28th Harvest

The winged Foxes have spent many days confined within the walls of Bliss. We are town-bound by order of General Liam until his return. I will not chronicle all of the activities of the various members because we were not active as a group during this time and because my own activities kept me on different paths than those of my companions so there is little that I know how they spend their days.

For myself, I was shocked to see the celebratory nature of the Stronghold’s students during these times of troubles. With the masters gone, the student reveled in the absence of their classes. The sloth and drunkenness was put to an end when I took over the morning drills, putting students through some advanced training. I was very troubled that these young student might all too soon be forced into the ranks. I needed to assess their talents and skills if I was going to have any peace knowing they were to be sent into brutal combat. And I thought I might be able to teach them something that might someday save my life and theirs. This tale is left for others to tell, for my part I hoped to install some discipline, but I am sure others will attest other motives to my actions, particularly those whose lack of attention drew special treatment and scrutiny. To the students relief and perhaps mine (for I took on the job of numerous masters), General Liam, Sir Janos aboard a Navigator’s Ship returned from Gryphon Isle.

We were summoned by General Liam as soon as he set foot on the dock. We were to meet him in his office immediately.

Messenger’s spread out and soon delivered the summons. More than one look of relief was seen when a messenger announced on the practice yard that I was to report immediately. Feeling I had done what I could in limited circumstanced I thanked the students for their hard work the past few weeks and dismissed them to inquire among some of the returning Masters as to when their normal classes might resume.

We Foxes caught sight of each other in the halls outside the General’s office. It seemed a lot of us have been out of touch. Stephen looked a bit pale as if not getting enough sun, Raven looked the opposite as if getting too much sun. Blackhawk seemed determined as if a prisoner about to meet the warden and learn if his sentence had indeed been commuted. And then there was Jaden, he looked a mess, lack of sleep was obvious, something obviously trouble the lad.

Roderick came racing up, still fastening his uniform. Catching a quick look from him, I became self-conscious enough to run my fingers through my hair and loosen the mud clots, as I had been running mock drills using water instead of boiling oil and the mud in the courtyard had been atrocious. The mud I could do something about, but the bruises seemed to keep accumulating during the training sessions, as it seemed I could never clear my mind enough each night to allow me full control over my bodies health. We were quite the mixed lot as we entered General Liam’s office.

We entered the office, finding a spot around the desk. Liam had some quiet words for Roderick as Sir Janos entered the room, shutting the door behind him. His sword as usual rested on his shoulder, but He looked the worse for wear. Wherever these two have been there obviously had been some hard fighting.

Once all assembles, Liam addressed us, “I am sorry my instructions with Roderick were unclear, but it was imperative that I talk with the Foxes.”

Liam went on, “We had received a letter from Maximillian Fox”. The surprised look on all our faces was obvious. Janos removed a large writing box from behind his desk. This arrived in a create with a note.

I will paraphrase here, but the letter remains with the personal records of the Foxes.

If you are reading this something has gone wrong. See that this parcel is delivered to the one of his Companions. Failing that seek out Stephen Fox or one of his companions. If Neither Gryphon nor Fox survives go to Gryphon Isle, the Guardian will allow access.

In the meantime keep this safe - - it is the most important parchment in all the lands right now.

Max Fox”

Liam further clarified, “We used magic to try to locate the Gryphon but failed. We then sought to try to contact the Gryphon’s at their base.”

Janos piped in, “At least one of the Gyphon’s are alive because the Guardian is still very active. We were definitely denied access and it was a close call getting back to the ship alive.” His tattered state now made more sense.

Attention then turned to the box. “We failed to find a Gryphon, Stephen you are named in the letter, would you like to try opening it.” Stephen agreed but thought it best to try out in the courtyard. There was no obvious clasp, but at his slightest touch the box began to transform. The box was decorated with a field of stars that seem to accentuate a gryphon, but at his touch these stars began to swirl. In the maelstrom of stars mystical glyphs appeared in rapid succession. I averted my eyes knowing the danger such symbols might deliver. When I looked back, the box had finished its process of opening. Where before the box had no obvious lid, the whole top of the box had apparently vanished. Inside was lined in black velvet, cradling a parchment. We agreed to return to Liam’s office before resuming.

All of Liam’s staff had been cleared for the surrounding rooms as we reentered his office to read the parchment. The parchment wrapped an envelope, the parchment held by emerald wax bearing Max’s seal.

Stephen reads a letter from Max detailing his exploration of nearby isles in the Gryphon while using Moira’s as a base.

He stopped at the village where he had met Tem’far to go drinking. There he had met Nat Hunter, who he knew from Seagate a long time ago.

Hunter informed him of the Shipwreck of the Moonwind, even showing him personal effects. He had been aboard and drifted many days from the Dragon’s Teeth before being picked up by a Freeport Captain.

Max expressed disbelief that a Navigator ship would be so North, but Nat convinced him to take the Gryphon north in hope that some of his kin might also have survived.

He does not wish this piece of paper to fall into the hands of our Enemy, so he set up mailing this box to himself via Tem’far through Freeport. Friends in Freeport would pass it along if he failed to return.

He is unhappy that his notes are at Moira’s and wishes their safe retrieval that his work might be our work.

We share many thoughts on this letter’s content. Obviously the betrayal of Nathaniel Hunter whom the other Foxes know personally from their short time aboard the Moonwind. He is a magic-wielding Blackcloak. And now the mystery is solved in how Max turned up in Ardania. Our dreams and visions of impending doom were apparently not shared by Max. It seemed we sensed the pursuit that led to his capture, but he remained mostly oblivious.

We then turn to the envelope, it is not sealed. In it another parchment.

“the weapon without answer?”

“talk to Firiel about S!”

are the only legible portions of the letter. A stylized symbol of an eye and a paragraph of undecipherable runes, that none of us had ever seen and even magic could not pierce.

These letters will be placed in the Guild safe. There was some apprehension of possible betrayal as was seen at Seagate, but no alternative is known.

We then talk of events that transpired in their absence. Stephen and Jaden traded off filling them in on our trip to Turlough and the need to return the supplies to the Halflings before committing to any other missions. Liam and Janos listened attentively asking appropriate questions and inquiring as to the resulting haul of treasure. I am not quite sure of where we stood with them, but there was no talk of punishment, since they seemed to believe we thought we were acting in the best interest of those in need.

We also discussed the tunnel collapse and death of a student. Truly a troubling event.

We were excused, and now we are free to leave the confines of the Town. We settled in our rooms to discuss these events and plan for the future. We decided to allow the first opportunity to help Lady Fara pass in an attempt to better prepare. Instead we will make the attempt at solstice in two and a half months. We received word that we are to proceed to the Wind Shrine dressed as pilgrims and present ourselves on the 12th of snow. Extreme weather on the climb is to be expected. It appears we are to acquire an item, being as sneaky as possible. If the mission goes well there will be no fighting. In any event there is to be no killing. We will be in an urban environment and must try not to be recognized. It is not much to go on but Fara fears more information might put us and her in danger.

It seems the Foxes are to go their own ways again in what preparation may be gained with the hope to reconvene around the 10th of Snow.

Till then,

Élensûl Lotharien, Recording
Company of the Winged Fox