2nd Blossom

Recovering from our awe of watching the spectacle of Carlotta De Grey's battle with the red dragon, we set about to see to finding food, water, and supplies on the island. MacGyver is sent to relieve Blackhawk at the boats, as the Ranger's unique skills are required elsewhere. Blackhawk is informed of party activities so far on what we have determined is Turlough, and he sets off up the trail, mindful for any fresh tracks besides the party's on the trail but sees none.

Meanwhile, Raven explores around the settlement and comes across Greenberry, useful for healing infections. Jotork and Jaden prowl among the ruins of the settlement, but the buildings are nothing more than rubble piles with nothing present worth scavenging. Stephen is absorbed in study and conversation with a whistle that may be a personification of the late Carlotta De Grey.

Blackhawk upon reaching the settlement plateau his everwatchful eyes notice smoke rising from the neighboring Wizard's Tower Island, an observation the rest of the party failed to notice, so intent on their current investigations.

Blackhawk and Jotork prowled around the entrance of the old dragon lair. As Blackhawk arranged the talus to provide an indication of future movement in or out of the gaping hole, Jotork peered into the blackness. For their troubles they were rewarded with exposure to an overpowering stink that emits form the cave mouth.

Jaden instructed Jeck, his familiar, to fly over to the neighboring island to investigate. On its return Jaden got an impression that there are currently structures over there.

Returning to the settlement, Blackhawk spots a fresh dragon print, and estimates that the originator is somewhere between the size of a pony and an elephant.

To protect ourselves from prying eyes on this island an the next, where decide not to light a fire tonight

Blackhawk sets out to see if any game could be hunted before nightfall, while Raven collects some Willow branches, and the party's water supply is refreshed from the spring under Carlotta's tomb.

All this time, the whistle has been playing itself on and off again. Raven started to directly question the whistle and started to receive responses to basic questions. The answers varied between light lilting (yes), near monotonic soundings (unsure), dirges (no), and angry shrills (Carlotta's spirit angry). The questioning went as follows:

Are you (Carlotta's Spirit) at rest? No
Would it like something done? Yes
Is it something personal? Upset
Did you know Rearden Fox? Yes
Should we go to the other island? Yes
Is there help on the other island? Unsure
Are there halfings on the other island? Yes
Is your shield on the other island? Yes
Should we take the whistle with us? Yes
Do you need assistance on this island? Unsure
Should we bypass the Wizard Tower Island? No
Is this whistle one of Carlotta's Five Treasures? Yes
Did you know Stephen's mother? Unsure
Did you know Uncle Max? Yes
Is it safe to sleep on Island? Yes

During this questioning the music was not always emanating from the whistle but occasionally seemed to be moving around us.

We settled down for the night and tried to get some sleep, but the flute appeared to be restless and played incessantly throughout the night, causing all a nearly sleepless night.

Blackhawk rigged some dry branches to serve as alarms around the camps, if the were to be stepped on. Jaden took first watch and heard a large animal crashing through the brush nearby, but did not approach the camp. Jotork took second watch and saw some circling birds but was otherwise uneventful. During Balckhawk's watch he woke up Stephen to discuss the days ramifications: specifically the flute seemed to suggest stopping at the nearby island, whereas the otter warned not to stop at any other islands. Stephen was willing to trust the whistle, but Blackhawk was still wary. Their discussions woke Raven (who could have really slept with the whistle's incessant piping) who sided with the whistle, by justifying that the otter said we would find a settlement when we reached the plateau and we did see the Wizard Tower settlement when we reached the ruins of the old settlement). This seemed to assuage Blackhawk. Before dawn, we received another visit from the Raven, our regular nightly visitor. He had landed on Raven's chest and then looked toward Stephen before flying off to the south.

3rd Blossom

In the morning the group decides to sail for the new island. The whistle had little to add about what we may find or how we might be received. We set sail, and as we rounded the southern tip of the island, the Wizard's Island came into view. The Isle was a rocky crag with limited tree cover. A ruined tower loomed high on the crag and a small settlement stretched up a small cleft at the waterline.

As we approached the island, we were spotted by the local inhabitants and soon a quizative mob formed on the dock. Speculation was rampant based on the snippets that carried over the waves. We waved to suggest our intentions and were immediately the recipients of frantic waving and jubilation. As we came in closer we saw that the entire community consisted of halfings. The houses appeared to be a hybrid between typical halfing construction and dwarven techniques (perhaps to better stand up to a dragon attack).

