What an exciting day! So much so that I am transcribing this journal entry uncommonly early in the evening. Sister Fara agreed to help us if we would undertake 3 tasks of her choosing upon reaching Bliss. We quickly assented as we were eager to regain our true bodies and it seemed unlikely that any task she set for us would be objectionable on moral grounds. Even so, it seemed that our conversion was to be no mean task. Before we left her chambers, she asked Lawrence if he remembered how to get to the "Meadow". Lawrence paled but answered in the affirmative. On the way back to our rooms, we queried Lawrence as to why he looked so worried.

We were relieved to discover that the Meadow was not inherently a dangerous place. In fact, people frequently went there for quiet moments. It seems that no animal will enter it. Obviously, in a place like this, that is a strong testament as to why anyone would find it a pleasant place to stay. Of course, this still didn't explain the look on Lawrence's face. So, he proceeded to explain that getting to the Meadow is very difficult and dangerous. This didn't make us feel good.

It was merely a few hours later when Fara was knocking at our doors. It was somewhat disturbing to be awakend like that. I am so accustomed to being up for the final watch that I was a bit disoriented. On the other hand, Fara looked perfect. We quickly dressed and met her in the common room. The proprieter already had a breakfast prepared for us and his wife had packed us lunch. It is certainly a nice change from eating on the move as we have done all too frequently as of late.

After breakfast, we prepared to leave. Lawrence, as always, our guide. He began explaining that we would once again be using the odd "pathways" on the island. As we passed through new parts of town, we saw a strangely shaped abode. It was built like a shoe. We also passed the arena. Finally, in the East District, Lawrence stopped us in front of a low wall. Our adventure was about to begin. all we had to do was follow Lawrence in jumping the wall and disappearing elsewhere. We lined up with Lawrence in the lead, followed by Fara, Melanie, Bran, James, myself and Arnestra. As a ran toward the wall it occured to me that James had jumped over the wall and landed on the other side instead of disappearing. I was gone before I could say anything and Arnestra appeared a moment later. Lawrence left to bring James along. It appeared that we were at the corner of two large walls. I am sure Lawrence had a good idea where we were, but he hadn't volunteered the information. Presently, James and Lawrence arrived and we continued the journey.

All told, this journey to the Meadow was more difficult than the journey from Rocadile Beach to the Bardic Guild. Clearly being housed in the wrong body was still affecting James and Bran. Their timing was just off and there were a few times where this worked out poorly. In the next passageway, Bran was just a bit off track and we all had to wait for Lawrence to return for us. We seemed to come out of a palisade. In the distance, we could see a ramshackle hut. Lawrence cautioned us to never approach the hut. It was one a Nox Sonora chapterhouse and is crawling with undead things. We took off across the plains. We were heading Northeast. That suited me just fine as could see Vermine to the South. We passed another opening that seemed to have sounds coming from it in another palisade before we came upon a wall made up of billowing fog.

We paused there for quite some time while Lawrence searched for the proper passageway. Apparently taking the passageway incorrectly would take us someplace wholely undesirable. Lawrence was careful to caution us that if we ended up there, we should not move. It could be lethal. Finally, Lawrence identified the proper location and I cut the turf to mark the spot. Lawrence then commenced with the second round of cautions and admonishments. We were heading for Tanglewood. If we somehow missed one of the several passageways we would be taking there, we would be best off to remain where we were to avoid becoming lost. Apparently, Tanglewood is notorious for making one lost. We were carefully told that even turning around to retrace our steps would not be any assurance of not becoming lost. And, once again, if we entered any of the passageways in Tanglewood incorrectly, we would be taken to the lethal area with man-eating giants. With that in mind, we each stepped through the fog bank and arrived in Tanglewood.

The best way for me to describe the place is weird. I suspect there is some odd emanation of magic at play there. Even the trees refuse to grow straight. In the distance, we could hear the sounds of Orgas. It seemed that there is a settlement in the Tanglewood and the Orgas are very territorial. We lined up for the next passage and began to file "through" following Lawrence. It was just bad luck that we arrived without Bran.

Lawrence quickly pointed us to the South and told us not to move. But, if we had to move, we should head in that direction. He would try to return as quickly as possible. With that being said, and our assurances that we would not move, Lawrence was off. I later reconstructed what happened. Lawrence was racing through the forest trying to get through the correct gate that would lead to Bran. In the process, he was picking up a veritable horde of Vermine in pursuit. Finally locating Bran, he ran past and told Bran to run. They did manage to eventually make their way back to us and were somewhat concerned with what they found.

