As fate would have it we find ourselves arriving back at Wonderland. We have spent months traveling to Bliss and civilization and in just a few days of travel we find ourselves back to what we now know is called Chaos Island. Our journey was remarkably easy with the help of three Navigators controlling both air and water elementals. As we approach the island the boat rises up on a mound of water that easily takes us to what appears to be the same beach we arrived on with our kayaks.

As we organize out equipment in preparation for our hike to the garden, I notice it seems unusually calm. The only oddity is some blowing leaves that under closer inspection were colorful fish swimming through the air. I tried to clear my mind repeating an inner mantra {ignore the chaos}. We are on a mission for Fara and our survival is imperative and from experience curiosity in this land can mean a quick death. Stephen starts singing a song I have not heard before. He sings four short verses directed at Raven, Élensűl, himself and me. He said that this will help us defend ourselves by improving our reflexes.

As we start up the path a chill runs through me as I recognize the clearing we are entering. It was where our minds were ripped from our bodies. I take a quick glance at Raven and a flood of memories come flooding back. Surprisingly most were positive. As my mind returns to the present I see a raven perched on a nearby tree. I get the distinct impression that is it watching us. Raven castes speak with animals and try to converse with the creature. When asked what it was doing and questioned if magic was involved, is said it was not watching anything and there was no magic. It then became very nervous and quickly flew off. I had to restrain myself from sending an arrow through that creature; for I have an overwhelming feeling it is a servant of one of the Umbrians. Stephen was able to bring reason back to my mind in time to save the bird. The idea that it could be serving as an agent against its will and should not be destroyed also drives my reasoning.

I again repeat to myself {ignore the chaos} and we move on.

We soon approach a small stone building that reminds me of a miniature pagoda. It is moss covered and looks like it has been here for ages but I am sure this is the same path we traveled before. As I quickly pass it with out breaking stride the rest of the party slows and an explosion erupts from the structure. As the dust clears from what first looks like shadows appear exact replicas of each of us, including Jeck and Deval. The replicas are exact down to the positions of the hairs on our head. Before any of us could respond the alternate Raven sends out an Ice Storm that engulfs all but myself.

While I was trying to decide whether to attack or ignore our duplicates Jaden casts Chain Lighting and as the bold strike each of the apparitions they instantly disappeared in a burst of smoke. The only remaining alternate is mine and just after the lighting dissipates I see Raven now as a cougar pounce on my double and claw and bite at it. I still wanted to incapacitate him but as I put a lightly shot arrow into him he also disappears in a puff of smoke. Just to make sure Stephen uses his Wand of Magic Missiles at the building exposing some runes. Élensűl follows Stephens lead and attacks the structure as well.

Before anything else can happen we quickly leave the area and continue on to the garden. Lia heals us as we continue. There is no trail to say, but a thinning of trees guides us. We have varied from our previous route heading through a valley. As we pass this valley we notice the stone seems to be a white marble and there are two caves high on the wall. The caves have an odd symmetry to them. A thought entered my mind that these look like nostrils. We immediately quicken our pace. In my mind I start to repeat my mantra {ignore the chaos} {ignore the chaos}.

Breaking through my concentration I hear a vaguely familiar sound. It is a type of singing of sorts, like someone trying to sing a song but who does not know the words. Through the brush a tuft of purple hair is seen bobbing about. This immediately brings back the memory of the dolphin-panda composite creature with the Mohawk we encountered during our last trip. We took cover in the brush as it continued down the slope passing us without incident.

The gorge started to widen into a small meadow. Placed in the center of this pastoral area is a gazebo. Our first reaction is to give the structure a wide berth. Stephen fights the urge to give a performance from the finely crafted bandstand. As we get closer we notice that of course this is not an ordinary building but it has eyes protruding from the roof that open and scrutinizes out party.

Let me pause here a moment. This land breaks all natural laws I have ever experienced. It is like living in someoneís dreams or for me their nightmare. These things we see canít exist but if we confront them they injure us. The magic that is used here is corrupt and contorted. Chaos derives itself from order. Let me explain my logic in that statement. If I were to throw a stone into a pool it would create ripples in the surface of the water that would radiate out in an orderly pattern. Now it I were to continue throwing stone upon stone into the water each perfect ripple would interact with the other in the pool eventually it would look like the surface would be in chaos, but the reality is it is just that I am unable to distinguish the individual waves. In this example the perceived chaos still has its source in the perfection of each wave (the purity of a celestial note in the song of creation). But here on this island I can not even imagine how these creatures can be a part of the reality I know. And to think we plan to enter a realm of pure chaos. Is it just that I am to feeble minded a being to see through the chaos to the natural elements that compose it? I know that this line of thought should be discussed outside of our official logs but I do think its substance needs to be touched upon here for others who may read this account.

Back to our current encounter, as we try and move our way around it Stephen decides to address the structure. Stephen calls out "good day find structure" and smiles. It just stares intently at Stephen. Then a low creaking noise breaks the stand off. A noise that brought back disturbing memories of the sounds the Moonwind made as it was braking apart during its destruction, as the gazebo starts to move toward the bard. As the rest of the party tries to leave the area as Élensűl steps up in front of Stephen to try and provide him time to retreat before the structure can reach him. As Stephen retreats the gazebo attacks Élensűl. I send an arrow toward the structure in hopes to distract its attack but the arrow passes right through it. With a terrific blow the gazeboís roof comes pounding down on the surprised Elf. With everyone free of the area Élensűl retreats to join the rest of us as I send a second arrow into it to discourage its pursuit.

As we try and make our way out of the valley to get to the giant wand on the crest we enter a large grassy plain about a mile wide. Down the center is a crowd of about 200 people that seem to be forming a line for something. They seem to be from many different backgrounds, some in high-dress other in casual garb. Running parallel to the queue is a red velvet rope with a gap in the center were some individuals that seem to be controlling the crowds passage.

We make our way though the crowd to the entrance where a person with a tally sheet checking names. Beside him are two burly guard types and beside them are two ogres. Stephen announces himself to the greeter who checks his list but did not find Stephens name on it. He tries to bluff the greeter by saying we are here to perform. He questions Stephen, asking to perform at what? as he produces an open hand. Stephen places some gold in his hand but he does not move and gestures for more. Stephen adds 10 more gold pieces, then Jaden adds 10 more for a total of 35 but he still does not move. Élensűl adds a final 10 and he finally lets us by.

From the end of the meadow we can see where we passed before and made our way up the ridge. As we travel through the woods we see a variety of things that could not exist in the world as we know it. We finally arrive at the wand; from here we can see the trees of the garden. The foliage of the garden stands out from the rest of the terrain because it is of the normal colors that seem to be absent form the rest of this island.

At about 3:00pm we arrive at the garden and the tunnel entrance that traverses the very thick wall that encloses the garden. As we entered the garden it seems unchanged from our last visit. The mountain with the wedge and clockwork sounds is just as I remembered. We now have a day to try and stay out of trouble but I fear our curiosity will be hard to control in such a place.

Penned in this log by BlackHawk Fox