It is the 2nd day of Heat, summer soon to arrive, with the Solstice only days away. I awoke before dawn to pray and meditate. I greeted the Rising Sun and Sky and Earth. It is a beautiful day and I have give thanks for my Blessings, for the Mother and the Great Mystery have smiled upon me with kindness. May their Blessing keep light in my heart through the darkest of times.

I hear Stephen return from his morning visit to Rosewater. I did not join him as I was quite tired by the time I reached my bed last night, and I wish to be prepared for our journey today. The others arise as well, and I hear them making last minute preparations. We all grab something warm to eat to dispel the last of the nights chill.

But Jaden is not among us. We have searched for him, but have only come up with accounts from Roderick that Jaden was last seen with a bottle of wine and in quite an inebriated state. Apparently, he has spent the evening with Lia. I cannot blame him. He has had some emotionally trying trials of late, and I have worried about the stress that seems to be stretching him to the limit. It seems that such an adventure as he has taken is exactly what was needed. Better that than for the strain to break him at some dangerous or crucial point. So, it appears that we shall board without Jaden. I shall do my best to record our trip so that he will be fully informed later.

We head to the dock to board the ship called the Wave Song. It is a small sloop, one of the smaller sea worthy vessels that we have seen (other than our kayaks). But it is a fine vessel! It is carved and crafted with skill and love. It is an honor to be taken aboard such a work of art.

We are met by the captain and the crew. The captain of the Wave Song is Master Orens, and he is distinguishable by his rich robes that are covered with many insignia. All of the crew are older men. There is no one less than the age of 60 years by human count. They too wore their finest robes. It is as though they are preparing to sail to a celebratory meeting.

We are told that an escort is not normally required for such a trip. Apparently, this commission was made to allow us to travel to the Navigator's Guild, as our own Guild has decided to restrain our travels at this time.

The sails snap full, and the Wave Song is underway at a brisk clip. Briefly dolphins play at the bow of the ship. I watch them, leaning over the rail, feeling the salty water spray into my face. I hear their playful chatter, but I have no opportunity to speak with them, as the speed of the Wave Song soon leaves even them behind.

It seems that we do not travel long. Eventually we sight something unusual. It appears to be a structure of large blocks of ice or crystal thrusting upwards from the ocean. With a greenish cast of the oceans water, the crystal structures emerge from the sea at odd angles and some appear to be truncated and others shaped. Some of these have been converted into pylons and platforms. We are told that this great crystalline structure is actually Ice - for the Navigators are Masters of Water and Ice.

We approach one of the platforms and the ship docks. We disembark and see many other people. We see journeyman and apprentices. We also see military men dressed in fine uniforms carrying tridents and nets, weapons of the Seas.

This is the Navigator's Guild Hall. It is an Ice crystal fortress that is anchored to the bottom of the ocean. As we enter into the Guild we find that it is cool inside, but not cold. The walls are cool to the touch, but not icy. Their translucency provides abundant light. The moisture arising from the ice causes a mist to flow through the halls. We see ahead of us what must be a chapel carved into the end of the hall. The ice there is of many different colors. Around us are pools and fountains, and furniture carved from ice. The skills these people must have...

There are two great staircases leading upwards that flank the back wall, curving in a complimentary fashion. Along the staircases are hung portraits of elderly men. Some of us notice that the last one is a portrait of Skellius. Elensul points out the fresh, bright colors noting that it is a new addition to the wall. We follow one of the staircases as we are escorted to the second floor with Captain Orens. At the top of the stairs are metal doors, incongruous with the surroundings, they are red with brass fittings. Inside is another ice room, but it is decorated with hanging tapestries and upholstered chairs. There is a large spread of food and refreshments on the tables, as though a large reception is to occur later.

A Guild Master meets us and is introduced as "Young" Tharni. Though he may be one of the youngest we have seen so far, he must be at 60 years. His hair and beard are cropped short and his countenance lends a more youthful appearance perhaps. He invites us to partake of the food and refreshment as we wait until his return.

We eventually investigate the offerings, but none of us seem too hungry yet. I manage to convince DeVal to have some of the fish. I did promise him some on this trip. Almost all of the food is from the sea. But it is well prepared and very good.

Tharni returns and escorts us to another room, taking us to meet the Guild Master. We enter a teardrop shaped room with a tall ceiling. On the floor, in the ice, is the Seal of the Navigator's Guild. Around the room and the seal are thrones, all empty except for the large one in the center with a great metal seal upon it. Seated there is a very old man. Tharni introduces him as Guild Master Zzymander. He gives us sincere salutations then offers us all to sit. Awkwardly, we take our seats upon the thrones, but he chats casually with us, as though sitting upon thrones is an everyday thing. I suppose for him it is.

Guild Master Zzymander asks me if I would be willing to address the Navigators and recite the occurrence of the Sinking of the Moonwind and what befell Master Skellius. I tell him that I would be willing.

When he is sure that I am ready, he rises and leads us out the door to yet another large hall. But this one is enormous and filled with hundreds and hundreds of Navigators, every one of them an older male. It strikes me then - there are no woman here. Tharni had spoken to me of this matter of gender within the Guild, but now it is very noticeable. I feel oddly out of place and more exposed than I would normally standing in front of such a large assembly. Stephen had offered to do this for me, but I declined his help, as I felt that this was a task I had to see through myself.

