Dear Family,

I am scribing this note in my journal in hopes of someday soon being able to send this note to you to let you know of my progress here in the Isles. It has been some time since Arnestra saw me off at the docks. And yes I fully understand Father why you were unable to attend. It was likely for the best, for unbeknown to me at the time, there were BC members slinking through Seagate at that time. More of that later. I hope this letter finds you all well and safe.

News may eventually have reached you that the Trident was lost at sea, never reaching its destination of Bliss. I pray if you have received that news, that this letter has also found you. I am addressing it to the Guild, and my associates there will know how to pass it along to you. Vigilance is wise more so now than ever.

I survived the wreck, but some of the details I will not go into here, until I can confer with the Guild elders in Bliss. The guild is under attack, and until my story is passed to them, I am hesitant to relay the details. My survival was not guaranteed, but I was found adrift by fellow members of the Guild, a most fortunate stroke. They suffered a similar fate as I and now together we journey toward Bliss.

As a fellow Guild member they have welcomed me, but I believe they would have done so even if this was not the case. They are truly a good hearted lot to have fallen in with. Since meeting them I have come to believe that there are forces at work, both mortal and supernatural, that have tied my plight together with theirs. I predicated that they were kind, and compassionate soles, because I need to pass along the news that there are two humans with me born of Elven mothers.

Both know little of their mothers except distant fond memories. Both lost their mothers at a young age. Mother, Father, I fear that has been the fate of all the maidens taken by Her. I fear this is something you always suspected deep in your hearts, but would never express to each other or especially to us children. My training allowed me to refrain from my initial reactions to their heritage. And of this I am glad, as both have proved to be noble and generous. I have related to them our family history, and I could see the horror in their eyes as the notion of their mothers’ fatal captivity was revealed to them. Both honor their mothers’ memories and appear to bear their Elven blood well, I am proud to call them friends.

Their heritage causes me additional worry. The Elves in Seagate I referred to earlier visited both of them before their departure. Both visits were clandestine and involved the delivery of ancient family pins. One messenger hinted that he was sent by a fair one, and the pin recipient was unworthy of her attention. This struck me as possibly a message from Her. I warned both recipients of possible intrigue, as it appears an addition court game is afoot. Until the identity of the messengers could be identified, I felt it dangerous to display the message, and both pins are safely hidden until their portent becomes clear.

I can not currently relate all that has happened since my rescue, due to Guild obligations and personal honor toward sacred sites, but Arnestra, always quick with a lesson or story, someday I will finally be able to leave you speechless. But I will relate some troubling news of the fate of the Elves so far in my experience.

I have seen past evidence of Elven architecture, but nothing newer than several hundred years. I have encountered several powerful magical elders who have acted surprised at my presence in the Isles. Others tell me of distant Elven lands or past glories, but no current news.

That has all changed, and it is with a heavy heart that I relate to you the story of the two elves I have encountered in the past two days. Notice I use the word encountered. One was worthy of death, but I spared it with compassion, the other perhaps did not truly earn my wrath, but I showed him no mercy.

I tell you now that I have encountered my first Drow. She was on an island suffering from debilitating madness. She did not comprehend her surroundings or her danger. I did not slay her immediately, because even from a distance we understood her condition and felt no threat from her. We were also likely suffering from the same condition while on that island, as we had experienced many wondrous sites and encounters that had convinced us that reality was warped upon the island. With that thought, I could not bring myself to harm her. I was unsure if what I was seeing was truly a Drow or some polymorphed creature, or an illusion. It was already suffering under its madness and felt it best to let it continue in this state. I feel perhaps I failed some test, but in my heart I know it was for the best.

The second encounter is more troubling, and it is the weight I am currently wrestling with as I write this journal entry. But first a troubling development needs to be explained. While upon this same island of warped reality, our party encountered a Wizard of tremendous power. He feels he has a grudge with us, and as punishment our minds and bodies have been switched. Are you ready for this mother, I am currently in the body of human female. You can stop your laughing Arnestra, for I get the last laugh, I am currently using your name and plan on creating much mayhem in your honor. Kidding aside, this is a serious matter as we fear the fate of separated bodies and souls in case of death of one or the other. We are hoping priests at Bliss will be able to rectify this predicament. By the way, my body is currently inhabited one of the half-humans, Stephen, he seems to be enjoying the agility of an Elven Fian.

