Breeze 3

We started off the morning before Dawn. Sister Fara had informed us that it was imperative we depart before sunrise, so I consoled myself with the assurance that I would likely still be able to greet the dawn.

As we departed the Stronghold, Sir Janos was at the gates. It seemed an odd place for him to be, and was unlikely to be simple coincidence. As we passed, he grumbled at us.

"If you screw up, you'll have to go back in a year."

Perhaps not the most uplifting speech, but I appreciated his intent.

We arrived at the supplied address, a small shop. Past the curtains, we could tell that a candle was burning. We knocked, to no affect, before trying the door. It was unlocked. Looking around the shop quickly, I had to restrain my urge to begin perusing the books. After a few short moments, we climbed a small stair. The shop seems to have small apartments upstairs and it was there that we found Sister Fara. She was dressed much as she had been in Puddleby. Sir Ian was there, looking as stern as ever. There was also an elderly looking gentleman, whom Fara was chatting with. She quickly introduced him as Scholar Mech'en. He has white hair and a moustache. He seems a fascinating gentleman and I think I would find his conversation fascinating. It wasn't long before Sister Fara brought up the task we are fulfilling for her.

First we were provided a little history. Fara had already covered portions of it, but there were a few specifics that I found interesting. After the Wizard Wars, the Celestial Church met to discuss the morallity of Resurrection magic. The Michaelines and the Ardanians argued strongly that it was improper to pierce the Mystery of Death by using such magics. The Urialites argued that the magic was still a gift of the Creator and should not be discarded. In the end, the Urialites were overrulled. It was at this time that the Church began to go to great lengths to eliminate such magic.

It seems that they relied upon a Priest by the name of Hieronymous. It seems that he kept a journal on Puddleby that she was able to translate. This journal describes much of the history in great detail. Alas, Fara only provided interesting portions to us. In turn, I am scribing the highlights I was able to keep track of. It is a poor replacement for everything that we learned. Perhaps Sister Fara will be kind enough to allow me another peak at the translated sections at some point in the future.

Hieronymous was summoned before the Church Council and told that they had decided the Resurrection magic was contrary to the designs of the Creator. He did note that the Urialite representative disagreed, but she said that "Disunity will server our enemies more than any other decision that could be made here." Hieronymous was asked to dispose of the Artifacts that could not be destroyed as well as the original Book of Urial. All other items were destroyed and the known copies of the Book of Urial were recalled.

However Hieronymous felt that the wrong decision had been made. He kept meticulous notes and sought to create a loophole in the decision. After the completion of his duties, he resigned from the church. His superiors did not seem to be very surprised. His retirement and announcement that he would travel to the Wind Shrine were taken as signs of his unhappiness.

He made his way to the Wind Shrine and asked a boon of the Angelic Guardian. He then completed the journey and experienced something that gave him joy that he had made the correct choice. Afterwards, he sailed for Freeport. Eventually winding up in a community that sounds like Puddleby. "A community of Hobbits living among Elvish ruins."

It seems he was searching for a specific location to sequester his notes so that they would not be easily found. He knew what the council had planned, and knew that he had less than 1 year left before they took it, when he retired. This step was to be a mass prayer invoking a miracle to erase the knowledge of Resurrection magic from every Cleric and to remove such power from remaining magic items. A powerful request to be sure. The fact that it worked is an affirmation of the role that Free Will plays in the Creator's Song.

We read the next passages, describing a place known as Chaos Island. To our growing amazment, it is the same isle we characterized as Wanderland. The garden therein is beholden to absolute Law. This would seem to counter the gateway to a Chaos dimension contained within. Heironymous described a dark opening descending to a chamber below. The chamber is filled with a clockwork mechanism that has been studied, but never truly understood. He verified the existence of the chamber and then left so as to not suffer the affects of being too close to the gateway.

He then went on to describe the next night, when he entered. It appears that you must enter on the Full Moon of Breeze. At the moment of Moonrise, a Gate to a Chaos dimenstion will open. Heironymous went into detail to describe the whirring and clicking of the clockwork mechanism and the appearance of the numerous false portals, leading to destinations that did not sound pleasant at all. He also described the passage of the light from a mirror sweeping across the floor until it touched the true portal, glowing with a lambent green color. He then passed through.

He described an endless garden in which he strode directly to a Mausoleum. Ignoring the symbols of warning in the crypt, he passed through a gate into a bazaar. By this time, my brain was churning! So much to remember. The most important things were that Hieronymous said it is dangerous to meet yourself. And that he left the parcel with a Lord Shi Mihalli. Who was under a glamer, but otherwise has 4 arms and glowing red eyes. He also mentioned that it took every ounce of diplomacy he had to not cause insult in the bazaar. It seems that there are a number of different beings in the place. Many of them might be offensive or repulsive. Heironymous also indicated that he had a difficult time finding the exit when he left. If we are to go to this place, it is a lot to keep straight.

After we had quickly perused the notes, Sister Fara began bringing out parcels. The payment to Lord Shi Mihalli is steep, but should not be recorded. Sir Ian was ready to take us to the ship and Fara gave us each a small necklace. A delicate, beautiful thing, imbued with the Power of Law. She said it might help counter some of the affects of being in the Chaos Dimension.

I am a little hesitant about this journey. It is only recently that I have been able to shed some of the chaos influence in my own life. Now, I must re-expose myself to this element. It shall be interesting.

We boarded the ship before dawn. The Darkwave. A Navigator yacht. The GuildMasters apparently. Master Tharni greeted us as we boarded. Within minutes, we were gliding out of the harbor. It is amazing to ride the Navigator's ships when they are in a hurry. We made it to the enterance to the Bawn by Dawn. I was singing my greetings and we began to pass the guard towers. Sir Ian indicated that Fara had arranged a special event for us.

With a great ruckus, we could see the chain to seal the harbor beginning to raise. Sir Janos had arranged for a training excercise to be executed today. Unfortunately, the excercise would seal the Bawn for quite some time. If somebody happened to be tailing us, they would not be able to do so. As a side benefit, if anyone were to be sailing toward Bliss, they too would be delayed. Which would give Sister Fara some time to relax.

Clearing the Bawn, we circled back up the coast. According to the Journeyman we spoke with, we were traveling several days journey on horse each hour. We should reach Chaos Island in less than a week. A trip that had taken us a month to traverse on the way from Puddleby to Bliss. It seemed were were on our way back to the Accursed Isles.