording the changes we had discussed for our new charter. Jotork was added as a member of the Winged Foxes. Indeed, it is well to have such a noble one as he within our midst. I am honored that he has chosen to be part of our group.

After the formalities, we decided to set out upon a shopping and restocking spree. We decided on new clothing first. A rather complete and slightly ostentatious shop called “Silken Dreams” offered a large selection of clothing. Most of it, however, was finely made and for formal occasions. There was not much available for practicality. Indeed, Jaden made some comment about the men’s shirts and pants that I purchased, but I do not think that he realized that the Ladies section offered nothing but long skirts. Jotork and I were a little dismayed that they did not have anything as soft and durable as buckskin, and we each requested an order of it.

Jaden decked himself out in finery of black and red, of course. Stephen, finally, had the opportunity to buy something for himself that was not a silken toga or borrowed. He went all out with several outfits of various colors. I think he was more pleased than any of us.

I also asked about thread and beads, but the women there ignored me by that time. I think they decided I was too difficult to accommodate.

We then went to a shop called the “Scribe & Parchment”. This was a very nice shop, in that first of all, their prices were very reasonable. They also offered parchment with a unique quality of being highly resistant to water and fire damage. We all purchased some of these sheets, and also a few journals made up of this paper. Jaden went as all out on the ink colors as Stephen had on clothes. Oddly, Jotork’s tattoos all had a green tinge to them, I noticed as we left that place.

We then wandered on to the cobbler that was recommended by the women at the clothing store. This place was called DiCopprolli’s Shoes. Stephen and BlackHawk made some requests. Mr. DiCopprolli did not have everything they were looking for. Stephen found some boots close to what he wanted. BlackHawk found some he liked, but not in black. The rest of us did not get much help. We were hurried out of there; however, by a strange poltergeist that apparently haunts the store. It had a great deal of fun with DeVal, to his dismay, picking him up and flying him about the room. By the time it released him with a questionable landing to the floor, poor DeVal streaked from the shop with his fur on end. At first we thought it might have been “Carlotta” (apparently it was believed she had appeared as a poltergeist child back in Puddleby) but it turned out to be a resident ghost of the shop, from the owner’s expression anyway.

Stephen wished to visit an herbal shop, and I did as well. As we walked along, we came across a sign that read “Jizelle’s Fine Herbs & Potions”. The sign was a bit old and was hanging on a building that was a vacant and rubbled ruin. We walked around the ancient remains of that structure to find an overgrown lot behind it. There we saw a tent set up, and all kinds of herbs and potions on display for sale. We headed towards it, and as we entered, we saw an ancient woman sitting by one of the tables. No doubt she was Jizelle. I had had second thoughts about “purchasing” herbs, as I would not know how they were gathered, and I prefer to do it myself. I had thought that for now, I would buy just what I needed until I could take a trip out of town for that task. But when I saw Jizelle, I suddenly didn’t seem to have that worry about these plants.

Stephen wanted to purchase nearly her whole lot of peppermint. I smiled, trying not to laugh, and asked if he could leave a bit for me. Really, peppermint goes a long way. But I need a few herbs for the tea that BlackHawk liked - the one I brewed to give him and myself ease while in the stronghold. For the tea, I purchased more rosemary (for the scent of the pines in the forest), and peppermint (for taste of the wind in the clear starry night), and cardamom (for the gentle presence of the fresh earth). I also chose some sprigs of mistletoe, just in case.  

The others found some wonderful potions that Jizelle made up as antitoxins, antivenoms and bug repellents.

Then something strange happened. Jizelle called me over to her. The old woman took her gnarly cane and stood up, slowly and with difficulty. She then looked straight at me and said the strangest thing. I am not presumptuous to make claims; I state this only for the matter of record. “You will be great someday”, she said to me, adding ominously, “for you have a great task ahead of you.” But she also pointed her cane at Stephen, and still speaking to me she said, “and take care of him.” She then turned and went behind the flap of cloth covering the doorway to another room in the tent.

We took our things and left. Afterward, DeVal told me that she was a great Druidess. I think I knew that when I first looked at her. I cannot describe it, but somehow I had sensed that when we had entered.

