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29th Blossom I sit here alone in the common rooms. The others busy themselves about town seeking a remedy from our current situation. The priestess Fara has given us troubling news. It set us on our latest quest and imprisoned me again in our rooms. But let me backtrack and fill in some details from last night. We had arranged to have a pleasant meal with Fara as a celebration of returning to our bodies. And while Jaden and Lia were obviously enjoying themselves, the others were very disturbed by Faras news. She had learned that five men wearing pilgrim robes were in town asking about a tattooed Elf. They claimed that there was a 10,000 gp bounty on his head for sinking a ship. It seemed someone knew of my survival from the Trident and now tried to fix their mistake. My immediate response was to confront them. I had no doubt that they were actual Blackcloaks or their agents and deserved no mercy from me. Stephen expressed hesitation, that we should learn something more of them before confronting them as they may be innocent dupes. Jaden and Blackhawk seemed up for a confrontation also, but Fara, at the other end of the table, just then listened in on our conversation and was taken aback. She wanted to hear no talk of murder. Lia said she would help, but cautioned that avoiding them would be simpler and safer. Well I was not planning on outright murder, after all, I did want some information, and they were likely evil murderers themselves but this is our burden for having dealings with a goodly church. So instead we decided on another plan. Faras assistants would spread a story of an elf disguised as an orc seen on Thieves Isle (not a lie so not a problem with the goody types). Lia meanwhile would help the group hire a Mystic do perform a mind skim on this group of bounty hunter. A mind skim would read their surface thoughts and motives. From these actions we might mislead them and discern who they are and what they are really after. So they set out this morning. Jaden kindly offered various magical means of hiding my identity, but I declined. He was concerned that I might be scared of leaving the room. In a way he was right, but it more that I feared revealing my presence when I attacked the murdering dogs in the street. So for now I will continue working on my new tattoos, they still need some detail The group came back telling a tale of an hot-tempered, 8 ft tall werewolf named Raij. Somehow he seemed a better Mystic choice than a dwarf. Apparently after downing an entire keg, he agreed to the task. He said mystics arrayed against evil and are allies of those who fight evil, but this is countered by the evil task of looking into peoples thought. He made the group promise to come back to Puddleby and defeat the pirates at a later date. Out of Raven he will require an additional favor, something about clan duty. He stumbled out with warning that if we were lying, he would rip out our hearts. Back in the room, Lia explains that it is important to find the proper pirate because it will be a week of good sailing to Freeport and from there another 2-3 weeks to Bliss. Raven trying to ease some recent tension explains her thoughts on death and resurrection. Basically, she finds it disturbing. This Giant Head interrupts the natural flow of the spirit on its journey after death. She is also troubled that Carlottas spirit has yet to move on. Blackhawk excused himself muttering something about fixing things with the Head. Stephen and Raven thought it best to tag along. Lia also set out to see which pirates came into port. With Jaden trying to regain some spent strength through sleep, I again set to finishing my tattoos. Late in the afternoon, everyone returns. Blackhawk told me of talking with a flamboyant healer. He tried to find a way to end the Stone Heads effect, but the healer thought that ending the effect was one of the stupidest things he ever heard of. How could he heal people if they were not brought back in need of healing. Lia also said that a suitable pirate may be in town, Yorrick, a smuggler. Later Fara stopped by. Her news was that the bounty hunters are definitely after me, but only a new exile would possibly turn me in. Every one currently living in the town has better sense than to deal with these type of characters. We were surprised to learn that exiles still arrived. Fara said petty dictators might still get their hands on the magic and send undesirables here. 30th Blossom We went to bed unsettled, not sure what more to expect. Stephen and Raven awoke to a terrible smell. Raven first saw DeVals hair standing on end, then she spied the open door and Raij filling the open frame. He said he had news, and they should gather their friends. I stayed behind to stay out of Raijs presence incase the news was bad. He states that he had found the strangers. They were full of dark evil thoughts. They were angry at the elf, as his survival has embarrassed them in the eyes of their superiors. But it was obvious someone did see him get away. There are more than five of them looking, but Jotork is there only quarry. As these men exuded pure malice, Raij saw to it that these five will suffer constant harassment until they leave Puddleby. One last thing is that they are not particularly powerful, but have no fear of their quarry. (This is something that we may use to our advantage.) He then says he is sure he will see us again, and then goes to set off for the square. Before he leaves, Raven asks what is the favor he desires of her. He says there is no specific task yet, but as a member of wolf clan, he could not let a cat clan member ask a favor and not take advantage. Lia came in quite pleased with herself. She said she met up with Yorrick, a smuggler of potion ingredients. He is one of the less violent pirates, more interested in business than violence. She booked passage for us all with no questions asked. She offered a bonus for quick, safe passage, a rare item in her possession. We leave at first light She also brought picnic baskets. She knows of a private beach that should be safe for our Beltane festivities. Late in the afternoon, she leads us out through the town and several gates. We must be getting the hang of this mode of transportation as there was no mishaps. The final gate opened up several feet above a sandy beach. We found ourselves deposited on a small beach perched at the top of a cliff. A low wall enclosed the ocean side with cliff faces to our back. This should be a very safe location, except from any flying creatures. Under Lia and Ravens direction we build two bonfires. Raven says a blessing and passes between the fires. She then encourages us to follow. Some party members faces take on a new glowing expression, but it is likely not a Fians place to experience a blessing during a Druidic ceremony. I move to take a protective stance during the oncoming celebration. With instructions from Raven to keep the fires, drumming and music, and dancing to go all night the party begins. Local townsfolk then arrive, already in a state of inebriation, a mix of Elves, dwarves, and halfings. They also arrive with instruments, and the party begins in earnest. I end this as the last light fails. My friends are in need of feeling good with high hopes for tomorrow, so this celebration could not have been better timed. I will now grab my spear and set to my duty. Ravens consecration will last till morning, and until the sun rises this beach will be under my protective watch.
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