Through a barrage of questions we learned that this is New Turlough (or Turlough and the larger island Old Turlough). The inhabitants seemed friendly and took an immediate interest in the whistle, as it seemed to get caught up in the excitement and was piping out a lively tune. Abut this time the Sheriff, Gilbert, arrived and informed us that we should go meet the mayor if we required assistance. The sheriff wore battered leather armor and carried a shortsword. He led us up the street, to what proved to be the largest house on the island with a façade full of glass windows (we had soon only a few glass windows to this point). Two guards armed with spears stepped aside from the round door to allow us entrance.

Inside was a large feasting hall with numerous tables and benches. A throne sat at the back of the hall, but was currently empty. The back wall was covered in a collection of armor, shields, and weapons. In front of the throne, at the high table, sat a middle-aged halfing in resplendent red leather armor (likely from the slain red dragon). He introduced himself as Lord Mayor Welby.

Our conversation with him reveasled that he knew of the Black Griffon Company, and remembers Rearden Fox. We continued our conversation over breakfast. He met Carlotta while he and his sister were picking berries. She attempted to get them to safety, and gave them her shield to protect themselves (this concurred with the vision we received on Old Turlough). He mentioned that others have seen the vision, but he has not. He wuld like to examine the whistle and agrees that it is likely Carlotta's.

Blackhawk interjects a bit of tension when he asks to see the shield, as the whistle seems to want to be reunited with the shield. The mayor pauses as he scrutinizes the group (4 tattered humans, a sunburnt elf, and a fifth human wrapped in silk), but then agrees to give us the shield if we can identify it on the wall at the back of the hall. Unfortunately we did not get a good look at the shield in the vision. Raven with the whistle's guidance is determined to make the attempt.

As Raven approaches the wall, the flute falls strangely quiet. She begins scanning the wall, repeatedly asking the whistle for some kind of response, when suddenly she freezes. In an unusual display of emotion, she turns to the Lord Mayor and demands to know where he received a particular shield. The shield in question appeared to be a light wooden rim with a stretched hide across it and bird's wings depicted on them. The mayor dispassionately states that he cannot tell her. Again she demands an answer and the mayor states he will not tell her. Raven informs us that this is her mother's shield. She then asks the whistle:

Did my mother give you this shield? Yes
Is this one of your Five Treasures? Yes

Raven takes down the shield and informs the Mayor that she will take this one. He apologizes for being difficult, but he couldn't answer her questions during her test, because Carlotta gave him the shield, and she was supposed to chose Carlotta's Shield. He informed us not to be fooled by the frail nature of the shield, the dragon breathed its fire on them and they were not burned.

At his moment Carlotta spirit materialized in front of us. We all bowed to her and she appeared happy. She waved to the mayor and appeared to be pleased to see him alive and well. The mayor's eyes were wet with tears as he once again saw his benefactor. Carlotta then faded from view. On a sad note he informed us that his sister ahs since died.

The mayor went on to offer us the hospitality of his settlement. Stephen was quick to ask for the possibility of new clothes, and the mayor said tailors on the island should be glad to accommodate him.

Other questions about the isle included the mayor informing us that the Wizard Tower is a ruin that had been cleaned out years ago. Jaden and Blackhawk had some questions for a local wizard, Judith, but see proved to not too helpful. The mayor also mentioned that the weather has been very strange of late, and Judith had had a vision of a coming storm that has not yet materialized (unless it is a proverbial storm).

4th Blossom

Well fed we prepare to depart. The mayor supplied us with water, mutton, cheese, and some fish. He asked us our destination and was disappointed to hear that we were going to the sacred isle. A destination that no one has ever come back from.

We set sail on our 5 day journey to the sacred isle. The weather continued to prove disappointing with bouts of rain and snow.

5th, 6th, 7th Blossom

To pass the time, Jaden and Stephen told the group's tale to Jotork (see previous logs). In return Jotork related his tale to the group (see personal logs). The biggest shocks from this tale is that the church is wielding tremendous magical power and they have the power to cross the Veil. Jotork now knows that it is the Church that is deserving of his retribution.

