
I add another page in my journal, for now comes more news that you will hold dear. I still know that communication with you is impossible, but I feel that this act of confession somehow will reach you.

On the edge of a small village southeast of Bliss I encountered my first Brethren amongst the Isles who was still connected to the old ways. While I had encountered Elves in Puddleby and slain one on Thieves’ Isle, today I encountered a shadow of Bowcourt.

He made himself visible to me as I patrolled this recently raided town. He wanted to be seen, that is the only explanation as to how I spotted his outline among the trees. I was with none of my companions, likely the only reason he would have revealed himself to me.

As I approached, it was like looking at myself, how it all should have been had we not needed to flee. His cloak, his boots, his bow, all of a future denied me. Call it fate, but just this morning I retook up your bow. With this claim of my heritage I came face to face with my future or was it my past.

We exchanged initial greetings, him showing initial surprise and a detectable distaste for my association with the world of Men. I explained that much has been forced upon me, and the Guild proved a means for crossing to the Isles and seeking out other Forest Homes.

He was a scout from the scattered villages on the Northwest portion of this Isle. He had seen much of the recent evil that erupted across this Isle, but I was able to expand his vision as to how epic this evil truly was. I related the significance of the Ardanian Church and of the Troubles in Bowcourt. This proved to be troubling, but then I added the recent news that eye tyrants have freed themselves from the subterranean prison and now roam the island.

With this set of bad news he was set to depart to spread the word among fellow scouts, but then I offered him the words of encouragement that Lady Varda delivered to me that fateful night upon the Wind Shrine. Sacrifice is inevitable but that is no reason to loose hope. Upon hearing those words, this seasoned scout lost his composure. If it were possible to surprise such a stoic figure I believe I succeeded. The shock of an Elven Fian who associates with Men carries a message from the Mistress of the Stars offset his tradition balance. He immediately suggested that my tale is too important to be delivered by messenger so I should make the necessary arrangements to travel north and visit the villages. He will see to it that I am expected, but warns that my Human and half-Human companions will not be welcome. I vouched for their sincerity to seeing right restored to the world, but these communities are still reeling from the terror unleashed upon them from the world of Men, and not all are ready to forgive.

So now I set off hoping to plead my case and the case of my friends before a western court. War is afoot here, and allies are sought, but answers to old questions also remain to be addressed. I go with trepidation and joy. May my next missive bear good news.