The awkwardness lasts but a moment, for as I address all of these noble men, the memory of the Moonwind carries my thoughts. I recite the story as best as I can, leaving out no detail that might especially be important to the Navigators. I tell the tale of Skellius' heroics, my failure to save him, and his last, dying effort. I spoke of how he placed the crystal amulet into my hand, his last wish to have me bring it to the Navigator's Guild. Lastly, I tell them of the Water Elemental, Dairo, that brought us to safety, for this summoning was Skellius' last feat before he died. And indeed, as the Moonwind rose high on one end, broke apart with an earsplitting crack and exploded into splinters, the waters came up and did not overtake us, but protected us, and carried us to safety, keeping us from harm.

The Navigators gave me their whole attention and no one interrupted during my story. When I was silent, the Navigators suddenly turned to one another and talked with much wonder. I was not sure what had concerned or astounded them about my tale, but clearly, it was something they had not expected.

I bow and leave the dais. Tharni then escorts us to an area outside the Ice Fortress. He takes us to a large platformed area that serves as a dock. He takes a small plank of wood and forms it into a little boat. We all participate in decorating it with small blue flowers that he calls "Ice Flowers." All of the other Navigators are here on this dock as well, and they all have similar little boats and are carefully adorning them with similar flowers. There are blue one, and green ones - Tharni tells us that they come only from the Elemental of Ice and cannot be found anywhere else.

Tharni also tells us that it was appropriate for Skellius to be buried at sea as he was, for the Navigators send off their dead to sea in a funeral pyre. I tell him I am glad if this eases his spirit and that of Skellius'.

He then sets the pretty little boat on the water and a flame appears on it. All of the others do the same, and soon there is a bright flotilla of flowered boats on the ocean. Pipe music plays from somewhere, and it is sad and mournful. All of our thoughts are for Skellius as the lights on the water sail away. May his spirit be at ease and find its home. He was a brave and selfless man. He will always be in my own memory. Though he was in my life briefly, he was a Spirit Teacher to me.

The little lights fade away, and the music slowly changes. Finally, it picks up a little more of a lively tune, and the hundreds of Navigators who came to honor Skellius break up and move away.

Tharni then takes us to our rooms for the night. We sleep in separate rooms, and DeVal curls up tight with me, as the cool floors and walls are not very appealing to him. That is well, for my mood is melancholy as I have brought up many memories to the front of my mind.

The next morning I rise early, as the light that pours through the walls does not let one sleep long. I freshen up as best I can. Wryly, I think of the nice clothes that I purchased for this very occasion, only I did not bring them, as I thought we were performing a duty. I had meant to honor Skellius by at least dressing more appropriately. At least I wore my 'good' buckskin.

We are invited to have breakfast with Zzymander. It is a breakfast of fish and biscuits. It is fresh and tasty, and DeVal and I enjoy it at least. Zzymander takes this time to speak of some serious things.

This is a brief listing of the matters that are concerning him and the other Navigators. He feels it of great importance to educate us on these things, that we should be away of the seriousness and implications of what has occurred.

--Six Masters have died mysteriously in the past year. --Red sailed ships have been seen in the Isles. --Blackcloaks are getting their hands on the amulets. --There is a rumor regarding the survival of another Master from on tof the other ships that crossed with us. --One ship vanished three months before ours. It was assumed to be a freak accident. --One ship that came after us, a supply ship, disappeared.

Zymander stands, and gives us salutations. We thank him for the breakfast and his company. He states that he must leave now, for he cannot be hearing Tharni breaking rules as he discusses Guild matters with outsiders.

After the Master leaves the room, Tharni explains that it is inappropriate for the Guild Master to speak of private Guild matters. But a young Navigator such as himself is more likely to break the rules.

Tharni continues telling us some of the Navigators' trade details and concerns.

--Regarding the Amulets. It takes 20 years to manufacture an Amulet. It represents an Oath with an Elemental Lord.

--It takes 40 years to be trained in the Amulet's use. The Navigator must learn how to invoke the power of an Elemental Lord to override the Elvish power of the Veil.

--Skellius' union with Dairo ended with his death. This is the case with all Navigator/Elemental relationships. It is astonishing to the Navigators here that Dairo continued to carry out Skelluis' request. Dairo did not need to do this - but he chose to. Usually, Elementals become destructive to those around them when they are released. Instead, he aided beings he did not even know, because Skellius had asked it. (This part of the story was what caused the astonished reactions in the great hall yesterday.)

--There has not been a ship coming from Alusia through the veil since two months before us.

--It is possible the Blackcloaks are killing Masters for the Amulets. Are they using them to get through the Veil?

I asked Tharni to further explain the matter of gender at the Guild. He had talked about it a little the day before. He explained that all Navigators are male, and that they all practice celibacy. There are no woman Navigators, but at one time there were, about 800 years ago. This morning I asked him to expound on this. He said that women have a different approach to their relationship with Elementals. They do not command and control them as the men do, but form a more intimate relationship with them. But knowledge of this has been lost, and so there are no female Navigators today.

All of this new knowledge of the Amulets and the Blackcloaks sends questions spinning through our minds. Indeed we will have to sift and sort through this new information. On top of that, we are thankful that Guilld Master Zzymander felt we should know these things, but why did he choose to think so? Even he alludes to our role in future events, whatever those are. But I feel that we have strong allies here with this Guild, and I am thankful for it.

Respectfully submitted, Raven Kenda Fox Heat 3, 802