The Journal of Maxfield Jaden Fox, 18th day of Blossom, 801

I would guess it's around midnight, a misty rain is falling and we have been besieged by the wild inhabitants of this island. I have a feeling that none of us will get much sleep this night. Jotork was bitten by some kind of snake, but seems not too much the worse for wear. His constitution must be as strong as he is.

The day started very early, the Fianna awakened us at around 2am and we boarded the kayaks. I could hardly believe my good fortune when Lia chose to ride with me. I am trying not to get my hopes up too much as she probably regards me as a brother or a friend. Not that I mind being either of those things to her, but I long to be so much more. Likely she is enamoured of Stephen.

I feel rather melancholy this evening, it could be due to lack of sleep, but I believe it is more than that. The Isle of the Gods was such a beautiful place, I could have stayed there forever. Now that we are back on the path, my thoughts have returned to revenge, and memories of my personal failures have come flooding back into my memory.

That Lark was related to Carlotta, even distantly, has eased my conscience somewhat. The red dragon could have been exacting his revenge on her as a relative of the de Greys. The wretched Blackcloaks could also have a grudge against the StClairs...

I wish I could piece together this puzzle. My mother and Stephen's, forced here to bear children against their will, Jotork's sister too, and could she have been my mother? And what of the Blackcloak's use of magick? Why do they see us as such a threat? And dear old Alfred... What did he see, or know that Nathaniel didn't want discovered? It is a gordian knot and I do plan to untangle it one day.

Poor Jeck looks miserable, here now, come and be dry under my cloak. At least until the next attack. Lia is sleeping peaceful as a child. Would that I could as well...No rest for the wicked, they say.