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Before the revelry gets too heated, Jotork enters with some parchment, ink and quills. The parchment is covered with small sketches he has made during some of the few quiet moments of the past few weeks. Images include those of a trident, a black sphere, a fox, a butterfly, a dragon, an island, a spear, and several angels. On the last clean space on the sheet he begins two new sketches. One is of a fox on a small island. The fox is running with a piece of black cloth clenched in its mouth. A butterfly rests upon the cloth. The second sketch is of an angel apparently stylized from several of the smaller sketches. One appears to be the statue from the garden, another the avatar called down by Fara, a third may be from the painting he described seeing in the library. The angel holds two weapons crossed above its head, one a trident, one a spear. And this part is hard to tell, but the face of the angel appears to be Lia's. Jotork pauses to listen to Stephen in the corner. A sadness seems to pass over his face. But he again picks up the quill and begins to trace the recent sketches onto each of his forearms. He becomes absorbed in his work, not seeming to notice if others enter or leave the room. He seems to be singing to himself much in the same manner as Stephen in the corner, occasionally sharing the tune, but often chanting his own rhythm. As the sketches begin to take shape, he pulls a needle and some small vials of colored ink from a small pouch. With quick measured stokes, he begins to make the sketches permanent additions to the living tapestry that is his skin. Stephen is watching Jotork with interest. After a bit, he speaks up. "Jotork, if it isn't too private, could you answer a question for me? What is the significance of your tattoos? I have long been curious, but had not had a convenient time to ask." Setting his needle down, Jotork looks at his recent handiwork, and some of his earlier tattoos. "Well, to speak plainly it is personal, but not private. Arnestra, my teacher, taught me my technique and gave me the jumping mouse, my first Life Tattoo. She had taught me much, and most of my tattoos served as reminders of lessons hard learned. The geometric symbols that I carry serve to help balance, center, and focus my energies. They are not magical in any sense but serve as focal points during meditations. These are my Lesson Tattoos. Since becoming a Fian I have earned my Life Tattoos. These are of a more personal nature. They serve to tell the story of a Fian's life through association of triumphs and failures. As a bard Stephen, you immortalize other through song and word, well this is my song. It is every Fian's desire to die in battle. When that day occurs, there will be a reminder for those who survive, and those with interest can perhaps "read" the tattoos to learn of a fallen Fian's past deeds. But more importantly, we also carry these stories into the afterlife. As we face judgment, we will be humbled with the realization that we had just failed in a life and death struggle and worse, others may have died due to our failure to protect them. In the face of such failure, we are unworthy to ask for a judgment of forgiveness. It is hoped that our Life Tattoos will be valued as true testament to a life of bravery and service by the judging spirits. This should allow a fallen Fian to be passed on to join in the eternal reward, as it is unthinkable that a Fian would create a Life Tattoo that did not represent true achievements. But Life Tattoos are also much more than that to those who know the true power of the Fianna. A Life Tattoo serves as a celebration of everything that is Fianna. I see a puzzled look, let me illustrate although I doubt I can fully explain. Arnestra gave me the Jumping Mouse. Clearly a reference to my name, Jotork - a jumping mouse in her native tongue. But it also reflects the increased agility I developed under her care. The dragon tail was added when I developed a punch that friends jokingly said could stop a dragon, but it also reflects my often headlong flight into any perceived trouble. The Elven eye reflects my centering ability to see more than some would wish me to see, but it is also serves as warning due to my vigilance of Bowcourt activities. These are the self induced scars that I bear, each willingly taken on, each a chapter in my life prior to boarding the Trident. My recent Life Tattoos are more complex due to the increased complexity of my life since that day. As you have shared my experiences since that day, you should be able to read the surface meaning of these two tattoos. The first, a fox jumping over an isle clenching a blackcloth with a butterfly. Clearly, I met you and your cousins in the Isles and learned of plots by Blackcloaks and Bowcourt. But the fox also represents increases in agility and leaping in addition to my pledge to see you and Raven safely to your potential destinations. The Isle represents the Sacred Isle and the punishment suffered by the Fianna banished there. The blackcloack is the pledge to see this quest to Bliss completed, and the pin, to uncover the meaning of those carried by you and Jaden. The second is a combination of the celestials recently encountered with Lia's face holding a spear and trident. Clearly events from our lives, but again there is more. The angels are stirring some memory within me that I cannot quite bring to the surface. But also I believe I have mastered healing techniques, as the celestial has healed us. The angel wings are there to slow any fall. Lia's face is for the lesson experienced from within her body. The trident is my pledge to avenge lost souls. And the spear is Saba's spear as a reminder of friendship given in troubled times and also just as a reminder... I am sorry, but I did not mean for this to be a lecture, but there is just no simple answer when a friend asks a question such as yours. I enjoyed your singing while I worked, for the creation of the Life Tattoo is a form of ritual. I channel remembrance, experience, and dreams into the ink as it mingles with my blood in hopes that the life story will be that much more vibrant. And as I stand for final judgment, I will be recognized as a true friend to noble companions and a worthy foe to those forces that seek to overturn balance. But tonight's works should bide me for a time. Here let me clean up around here to make room for the others and then please continue with your playing, a more lively tune perhaps to drive away any more thoughts of final judgments. Play loud enough and perhaps even Blawkhawk will arise from his slumber back in my room.
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