9th Harvest

This morning we find ourselves still restless in this forest. Stephen is still melancholy, and the rest of us wonder where we are in this place. Stephen and Élensûl took up some combative practice fighting for some exercise, and much to the amusement of the younger halflings. Jaden and BlackHawk left to explore to the northwest in search of some water sources. They were interested in what would be available for the halflings’ survival should they be unable to return to Turlough.

Heading northwest, Jaden and BlackHawk found water, but just a trickle of a stream. But they came across a statue inlaid with semi-precious stones such as jasper. It was a warrior in armor with a shield. The shield bore a crest of a war-hammer crossed with a longbow, further evidence of a past alliance between elves and dwarves. It looked to be in fair condition.

They found an opening in the stones near the statue that led to a cave. Their explorations revealed nothing but bats.

In the meantime, Élensûl, Stephen, and I feel that there is something odd. Not quite right in camp. We look about and find nothing unusual. It is as though we just cannot place our finger on it. We count the halflings for fear one is missing. They are all accounted for, but oddly, there is one extra! Élensûl spots a halfling that does not quite fit in. We realize that he is a stranger, and must have wandered in at some point, blending in with the others. He is indeed a halfling, but carries a quarterstaff on his back. The staff is finely made, but before I could make any other observations, DeVal caught my attention. He was very agitated and growling. Suddenly he took off into the forest. I panicked, fearing that I might lose him, as he has been extremely unhappy here. I changed into a cougar and charged after him. I followed him through the underbrush and between the trees. For some time I kept up the chase, at times almost losing him. I was so afraid for him.

Finally, we burst into a clearing that contained Jaden and BlackHawk. BlackHawk was scratch and injured, but otherwise upright. It turns out he was attacked by a very large bear, but he and Jaden chose to flee it rather than fight it. Wise choice, as I learn from my little friend that Bear Clan resides here. DeVal sensed the Bear presence, and feared for Jaden and BlackHawk’s safety. But all was well, and I urged the humanoids back to camp quickly. It would not be safe for us to tread where we may not be welcome.

When we return, the halfling stranger is still there. Élensûl was not able to communicate with him, and it seems that he does not talk. I chose to remain in my cat form for awhile. I checked the little guy out, sniffing him, watching him. Unfortunately, he found me alarming and ran from me. Enticed by his antics, I gave chase and pounced on him. He seemed rather panicked. So did the other halflings. I didn’t want them to misunderstand me, so I chose to find a peace offering. Besides, I was very hungry. DeVal and I set out to hunt nearby camp. We found a small deer, and I brought it down. After the kill, we indulged ourselves, but held back to save some for the others. I carried my prize back to camp and presented it to the halflings. They did not seem appreciative. Maybe it was because they could have no fire to cook their meat. Ah, the advantages of being feline. DeVal and I finished up the meal and retired to bathe.

Reluctantly, I returned to human form. It helped Élensûl in encouraging many of the halflings to return, as they had fled from the mountain lion. I mean, really, a cougar isn’t that big.

Élensûl tells us that the strange halfling’s quarterstaff is of fine quality, well balanced, and of the sort a Fian would carry. Extremely odd for this little guy to carry.

The stranger halfling crawled into my lap and settled down to sleep right away. I laid him down to sleep with DeVal and me. Though he continued to snore, even when I moved him, he was very stiff and did not change shape at all. Strange little fellow.

We ponder just what this creature isÉ