Shortly after Lawrence left, we saw two large Orgas heading in our direction. It takes very little skill to recognize an angry Orga and these two were definitely upset. James and I had already loaded our crossbows in case something like this occured. Unfortunately, before we could even react, the first one had charged up to engage Arnestra. I shot the other and James opted for magical missiles to avoid hitting Arnestra. Fara somehow conjured up something that reminded me of desscriptions of tornadoes. Unfortunately, it seemed to require a great deal of her concentration to control it. The resulting melee was a confused mess. During the battle, an orga tried to dissect me with it's claws. The other would have ripped Fara's throat out if it hadn't been for the gorget she was wearing. In the end, we managed to kill the beasts. Lawrence and Bran somehow managed to slip through the whirling wall of wind and debris just in time to finish off the fight and heal Fara. Once things had quieted down, we noticed at least one polished humanoid skull where Fara's whirlwind had been working.

Lawrence quickly took us through the remaining passageways until we arrived at the Meadow. We immediately noticed the flowers all over it and the butterflies flitting around. The entire place was surrounded by redwoods. They were so neatly spaced that we felt sure they had been planted in that way. But, best of all, there was no sign of Vermine or any other dangerous animal! We were already spreading out in wonder when Fara called us all together and formed us into a rough circle.

She then began some sort of ritual. She was speaking low and softly, so I could not really discern what she was saying. At one point, she pulled out what appeared to be a while silken sash covered with bloodstains. We all assume that it was something that belonged to her friend. As we watched, she released the silk and it began floating upward. She then called out to a mighty being asking for it's presence. It seems disrespectful to name it, but we quickly saw a large winged figure floating down toward us. As it neared us, we could see that it was beautiful and awesome in aspect. Surely to those that follow the paths of Evil, this creature would be a terror! Afterward, Fara told me it was called a Lammasu. Fara explained our plight and the power of the favor she was asking for. The Lammasu looked us over and deemed us worthy of it's efforts. With that, we all passed out cold. It was indeterminable amount of time before we awakened. We sat up and looked around. With joy springing from my heart, I checked my body. I then looked around the circle and could tell by each person's body language that we had been set aright! It was heart wrenching to see that Fara was kneeling on the ground weeping.

Raven and I seemed to be of one mind as we both rose to approach and console Fara. I thanked her for her sacrifice and assured her that we would make it worthwhile. Before I could offer any further assistance, Raven knelt to offer her hand. It was a poignant moment for me. While I deeply wanted to assist Fara in whatever way I could, it was also clear that Raven had the same intentions. I am ill prepared to deal with such obvious grief. It has been 28 years since my mother passed. Though that memory stays with me constantly, Raven has had the loss of her mother and her father. Both much more recently. It seemed more appropriate that she console Fara rather than I who have avoided close friends for so much of my life. None saw the glimmer of a tear in my eye at the silent passing of grief and understanding between those two.

In a moment it passed. Fara stood up straight and proud as ever. With a cast of her eye toward the sky she warned Lia to show us whatever else was in the meadow that would be of interest for we should be off soon. I was still caught up in the reverie of the moment as Lia led us to one of the Redwoods and through a door into a chamber inside. The chamber was larger than the tree could contain and was filled with sparkling lights. Lia was explaining that the place was frequented by a magical merchant while I was quietly vowing to myself that I would eschew my self-induced privacy somewhat and actually open up to my new found friends. After all, life can be so fleeting. Particularly in our chosen lifestyle. While there is a certain irony to the wandering bard that everyone knows of, but nobody truly knows, it is a disservice to my companions to constantly shut myself off from them. Especially after all that we have shared.

As we prepared to leave the Meadow, Raven and Jaden both realized the DeVal and Jeck had not entered. While Lia had told us that animals did not enter, we had not considered that this would include the two of them. It is also strange that neither Raven or Jaden had been concerned by this upon entering the Meadow.

Fortunately, we managed to arrive back in Puddleby without mishap. Lia wanted to stop by some sort of Dwarvish storage vault to pick up a few things. It was an interesting place. If I actually had anything really valuable with me, I would consider storing it here. Upon returning to the Purple Tor, Raven asked for some privacy and the use of the spare room. We also agreed to meet there after we had rested a bit so we could relax and discuss matters frankly. I am feeling rested and I think I will take my pipes down there now to see if Raven is done.