----- Fara's final task.

After several days of "purification" our day of travel to the Gray Lands has arrived. We are summoned well before dawn and conduct our morning rituals. We take what items we want to accompany us in the ceremony. With all of us dressed in the provided white robes we leave the manor house.

Scholor Machen escorts us to the Northwest side of the estate. We pass into a grove of trees and in the middle is a open area with a small hill in the middle of it. On the center of this small hill is a building about 18 feet tall. It is toped with a very shallow dome that makes the structure blend into the hill itself. There are no signs of windows and the entrance is marked with large ornate doors set down just below grade. As we approach the doors DeVal stops and with an understanding Raven picks him up and with an affectionate squeeze says that she hopes to seen him again soon. We walk down some stairs to entrance when the doors open and we enter a room full of clerics. This is a large burial chapel consisting of one large eight sided room. The dome covers the entire room and at least 3/4ths of it is stained glass. The glass depicts the sky with clouds and stars there are also a few angels depicted in the scene. There are four thrones setup in the four cardinal points of the room. The floor made of cream colored marble and has many runes recently drawn upon it. In the center of the room prominently stands a ring of six funeral biers

The bishops escort us to some chairs and ask us to make ourselves comfortable. The ceremony starts with some simple prayers. We are next offered some large basins to wash in, the last of the purifications for our bodies. We are offered the chance to repent any burdens we carry and to free our souls of anything that may hold us in the Grey Lands. Jaden begins to list out every thing that he caries guilt for, from the death of Lark to the sinking of the Moonwind and the death of Sir Alfred and Uncle Max. We are asked to present all items that we will want to have with us at the time of our death. I, BlackHawk carry only my Uly flower, Raven cares her Uly flower as well as her medicine bag containing her herbs and precious items and lastly her spear. Stephen carries his medicine bag that Raven made for him as well as his Uly flower. Élensûl takes his spear and prayer beads. Jaden takes his Uly flower, his Guild cloak and quarter staff along with his Ring of Defense.

More purification and prayers carry well into the afternoon as we fight to keep focused on the proceedings. Finally the Monks from a circle around the room and the doors to the chapel are closed and bolted.

As the Paladins stand guard with swords razed we are asked to stand on the east side of the circle. The bishops take their places with Deirdre has taken her position in the north, Fara to the east, Fortius in the south, and Jerome is in the west. With the other clerics position around the circle the outer ring flares up with a shimmering curtain of light, the bishops call out in Celestial and a great ark of blue flame arks out around the circle. At this point the bishops get up and walk clockwise around the circle ending in the east. Jerome then takes a basin filed with salt and lays it our in the circle. Behind him is Deirdre caring a aspergilla with water, followed by Fara and Fortious are caring a censer emitting smoke representing fire and air. They walk these around the room to complete the circle. Fortious then trails this sword through the salt and water and as they mix a golden trail is created. He joins the other bishops on the east as they return in a clockwise direction to their appropriate thrones.

Deirdre calls out "I call upon the mighty archangel Gabriel the herald who purifies us and brings us tidings from the creator. As we are born of water so that our new purpose be born of water here tonight. Gabriel protect us." We feel a wave of humidity fill the room as a cool mist sweeps over our face. We are damp with water and we have a sense of something enormous whooshing into the room.

Fara then calls out. "I call upon the mighty archangel Rafael, the healer, guardian of wind and tempest. May thy winds blow cool and sweet this night to send us to that we seek. Rafael guide us." A strong breeze blows through the room but does not disturb any thing.

Fortius to the South, "I call upon the mighty archangel Michael, defender, keeper of the gates of the world. Lend thou thy fiery sword, protect us this night that none keep us from what we must reclaim. Michael defend us."

Lastly in the west Jerome says, "I call upon the mighty archangel Urial, angel of death who brings all souls at last to another shore. Mist they passes by this night and bring us instead to this thing that we must restore. Urial aid us. Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Spirit, the unity of man, all are joined in one within this circle." As he finishes his last word there is an enormous pressure in our ears as if we were standing the middle of a cyclone and a big flair of energy explodes into the room. Overhead is now a huge arcing dome of sparkling light.

Jerome addresses us and says "it is time."

We are escorted by Lady Olivia to the northern throne where Deirdre is holding a large ornamental silver chalice. As we approach the challis seems empty but as we come to a stop it fills with water. Deirdre puts her hand over the chalice saying, "I call upon the mighty archangel Gabriel the herald send down thy wisdom into this cup so that he who drinks there of may justly divine the knowledge of wrong. So may it be." A kind of a mist appears on the surface of the liquid. She hands the goblet to Lady Olivia and bows as we follow her clockwise to Fara's station.

Fara takes the cup and puts her hand over it to bless it, "I call upon the mighty archangel Rafael, the healer, guardian of wind and tempest as the Holy Spirit did spur upon the waters so instilled thou life into this cup so he who drinks there of may justly bid the powers of air and life. So may it be." At that moment the outside of the chalice is coated in frost. She gives us a slight bow then gives the challis back to Olivia and with a deeper bow takes the chalice to the Fortius in the south.