Onward we ventured to the Expedition Outfitters, a place where an adventurer could find everything they could possibly need. It is a large building, with canoes and such hanging from the ceiling, and more things than the eye can see all at once. The people there were not very helpful, and to find what we needed was a quest in itself. But truly, I have never seen a place with so much under one ceiling. Everyone purchased items such as new bedrolls, rope, rations and the like. I purchased two very nice woolen blankets with wonderful, warm colors woven into interesting designs (I will put one upon my bed back at my room, the other I will carry with me when we travel.) Jaden found some tins in which to store his tinder-twigs that he also purchased from Jizelle. I was worried that the elemental magic of the Stronghold might set them to burn prematurely. But, I would hope that the protections inscribed about the ancient structure would prevent such mishaps from causing damage. Still, the storage tins should help.

After we completed our shopping in the wares house, we set off for a shop that carried musical instruments. One that had been suggested was Waldo’s Instruments. There, we found a variety of gitars, flutes, and such, but their quality was not the finest. I found two flutes that I was interested in, in the key of D. But their tone was only adequate. Still, they were very inexpensive. But I decided to wait, to go with Stephen to see what the Bards Guild had to offer. Jaden found a nice little gitar, suitable to learn on.

We then accompanied Stephen to the Bards Guild, as he had to pay a fee and register to be able to perform in this city. He made the arrangements, then requested to see what instruments they had to offer, but the gentleman who cares for their instruments was gone, to be out for a fortnight. It was suggested that we return then.

At this point, some of us returned to the Stronghold. Jaden had discovered a note from Lia that had been delivered while he was out. I chose to head back to the place called Waldo’s to purchase the two whistles that I had looked at, as it may be awhile before I had a chance to find some that were of a superior quality. Besides, it has been sometime since I have played one of these, that it would not matter much what I practiced on.

This “shopping” experience was a new and mostly pleasant experience, having adequate coin to spend. I also requested a trunk in which to store some of these things (as did some of the others), for I will not have immediate need for most of these articles of clothing. I am hoping that we can count upon some semblance of security that we have not yet had the fortune to experience. For I hope that I can keep some of these things for future use, and never have to do that sort of garment shopping again.

The mood has changed considerably for the party. After I returned, I chose to set our days activity to paper. After a short while, there was another note from Lia. Apparently, a message sent to her from Jaden had caused an argument between her and her mother. The message was written hastily on Guild paper, and in it she told Jaden that she decided to depart for the Wind Shrine tonight and that we could meet her somewhere on the road there.

This greatly upset Jaden, for he has heard rumors from the Rangers of flying beasts known as wyverns that frequent the areas outside the city. Immediately, he began imagining all sorts of horrors that could befall his beloved. He nearly set out on his own that moment to catch her. But we convinced him that it was necessary to consult with Father Lodhri as instructed before we undertook this pilgrimage.

We all set out for the church immediately. When we discovered that Father Lodrhi was performing services, we went for sustenance at the Elfsong Tavern. We ate quickly, and returned to the church. There, Father Lodhri instructed us on the way to the Shrine. We were to follow a road that heads out straight west, originating at the Stronghold. It leads through a gate at the edge of the city and then continues on, hugging the mountain, to the chapel that sits at the base of the mountain. There is a path that leads from the chapel up the mountainside to the Shrine. The road to the chapel is marked with occasional posts bearing angels. There are a few settlements on the way.

We asked, but Father Lodhri told us that he had no requests or duties for us to accomplish on the way, but to help rid the path of dangerous and unwanted creatures should we encounter any.

We returned to our dormitories with this information, intent upon setting out at dawn. Jaden was beside himself with worry for Lia. Not knowing her status was disconcerting. I know that she may be upset with circumstances at home, but I must question why she did not come here and seek us out. We could have all set out together, and she could still avoid her mother if that is her desire. She should know better than to depart unexpectedly, knowing Jaden’s reaction, and the risk therefore to the rest of us. Perhaps she is angry with Jaden as well, and this clouds her clear thoughts.

In an attempt to answer some of these questions, and to put Jaden at ease, I offered to go and seek her this very evening. I instructed Jaden to write a message for her. I hastily gathered some of my things into my old pack, including some of the rations and whatnot that I had purchased today. I instructed Stephen and Jotork, that if I did not return by shortly before dawn when we had planned on departing, to take my pack with them and that I would meet them, hopefully, on the road.

I instructed DeVal of my intentions and asked if he would accompany the others.

I intend to take on the aspect of Owl so that I may search the night for a sign of Lia. I must finish here, for I must now pray, and ask for Owl’s guidance for this task. Grant me Clear Sight and Wisdom, Great Spirit.

Submitted by Raven Kenda Fox
Evening of the 26th of Meadow
