Date: Sunday, April 22, 2001 12:09 AM Subject: Apprentice Briefing

"Have I got everybody? ...... Good! Let's have a seat in the grass over here.

Gather close, so you can see the maps I'm laying out."

Cathrin Thunderfoot has that perfect hobbit personality. Friendly, personable -- absolutely a fashionable hostess for any social gathering, and she enjoys preparing fine meals _almost_ as much as she likes eating them. At the same time she is acknowledged to be at the top of her profession, one of the top 5 Enchanters in the land. And at 70, she is barely starting to hit her stride. Her students love her... there is considerable competition to study as her dedicated apprentice.

If only she weren't so damn tall... you guys always get a crick in your neck at her lectures.... she's a Hill Giant.

"Okay... first things first. I need the first year apprentices to stand up. Good. We are leaving the Guild Headquarters greatly unstaffed and undefended during this crisis -- there's no choice about that, as the normal staff will be busy in Seagate. Therefore, first years are ordered to report to Mistress Doris Glucken immediately following this briefing, to assist Guild Security in securing the Guild Complex. You will obey any order given to you by Security, unless specifically countermanded by Mistress Doris."

"Second and third year students... Would those of you who have received Horsemanship Mastery certifications from Carlos please stand up? Great! After this briefing you will be be meeting with Carlos and Herkam the Enchanter. We're going to station you outside the Guild Complex... when the Undead Army comes within sight of the Headquarters, you are ordered to gallop best speed to the forward lines. After you have notified the waiting first year students, you will remain at their position until the Undead Army catches up (comes within sight) and then you will quickly fall back to notify the second year students. Once again you will wait until the undead come close to your position, and then you will retreat over the bridge to the Church. You will then put yourself and your horses at the disposal of the Archbishop's staff as a couriers, if any are needed."

"On to the rest of you! Third year apprentices... listen for your name. I have assigned you into two squads, Gold and Silver. After this briefing each squad will meet with the small group of Rangers wearing sashes of the corresponding color. They will give you additional instructions. [She reads list] You are to deploy on either side of the main road, about a mile south of Seagate. Your objective is to funnel the undead down the main road, and make it expensive for any to try and flank the bridge. You are NOT expected to hold indefinitely... at the Rangers' orders, or after you start to take casualties (if the Rangers are not available) you are ordered to fall back to the bridge. The Gold squad will move northwest and around, and the Silver Squad will move northeast and around -- both passing through the respective squads of second year students. After crossing the bridge, you will NOT proceed to St Michaels Church, but will instead turn left, follow the docks (passing through the defenses) and report to the Castle Gate, where the injured will recieve treatment, and the uninjured will reinforce the Seagate Guard."

"Now to the second year apprentices. I'm going to call your names out, along with the squad you'll be assigned to. There are three Rogues over by the wall wearing colored sashes... you will report to the appropriate one immediately after this briefing."

[She calls out names. All the players, except for TJ's Barbarian (who is assigned to the Courier group) are assigned to the Red Squad. The Weefles are assigned to the Blue Squad, and a bunch of people you don't know very well are on the White Squad.]

"All right. As we've explained previously, the whole point of this song-and-dance is to channel whatever fragment of the undead army survives the assault with the Duke's Army into a trap. We're going to have enough Divine Magic waiting that I fully expect the Circle to collapse after this engagement. The key thing here is to put up enough resistance that the evil officers behind the Circle will bunch their troops together to try to swarm us, but not so much that they elect to try to find another way across the Sweetwater. We'll continue to have our troops fall back, appearing to rout. Nothing an evil army likes better than trying to massacre fleeing troops."

"White and Blue Squads.... you'll be assigned to the docks west and east of the bridge. We don't want the undead coming this way... they could cut off our troops if they can get to the bridge. We want to make flanking us too expensive to attempt, so that they will go for the center instead. Therefore, members of the Archbishop's staff are going to raise magical barriers that will completely bar passage to the weaker undead. If a particularly powerful undead manages to penetrate the barrier, there will be a second defense -- a line of Symbols -- which will be triggered by their passage. There is always a chance that there are non-undead troops within the army, or undead powerful enough to survive triggering multiple Symbols. In the first case, you are to make sure none survive the attack... in the latter case, you must SPRINT for the bridge. Don't look back. Other than those unlikely events, you have two primary duties... Protect any first year students who fall back to your location, and make sure they can reach the bridge... and once the Red Squad starts to fall back, make sure that they are not flanked until ALL of you can retreat back over the river."