Fortius takes the cup holding it by the stem and puts his hand over it. "I call upon the mighty archangel Michael, defender, keeper of the gates of the world. As thy fiery sword guards the lord of heaven so lend thy protection to this cup so he who drinks there of may justly forge the might of fire. So may it be." As he says that blue flame burst out of the surface of the chalice. With a bow Olivia continues around the circle to Jerome.

He takes the cup from her and calls out. "I call upon the mighty archangel Urial, angle of death who brings all souls at last to another shore. Here I charge this cup that he who drinks may justly bind the forces of earth and death. So may it be." As he says this the colors change on the goblet. It turns from silver to a dark gray and the flames turn red with a now dark mist coming off of it. A moment later the effect reversed itself and all the colors return to normal. At this moment the mist and flames vanish and all that remains is the liquid with a little bit of frost inside the rim.

With a deep bow Olivia take the goblet and then asks us to kneel while we are still facing the throne of Jerome. Olivia hands the goblet to Stephen and says drink of this. Olivia then passes it to Raven then Élensûl and then to me, Jaden and finally to Lea who finishes the remaining liquid.. As I take of the liquid. It has the bitterness of an alkaline and I am reminded of the tea that I had before entering the depths of Sacred Isle.

As I try and sense effects of the potion I remember the key points Jerome talked about earlier. He said that the land will seem familiar but distances are more in the mind than reality. One thing that is constant will be the stars. If we are separated we may be able to find the cathedral and each other by following an Elvish constellation that is always to the north. I remember drawing out the pattern of stars and committing it to memory as did the rest of the party. I remember Jerome telling us that the book of Urial will be in the cathedral but will not be the book that stands before the alter it will be a smaller book on a lectern and will not be adorn. One of the last things I remember is that the way back to this life will always be up hill.

My mind is brought back to the presents by the sound of prayers. I feel light headed and the room seems to be filling with colors. I lose my footing and catch myself on Stephen who is weaving to what seems to be a song I can not hear. I try to steady myself then I hear words. They seen to float on the air. I see each as they are spoken. They tell of a warrior and how his companion died and how he was so upset that he traveled into the land of the dead to recover his friend. The words have many colors and say something of the angels of death barring his way. I close my eyes but with our seeing the words I can not hear them. I open my eyes one last time and I could swear that I could see figures about 18 feet tall behind each of the bishops. Could they be the archangels themselves come to grace our journey? I am lead to a stone slab and the last thing I see are the stars in the stained glass spinning and darkening to the pitch darkness of night. In the darkness I hear Deride say "are you ready?" I manage to slowly speak one word" Yesssss" I feel a drop touch the back of my throat. I slowly fall into nothingness. Falling faster and faster. There is not up or down just a tumbling blur then a sudden clap of thunder and then nothing.


With a jerk my body gasps a breath of air, my first in six days.

Pain! Searing pain in my chest as air is drawn into my dry lungs and life is forced back into my abandoned shell. My muscles convulse and I instinctually try and take cover and roll off the bier. I fall to the floor hard but I feel very little beside the pain in my chest now spreading to the rest of my torso. Raven's voice is saying it "is all right we are safe." I feel a hand on my chest and the warmth of healing spreading through me. I open my eyes to what was the glass ceiling but is now just shards. There is no sound, no battle just chants and prayers. Ravens voice calls out again "BlackHawk see what you can do for the others as they return". I try and stand but need to steady myself with the bier. I see Fara standing over Jaden and his body trying to move. She is holding the book of Urial. We succeeded but joy does not fill me. I cast my spell onto Jaden and I see him wake. "We are not in danger" I say softly to him but it does not ease him. I help him to his feet and over to Lea.

As the last of us are returned I see the casualties of the attack on the chapel. If it were not for the wards there would be nothing left. The fallen seem to be at rest, there bodies dead for days. I look up at Fara and without the questioned asked she says "six days". To me it seemed just six hours. I expected that we would experience hours if not days in the Gray Lands but only be dead for minutes.

The one exception regarding the condition of the dead was Olivia. She looked as if she was contently resting but the expression on Fara said it all. "Olivia is gone. She had to exchange places with Raven. She saw this possibility and embraced the opportunity to serve in this way. She is with Urial now."

The Bishops drop their protections and we can finally see the extent of the destruction. A battle truly happed on these grounds. The prominent casualty of the attackers is the immense skeleton of a Dracolith.

I return to the main manor house to find it destroyed. All that remains are the cellars

As the day ends we all seek sanctuary and healing for our soles in our own ways. I settle down in a secluded area near a small stream. I give thanks and slowly wash the grime from my skin and drink large quantities of water to help flush the toxins I feel are infused throughout my body. As the sun sets I try and bring my mind back to less troubling thoughts but sleep does not come easy for it seems to close to death.

Scribed by BlackHawk Fox