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Th'rsday - Harvest 8, 802 AR (Evening) Today was less productive than we hoped. But, I get ahead of myself. Let me start with yesterday. Raven and I spent time at the camp with the halflings while Elensul, Jaden and Blackhawk explored the nearby area. Throughout the course of the day, we were able to identify the old footsteps of some titanic being, fully 30 feet long. As well, we discovered the body of a dragon-like serpent. Impaled through the head with an enormous spear. The construction was primitive, but effective nonetheless. An very tall ash tree that had been stripped of branches and had the tip sharpened. These two discoveries make me question the wisdom of bringing the halflings to this place. It seems the safer option, but perhaps just barely. When the others returned, they spoke of discovering a statue within a building in a valley that appeared to have been fireswept. Enough to turn the ground to glass! The statue was of an Elvish Lord. I suspect a King. Possibly a High King. Very curious. Within the marble edifice, they also discovered a mural with mountains that Jaden swears are the same as those in a book on Puddleby and in a cave at the Wind Shrine. This seems like a place we will want to return to and explore in better detail. Once we have resolved the situation with the halflings. We spent a good deal of the evening discussing our strategy for the next day. Suddenly, Elensul stood and walked off into the shadows of the evening. We could hear him speaking, with somebody. Finally, he seemed to communicate his name. Whoever he was speaking with replied "Toviar" or something similar. It was difficult to make out through the brush. Elensul came back within view, accompanied by an Elf! Though, he had somewhat odd features. A bit more like Alyth's than Elensul's. Possibly of mixed birth as well. Still, I am haunted by a question of Raven's the evening before. She had asked Elensul if he had heard of a place called the birthplace of the Firstborn, or something similar. Toviar seemed to be affable enough. He shared an apple with us and accepted drink. This seemed more out of a ritual of greeting than any specific need. Elensul introduced all of us and I offered to play for him. He seemed willing to listen. I played a number of tunes. Elvish tunes. Finally, I hit upon one that he knew and he sung to. What a voice! Afterward, I tried to mimic the tune that infused my dreams the night before. He seemed interested, but did not sing with it. Finally, he made his departure. Heading off toward the bridge that the others had investigated earlier that day. From time to time, we could hear a voice carrying back on the wind. Presumably his. When we return to Bliss, I plan to look into older dialects of Elvish. If this place really is where the Elves came from, perhaps people such as Toviar never journeyed to Valinor. Maybe they speek a variant of Elvish that we might learn and speak with them when we return. After he left, Elensul told us that he had shown his ring to Toviar. The odd elf had looked at it and breathed upon it. As if cleaning it. At that point, the ring actually glowed! Perhaps there is some sort of protective magic bound up within it. Or some other magical affect. It is definitely something worth looking into. After Toviar left, we decided to get an early rest so we would be ready for the morning. Sometime in the middle of the night, I was brought out of my rest by the clear call of a hunting horn. It was a bit disorienting. I had a momentary urge to answer it's call. Noticing that Elensul was on watch, I queried if that was the call he had spoken of hearing the night before. After his confirmation, I tried to lay back down and get a bit of rest. Not terribly successfully as I lay there in partial expectation until it was my turn at watch. As dawn broke across the sky, I sang my morning greetings and gently awoke my companions. None of us was in a rush to head off into battle, so we took our time making our way through camp. Finally arriving at the Crossroad, I tried to coax the Guardian into speaking with us. No luck on that account. Almost reluctantly, we began girding ourselves for the battle we anticipated. We cast numerous protective and enhancement magics and then I stepped through the Crossroad. As I entered, I felt the warm, ethereal embrace of a woman. Pleasant! Perhaps the Dryad Guardian? Stepping onto the beach, I was assaulted by the smell of smoke. A haziness filled the entire area. I moved away from the Crossroad, searching for fire or foe. None to be seen! Everyone else began arriving through the Crossroad and we quickly evaluated the area. At least the island wasn't burning down around our ears! Perhaps there are even parts left that are habitable. But, seeing no adversary, we continued with out plan and teleported to Old Turlough. Arriving at our intended destination, we cast the remaining magics we had planned. Jaden and Raven both went invisible and moved off ... somewhere, in preparation. Blackhawk hid behind a convenient pile of rubble. The air was thick with smoke. Very thick! The ground beneath our feet was literally ash and glowing embers. If it was not for the magical protections, it would have been hopeless to remain there. I called out and asked if everyone was ready. Once I had everyone's consent, I cast a cantrip that creates sound. I chose to emulate the cries of pain we had heard the other dragon make. I hoped to incite the remaining dragons into pressing their assautl upon us. It even seemed to be working as we heard them roaring in response. However, the roars soon faded and the dragons did not make an appearance. We began to debate whether we should attempt to seek them out, or maintain patience. Eventually, the protective magics were beginning to fail, the invisibility wore off and my cantrip wore off. After a few moments, we decided to return to Turlough and try again on the morrow. I was half afraid that the dragons would be waiting for us when we returned. No dragons, but a few goats were on the beach. Very puzzling! Did they simply follow the trail of the halflings? Or is this some clever trap? We face cunning opponents and I am not willing to rule that possibility out. We passed through the Crossroad and arrived in the circle of trees. After a few moments of conversation, we decided to return so that Raven might call up a rainstorm on the other side. It would provide a bit of moisture to help save some of the island and might help clear the smoke. It seemed a bit risky, but worth the effort if she had time to cast it. When we returned, Raven assured us that the spell worked and we would be able to see the results when we return. Having returned, without facing our adversary, does nothing to heal the wound I feel. The failure in the trust I have for Blackhawk cuts me keenly. I know not how to resolve it. I let my composure break down when we returned. His rationalization that he was simply attempting to direct the dragon's wrath upon himself, and thus allow Jaden time to reach me rings with such hollowness and falseness that I can hardly believe it! Does he really believe it? I am not sure I even care now. Still, my job is to maintain the morale of everyone else. I must seek some way to ease my ache at the loss of trust. Relying on my limited Lin Sule is not adequate to the task. I cannot wander these woods as my heart is begging me to do. There is too much we must accomplish before I can indulge myself in that manner. And I must avoid Blackhawk until I can quell the Rage within my heart that I feel toward him. Elensul is planning on holding some contests for the halflings. While he shares some of Raven's Quiet Wisdom, he holds great strength in Necessary Action. His efforts will allow me a bit more time to collect my thoughts. I shall wander the periphery of the camp. Perhaps I will resolve my turmoil enough to participate in the games. We shall see.
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