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25th of Blossom As dawn greeted us, we made are way to the boats. It seems the entire islands inhabitants were there to see us off. Farewells were shared, as well as hopes of returning. As we stared off at the cloudy and stormy seascape, it became hard to leave this calm in the storm that we have come upon, but we know it is for the best. The thought of sleeping in a bed in Puddleby that night seemed to spur on those who treasure such comforts as we set off. We had discussed the possible approaches to Puddleby island consisting of the Puddleby dock, Cat Beach, or Rockadile Beach. Rockadile Beach seemed to be the lesser evil as few questions would be asked and we could avoid hurting any cats if Brans influence did not calm all the cats on the beach. But we still had to get there. At a point a few hours into this our last paddling adventure (hopefully), an island seemed to rise from the sea around us. It was the back of a great maritime beast. We fought for control of our boats in the turmoil that this creature unleashed upon our surroundings. As the beast again submerged, it was seen that Lawrence and James Douglas were not in their kayak. Bran pulled up along side and helped a struggling James and Lawrence back into their boat. They showed haste for there was no sign of the beast, which may have been still beneath us. Fears were calmed when it was spotted again surfacing half a mile away, but the speed it possessed was awe inspiring. A second encounter on the waves occurred as the waves began to build in the worsen weather around us. Snow and rain alternated in pelting us and visibility dropped as a thick fog draped us in white velvet. Lawrence was struggling to maintain his bearing, when through the mist cries were heard. It was impossible to orient ourselves to the source of the sound but it but us on alert. Suddenly the fog parted providing us a glimpse of four row boats, each propelled by a single rower, heading out to the northwest. They may have been the source of the cries, but we expressed no desire to draw their attention and the fog soon enveloped us again in it anonymity allowing us to continue on our trek. Later, when the fog parted again, huge cliffs loomed in front of us. Still lost in the fog, the roar of the surf crashing against the unseen rocks surrounding the cliff base soon asulted our ears. Lawrence expressed concern that we have travel too far north and must quickly paddle south. The rough sea and the vicinity of the cliffs and crags raising out of the sea made this last leg perilous. It was not unexpected when a large wave eventually hit the party propelling us toward a large pillar of stone. Skelly and Mel were broadsided by the wave and propelled under the suface. Mel resurface behind the wave near where the kayak had reappeared, but there was no sign of Skelly. Jotork and James together with Lawrence steered their kayaks clear of the threatening tor. Bran was not so lucky. Struggling to the last moment, his kayak smashed against the rock with a sickening splintering. Mel had regained his boat, but three were unaccounted for. Mel eventually spotted Skelly a short distance away and helped pull him in. As Arnestra came back around the rock, he thought he heard Brans voice calling out. Suddenly, and wind rose as Bran became visible above the waves. He appeared to be suspended half out of the water as if being supported from under the waves. He moved over the James kayak and was deposited between the two paddlers. Next McGuyver received the same treatment (dropped on Arnestras boat), but there was no sign of little DeVal. James sent Jek airborne to get a different perspective. The Raven soon swooped to the apparent location of DeVal and bravely tried to pull the cat from the sea. But the frighten cat was in no condition to be plucked from the sea by a bird. With Jek no lost from sight, we all paddled over to where we saw him go in to the sea. As we approached, DeVal was lifted in the same manner as Bran had been, although there was still nothing visible above the surface of the waves. Skelly, now back in his boat was able to cast Mage Hand and deliver Jek, scratched and waterlogged to a worried James. Bran had managed to save her back and spears, but all loose and heavy equipment was lost. Now dangerously laden, we again paddle to the south. Lawrence calls out that the beach is just ahead as we round a cape. Bearing the lightest load, Skelly and Mel head in first. Mel stalks the perimeter as Skelly quickly scuttles the kayak and pushes it back out to sea. With no immediate threats, the other two boats limp ashore and are similarly dispatched. We see that the beach slopes up to a tall sheer cliff face. Lawrence explains that we have come ashore on the NW portion of the beach an need to get to the SE and across a stream. We set off at a run when Mel reports some nearby movement. With our trusty craft now useless behind us, we set off hoping that Puddleby will be the salvation that we have built it up to be in our minds. The beach appears to live up to its name as two rockadiles quickly take up pursuit of the party. Giant lobster-like creatures appear to be the other main denizen of the beach, but I suspect if it were called Giant Lobster Beach there would be a great number of unfortunate beach party accidents. Two more rockadiles come up from the right, apparently trying to cut us off. Lawrence in the lead, suddenly appears to disappear. As each party member approaches they see a 35 ft deep cleft scoured into the beach by a stream. Lawrence was already running down a ramped bank, trusting that we were all following. Running down the ramp builds momentum that made stream