With that news out of the way, you must now realize that I am trying to come to grips with living in a human, FEMALE body. The physical adjustments are just part of the problems, as conversing with your own body is truly frightening. I also feel troubling Human qualities, my eyesight is weaker, and the body’s metabolism seems to be racing all the time. Some of this background I must confess has muddled my mind for an upcoming encounter. I was awoken this evening by a swift kick to the side. Our group had been approached in the middle of the night, by what were likely thieves. As my Body tried to talk some sense into the leader of the group (that was truly a most unlikely visage), I quickly slunk toward the side of the camp to attempt a flanking maneuver. Suddenly the camp erupted in activity, as the thieves launched crossbow bolts into our midst. An orc emerged from the foliage near my location, so I closed in to prevent it from also launching a missile. I currently carry a spear, that I have received as a gift form a fellow Fian, and it was with this spear that I first stuck the vile creature. I am unsure of the full properties possessed by this weapon, but it apparently pieced some illusion that obscured the identity of the creature. To my shock, it was an Elf. The dispelling of his charade only seemed to urge him on as he started to attempt to cast a spell. At the moment of the spell’s discharge , I again struck with the spear, perhaps saving myself from unpleasant consequences. Upon being knocked to his feet I stuck a final blow that rendered him unconscious. There were other thieves to deal with, and when I returned, the Elf was dead. It seemed less than five minutes, but so much had changed. I feel that if in my own body, I might have reacted differently. Everything would have not been so rushed and dark. Before my senses really recovered from being wakened from a sound sleep, the deed was done

I now stared down into the frightened, motionless eyes of the first true Elf I have encountered in the Isles, and I have run my spear through its chest. Am I now no better than Her? I have spilled Brethren blood. My emotions were racing at the time of the fight. The transformation from orc to Elf seemed a magic trick, meant to rattle me in the heat of the fight. But here is the dead Elf, his apparent true form. I did not even hesitate as I took his life.

I am left wondering what was this elf doing within a brigand band of humans, orcs, and hobgoblins? And WHAT Elf would ever disguise himself as an orc? All the thieves perished in the fight, even though attempts were made to have them surrender, so answers will not be forthcoming. I am left with two troubling answers. One, the remnant Elven population that survived the Wizard Wars has lost all cohesiveness and respect. Only in such a case would an Elf willing join such a troubling assortment of lowlife creatures. The second if more far fetched and troubling. Had the Elf infiltrated the band disguised as an orc for a reason that may have been to bring down the Thief organization? This is more pleasing to the palette, but still does not explain his quickness with a scorching spell, and the obvious presence of a fellow Elf who at the time was clearly making himself known to all the thieves.

So here I sit a troubled human female staring at the spilled blood of a slain Elf. Not exactly how I pictured myself a short time out of Seagate. It appears that the more our group tries to find answers, the more questions end in our lap. The Drow I can easily let pass from my consciousness, because she is already being punished beyond what I would dare inflict. But this Orc/Elf, I fear, shall trouble my newly discovered human dreams for some time to come. The notion is unthinkable, and the ramifications seem unbelievable. If Elves consort with orcs in the Isles, then I fear my quest may be in vain. The remnant Elf society may be in no condition to want or care to help our cause. I hope Father that this is not the case and that it is only my deep depression talking, but I will continue until solid proof can be found.

I do not know if you shall ever receive this letter, or if I will ever get the chance to send it. But writing it has helped me remember all of you in a dark hour. I feel your guidance and teachings as I struggle through these questions of Self and Faith. But fear not, my friends and I are capable and confident we will see ourselves through these troubled times. I hope to add better tidings soon, but for now will end it here.

Arnestra, I also bear a burden from fellow Fianna, unduly wronged. Soon I hope to relate this to you more personally. But It is becoming more clear that my companions and I need to set straight the events that led to the decline of Isles. It is a burden we accept with trepidation but also determination to make a bold attempt to set things right.

Your son
(That is for you Mother: Love, Jotork)