Jaden and Stephen bring up the topic of decorative pins that they had received from two separate elves before leaving. They want to know if Jotork is familiar with them and might know of their significance. Jotork appears slightly troubled by them and demands to know the stories behind their acquiring the pins. After hearing the tales, Jotork appears to be introspective as if considering his words very carefully as he relates that he does not know why they were given to the two men, but suggests that while in the Isles they should not be displayed too prominently as they likely figure into the troubles between the Great Houses and they may draw attention and trouble before fully understanding the situation, potentially a bull's eye on one's chest. He appears to want to say more, but finishes with a comment that his personal journey to the Isles is to answer several questions about an elf's place in the world, and this elf's place in the world, and when answers come, all will be known. He then moved to the bow of the boat and silently stared off to the west, even after the sun went down.

The only other event of note was Raven's dream of her mother and Carlotta creating something together and laughing together. Raven suspects that it was the shield, and the whistle seemed to concur. But certain topics that Raven brings up seem to irritate Carlotta's spirit, in particular personal questions about the relationship between Carlotta and Raven's mother and her father Rearden Fox. The whistle would often burst forth a loud harsh tirade of jarring notes clearly indicating displeasure

8th Blossom

Bad weather continues. By midmorning high cliffs are spotted to the northwest. As the group steers toward the cliffs, extremely lush vegetation is noted. Following the otter's advice, the group sails up the east coast. Two and a half hours later, mist is seen and the roar of a waterfall is heard. The cliffs here rise 900 ft and through the mist 500 ft tall dragon statues are discerned. Stephen spots a stone quay 100 ft north of the falls and we head that way. The mist made the quay slick and Raven and Blackhawk slipped to their knees as they disembarked.

We proceeded up the trail without incident. Upon reaching the plateau we were immediately surrounded by a group of Fianna. They arose out of the grass without warning and seemed intent on violence. They were all muscular females equipped with spears. They demanded to know what we were doing here before they killed us. Stephen requested their hospitality instead. That sent them into confusion as they argued amongst. Our request was refused. Stephen then asked help for Raven, and rephrased it that she requires hospitality. They relent and agree to escort us in. We passed wooden structures built along the cliff walls that formed this valley, likely incorporating natural caves in their design.

We were introduced to Eola, the very scarred head of the warrior sisters. She informed us that she will not refuse us hospitality. They took us to a feasting hall, and a banquet was prepared. The hall was constructed of beautiful woodwork, some of it Elven in design. The circular table was surrounded by wooden chairs, of which one was different.

Before was partook of any food, Stephen asked to see the Guardian. The Fianna immediately stopped what they were doing and reached for their weapons. Eola refused, stating no one is allowed to visit the Guardian. Stephen asked again and the response was even more violent, as it appeared that the women were on the verge of slaying us. At this point, as per the otter's advise the entire group left the hall and sat in the road, refusing all further hospitality.

As we sat in the road, a figure approached from the house furthest down the valley. As it approached, we saw it to be a mountain of a woman with huge corded muscles. Raven recognizes her garb as that of a high level Grand Druid. Stephen rises to his feet (as do the rest of us) and mangles out the phrase that the otter had supplied him with. His recitation must have been awful because the grand druid often cocked her head and mouthed to herself some of the syllables that Stephen was blindly spewing. She has a puzzled look on her face as she replies in a language similar to that which the dragon who overflew us spoke. She repeated herself in common "Teashock what are you doing here". Stephen responds that he is not Teashock and does not know who Teashock is. To which she quizzes him "You say the words, you wear the torc". She wants to hear our story over a meal and escorts us back into the meeting hall, where she displays an appetite equal to her size. She introduces herself as Antarta, the warleader of the Bear Clan. We introduces ourselves. She then leads us further down the valley to the last structure, the one from which she had earlier emerged and offer her our tale.

In response she informs us that her and the Fianna took up residence here after the High King banished them from the Isles. She will provide transportation for us in the form of sea kayaks to take us beyond the Dragon's Teeth. The boats will need to be built and us trained so we are welcome to stay on the island for several days. We are permitted to interact with all the inhabitants of the valley, but must not venture further up the valley.

Personal Note:

We are all full of questions and look forward to the training opportunities and hospitalities offered by this community of warrior women. I will pause the log at this point as a particular strapping young lass seems quite insistent that I engage her in a wrestling match. She chortles when she suggests that there are certain house rules I must follow. I join her merriment and state that I am always up for learning new things. This only seems to make her happier......