crossing more difficult that it needed to be. Arnestra and Bran both slid on waterworn stones, but luckily Skelly and James were coming up behind them and quickly the party was back in motion. With some relief, we noticed that the rockadiles and lobsters did not follow us into the defile. We quickly learned why. In the blinding rain a huge rockadile loomed up before us. It seemed slightly slow from the slumber it had likely just awakened from and we quickly sprang to the attack. Avoiding its huge maw, Arnestra darts behind the creature and plants Sabas spear into the rockadiles spine. As Lawrence throws a potion into the fray, Arnestra holds her breath, but the resulting cloud does not resemble the deadly poison cloud we had seen her deliver previously. They rest of the party smell a strong vinegar aroma, that does not appear to have an immediate effect upon our adversary. James races to the front of the beast and delivers two Magic Missiles point blank into the creatures face. Skelly sidles up to James and lays a powerful blow into the side of the rockadiles jaw. But with his arm so close, the rockadile in a painfilled rage snaps its jaws down on Skelly leaving him crippled. Avoiding the now thrashing tail with a deft sidestep, Arnestra delivers another vicious spear stab. Lawrence sends in several Magic Missiles from a distance. Melanie trained her bow upon the beast, but the shot missed the beast. James brought his longsword down upon the creature neck to serve as the killing blow. Lawrence provides a potion that heals Skelly, while Bran cast Heal Moderate Wounds on an apparently sickly DeVal. Brans questions Lawrence what exactly he used on the rockadile. It was a potion to deaden a sense of smell, but it seems to have had a poisonous effect on the cat. To make amends Lawrece uses some healing ointment on DeVal that seems to perk him up a bit. The storm still raged, and rivulets were passing our feet. We deemed it prudent to get out of the stream cleft. Lawrence led us to the cliff face. From this prominent vantage point, we could survey the entire beach and see the vast amount of wildlife swarming on the beach, including some heading our way. He warned us to stick close and not be surprised if he suddenly disappear, but instead we should quickly press ahead to follow him. He was looking for a magical gate in the face of the cliff that defied the normal sense of vision to see. As promised,, while Lawrence moved along the cliff face, he quickly vanished from our view. We all pressed in quickly behind. We found ourselves in a narrow, high walled canyon that led to a wider tree-filled clearing. It was at this point that we realized that James was not with us. Skelly went to race back for him, but Lawrence yelled STOP!. Instead Lawrence takes off at a run back up the canyon muttering something about that boy as she disappeared from sight. In the clearing we fond ourselves greeted by a friendly and colorful gentleman selling green tunics. After a discussion of various dyeing methods, Mel purchases one tunic. About this time James and Lawrence return. Lawrence sheepishly relates that he looked away momentarily at the approaching vermin and when he turned back we were gone. He failed to relocate where we had gone through. As the vermin closed in, he was never so happy to see his own face as when Lawrence passed back through the gate to pull him through in the nick of time. As we prepare to leave the clearing, Lawrence warns that there are many gates about and she does not know them all. She has a magically honed ability that may accidentally trip one. She should stick close and always follow. If we get separated, we should go to the main square at Puddleby. She passes through the portal and we quickly follow. We find ourselves in a hedge lined field, Lawrence calls a Snell. We see vermin in the abandoned fields and set off at a run to the NE. After passing through a daisy field we at last see signs of recent civilization, a recently planted field. At one point we are force to veer around a huge deer with an impressive rack. Lawrence yells over her shoulder that it is a Starbuck and considered bad luck to kill one. It looked like it though about charging us, but never made a move. Finally in the distance we saw our goal for the day, the Bards Guild Hall. As we closed upon the structure, an orga of slightly lighter hue, appeared off to our left. It pulled something out of a satchel it carried and heaved it toward us. It passed behind us, but resulted in a huge explosion. This spurred us on the last leg up the marble steps of the guild hall built into a cliff face. As we passed through the doors another explosion shock us, but found ourselves in a large room paneled and floored with wood. In the rear corner several cushioned chairs and locked bookcases were visible. To the north, big gilt adorned doors stood closed, apparently guarded by a large shouldered human. The man in a white toga, jacket and cape was greeted by Skelly. We learn the man is apparently called Yo. Skelly asks to say and the Yo does not say no, as some patrons occasionally fall asleep during performances. So since there is not a rue against it we will be allowed to stay in this room as long as we do follow the few simple rules; 1) Do not mess with the instrument maker, 2) stay away form the tower were the guild members reside, 3) do not vandalize the stage, and 4)do no mass with the bookcases. These rules are simple, but appear to chafe Skelly because we can tell he wants more than anything to bother the instrument maker and those in the tower. Yo goes on to inform us that he is one of the bouncers here and that the orga outside will not bother us because he is afraid of Yo. As