"Red Squad. Please set up in the plaza with the fountain southwest of the bridge. You'll need to keep an eye down all three avenues, but if all goes well you will only have traffic coming towards you from the southeast. One of the couriers will notify you shortly before the undead troops start to approach." "Once notified they are approaching, you will remain in the plaza only long enough for the first undead to notice you and start to move towards you. IMMEDIATELY fall back to the point marked "A" on this map, and try to engage them within this block. DO NOT allow them to get as far as the park at this point... once the space opens up you will have a hard time keeping them from swarming you. When the situation becomes untenable, the entire squad should fall back to point "B". Don't delay and allow the undead to flank you where the road widens!"

"Hold this spot as long as you can. As soon as your injuries start to add up, send a runner to the docks to notify any staff there, and signal that you're are about to fall back (I'll discuss how to signal shortly). You may NOT fall back until Blue and White Squads have had time to withdraw... Red Squad should be the last group to cross the bridge. As soon as you get to the other side you have two options... if you are seriously injured, you are ordered to move LEFT (west) immediately after you cross the bridge. Members of the Seagate Guard will escort you to the Guard Headquarters, where you will be treated. If you are still relatively uninjured, you are ordered to "pretend to rout"... and run north. Try not to run so fast that you cannot see the first wave of the undead... we want them following you up towards the Church. Once you get to the Church compound, sprint past the assembled clergy and pass inside the Temple proper, where you will wait for further instructions."

"You have no real reinforcements, other than those already described. You do have some allies nearby that may indirectly assist you. Marked on the map is the location of Bishop Alistair. He may heal the most injured people, if time and his energies permit. You are to protect him if necessary. Brother Alistair will be waiting for one reason... he will insure that no powerful undead punch through our defenses before we are ready. He is capable of turning or dispelling most undead, and he has many other applicable powers. If the battle goes particularly bad, he has additional orders... he will cast an Earthquake on the bridge supports, and drop the bridge into the river. The Late Graf will be concealed somewhere to the west of your position... he and his fellow Guild Necromancers are going to mess with the Undead Army's chain of command a bit. You're not likely to see any results of that, though."

"Signalling. All of you with bows are to swing by Dean Festa (gentleman with the facial scars standing under that tree) and pick up a "Flare" arrow. This is an enchanted arrow that will incinerate with a flash when it is fired from a bow. You will ONLY signal with a bright light (like one of these arrows) if your position is being overrun and you are starting to fall back. There is no need to signal for reinforcements... none will be forthcoming. Many of you are spell casters, so be sure to select a spell that allows you to produce a bright light. That way, if you run out of bowmen, you can still cast a spell on a tall object (rooftop, bridge support). Lastly, we have mounted one of the horse-sized temple gongs in front of the bridge. When Red Squad is ready to fall back from point "B", have someone hit the gong with their weapon. Multiple times, if time permits. This will signal White and Blue Squads to come at the double."

"ALL of you are to pick up one of these cloth baldrics [sashes] I have next to me. Select a color corresponding to your Squad. Couriers, get one ofthe Green Sashes. First years, get one of the Black ones. On the front is our Guild insignia, the back has several pockets. If you look at the contents, you will see the following: - Small vial holy water - Small vial Water of Healing - Necklace - Holy Symbol - Celestial Church - Flarestone - "Flares" when thrown against a hard object. - Small vial "Cure Light Wounds" Potion CL10

"Warriors should keep in mind that different undead have different weaknesses. Skeletons, for example, are relatively unaffected by sharp or pointy weapons. Equip accordingly."

"Spellcasters should keep in mind the sorts of things today will require. Choose your spells wisely. "Charm" and "Sleep" will do you no good against undead."

"You will assemble at the Guild entrance when you hear the tunkel gongs sound... one hour before sunset. Don't be late!"

"Now. Everyone go meet with your designated Guild Journeyman. Spellcasters, prepare your spells! Warrors, prepare your weapons! EVERYONE is ordered to lay down for six hours and get some sleep. If things go to hell, it may be the last sleep you get for several days."

"Does anybody have any questions?" [KtG: I'll try to respond (in character) to any questions I recieve before Sunday 9pm. Tomorrow night I will post those, and some final words from the Rogue assigned to Red Squad.] Sweet Dreams! KtG