we settle in for the night we count our simple blessing that while not receiving great hospitality we are at least out of the elements. We discuss the days events and what to expect tomorrow. We learn from Lawrence that an Orga Shaman chased us into the hall. Lawrence also agreed to Brans request not to use that again in the presence of any cats. Lawrence also relates that the Wizard of the night before used a Time Stop spell to freeze the centaurs. He reminds us that he learned his wizardly ways from his mother and wizard teacher. His knowledge of the Isles comes from his father a merchant who traveled the breadth of the Isles. Later in the evening, Skelly is the only person awake to see an apparent changing off the guard as another bouncer takes Yos place. Skelly later learns his name is Jo. 26th Blossom It the morning we set off for in inn called the Purple Toria. Skelly is disappointed that no members of the guild have arisen yet as we prepared to depart, but when was the last time a Bard saw a sunrise by choice. We sprint off to the south and Lawrence warns us not to veer to the east. We spy the Starbuck and several vermin, but steer clear of all. As we pass the eastern opening in the snell that Lawrence warned about, all we can see are swirling mists. As we pas into the nest snell, we see active fields, farm houses and verdant green grass. A giant ant hill looms in the NE corner of the snell, and we wisely stay away from it. We begin to see people milling about, including a dwarf. At last, fortified Puddleby looms up in front of us. The area surrounding the castle has been cleared of all vegetation. An earthen ramp leads up to the gates flanked by large wooden towers. The walls are massive, dwarven constructs, expertly designed and constructed with the use of no mortar. Upon approaching the gates, a 12 ft tall figure looms up in the entrance way. We mutter amongst ourselves that this must be the stone golem that guards the magic gate that deposits people in Puddleby. As Lawrence lead us past the unmoving guardian, she is visibly shaken when in a booming, graveling voice it calls out Welcome Lady Lia. Arnestra was unsure as to which person the golem appeared to be speaking to, but Lawrence kept moving on into the town, so Arnestra continued without making a response. Our first view of the down is of neatly trimmed grass and small shrubs and MUD. Lawrence leads the way to the NE past a monastery that practices martial arts,, then to the south past enormous trees. We pass an obvious dyers workshop, then a ramshackle hut. Upon reaching a large stone structure with a sloping roof and guard tower, Lawrence relates that this is the jail. We continue past a city well and an odd shaped building, then through a low stone wall into the town center. A small ancient church, the courthouse, and a blacksmith are soon passed before a large wooden framed house with a red roof is visible. The sign above the door declares it is the Purple Toria. Inside we find a large common area, a bar, and a roaring fire. A 3 ft high purple tortoise was slowly making its way across the floor. Lawrence approaches the barkeep and makes arrangements to stay through the Beltane Festival. Quite a bit of money changes hands and she returns with four keys. As we start to discuss room assignments, McGuyer separates himself from the pack and drift back to the door to gaze out at the city. When we question him on his lack of participation in this and other upcoming descision, he states simply that he feels sorry for our predicament and if he learns something he will pass along the knowledge, but he did not join this group to be a hero. There are queations to ask and machines to study; he needs to follow his heart. With a few heartfelt words, he bids each member thank you and goodbye. The partys feet feel like led as they plod down the hall to their rooms, visibly shaken by a departure of an original member of the Charter. Baths and lots of food do wonders to lift the spirits, and by the afternoon Skelly and Lawrence are ready to scout about for someone to help us. The small church nearby is an old Celtic church rededicated by the Angelicans, but no one resides there. At a temple of Gaia, they see a big alter, a floor mosaic of a naked woman, but are turned away for not being enlightened enough. Lawrence leads Skelly past a strongly fortified building with a blue stone spire and a white robed figure out front. She explains that they are healers, but of the body only and could not help our psyches. In the town square they visit the ancient temple. Inside are various teaching masters and their students, but no one catches there eye as particularly learned. At the back of the temple is a huge stone alter upon which is a female stone head. The alter looks older than the surrounding temple. Skelly and Lawrence then move on to the libraries. The first has a sample of townsfolf using the resources. One ramp leads down to a subterranean vault that was discovered to be filled with Elven texts. A second ramp took them to the second library occupied by more serious minded scholars. With a determination to resume in the evening when the taverns are filled, Skelly and Lawrence return. I write this entry sitting in my room with Melanie. While she attempts to meditate, I have taken out some pent up frustration through this journalistic exercise. Yet here I remain, a prisoner in someone elses body and in this room. Lias caution against being recognized binds me to this cell, thus preventing me from seeking my own salvation. With their return empty handed, my sentence is extended. I truly pray that the search tonight is more successful. Arnestra
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