18th Blossom 801 of the Gibbous Moon
Departing the Sacred Isle

It was literally in the middle of the night when the Fianna awoke us to end our stay here on this island and to continue our journey. Though dark and cold, the Isle had it's spell on me still. We gathered up our things we had packed the night before and headed down to the shore where our kayaks awaited us. There, Andarta, in the company of all of the Fianna, was there to give us farewell. It was a difficult thing for all of us to do. Al of the men of the Company bid goodbye to whatever Fian whose company they had the fortune to enjoy. It seems, however, that the one that Jaden has had his eye on will be joining us on our journey. Lia, not a Fian but a longtime guest of this Isle, has some knowledge of our route, and will be accompanying us as a guide.

I had given my farewell to Andarta the night before, yet on this morning, it was no easier departing. To say farewell to Andarta is to be bidding goodbye to this fair Isle that I could so easily make my home.

The Fianna included in my kayak supplies some extra smoked salmon that I may have need of later on. We were lucky there was some to be had, as forty pounds of the salmon had disappeared just last night. (Perhaps 'someone' was having a craving last night?) Some of the Fianna, twelve, would be accompanying us as far as the Dagger Stones. All of us setting to water climbed our kayaks and pushed off. We started in larger kayaks, towing the smaller ones in which we trained. We would switch to those when we parted company with the accompanying Fianna. The day was cold, almost snowy. DeVal was curious but not terribly keen on getting so close to the water. I carried him to the kayak and settled him on my lap. Covering him with my blanket.

We paddled toward the south and southeast for some time. At dawn we could see the Dagger Stones in the distance. With the increasing light we were able to see that the ocean was teeming with life. There was some kind of giant squid that passed beneath our small armada, and the great length of time it took to pass us gave and indication of its immense size.

At last we approached the Dagger Stones, one of the first we passed was a particularly large, dangerous looking spire - One of "Kira's Teeth" the Fianna called it. I smiled to myself - for yes it was aptly named. I pointed this out to DeVal, and I think he agreed. I made sure that we paddled close to that one, carefully, and placed an offering on the stone, along with a prayer as we passed.

Passage through the Dagger Stones was as difficult as the Fianna had warned it to be. But we all seemed to manage, though becoming quite soddened from capsizes, but our training helped us to adeptly overcome this problem.

Finally, the Fianna departed. They are a proud and honorable people. As I watch their resolute backs as they paddle away, I feel that we must do what we can in this quest to bring them the freedom they deserve. We continued in the smaller kayaks. Guided by Lia now. We made our way to the Accursed Isles.

It took no effort to notice that the ocean was even more filled with life, just teeming with fish of all kinds. It was a wonder how many creatures could live here in these watery depths, but indeed, the surface seemed to almost boil with sealife.

By early evening we spotted land, and decided to take our chances that this was Peaceful Island. We managed to land before dark to set up camp. It was a lush isle, and immediately we could see that there was abundant wildlife. We made a campfire and assigned watches. At this point, we were concerned only with gaining rest for the night and quickly moving on in the morning.

Despite Lia's assurances that this was Peaceful Island, we were rather skeptical with the number of encounters we experienced. Mostly, it put us in a dire mood, establishing our expectations for the other islands' offerings. For if this was considered peaceful, then what were the rest of the Accursed Islands like?

Upon landing, BlackHawk was able to determine that R.O.U.S.'s (rodents of unusual size) were present in considerable number on this island. Then we were attacked by a rockadile, a crocadile of considerable proportions. But BlackHawk's arrows, and Jotork's javelins killed it. We had three watches and I took the third. I awoke to find considerable carnage surrounding the camp. Jotork had been bitten by some species of snake, but his robust constitution stayed the poison. Several R.O.U.S.'s attacked during the night, as well as some large, frightening looking beastman, of green skin with one eye. But all were well dispatched by those on watch - Stephen, Jotork, and BlackHawk. Apparently, Lia also fought back, first the rats with some poison, then the snake with an adept dagger move.

There were also some creatures called dire vermin. They are weasel-wolverine type creatures with an incredible pelt. Jotork and I dispatched them as quickly as we could. Stephen found their skins to be desirable and worth keeping. So during our watch, I showed him the proper way to honor a creature killed in hunt, and how to take it's skin and prepare it. I thanked the vermin, and laying it in the proper aspect, beckoned its spirit towards the Summer Place. Indeed, its gift is rich and beautiful. I think it should have another name than vermin, however. Perhaps I can think of something more suitable. This island is somewhat disturbing. This morning we prepare to depart. I hope that we can get through this journey quickly, for I am uneasy here. Though the name does not imply it, I hope that we can find something easier on the spirit than this place in the Accursed Isles.

Raven Company of the Winged Fox

PS I can not help but take under consideration the new member of our party, Lia. She has presented herself as a shy and meek girl, and yet packs poison and wields a dagger with a little too much skill. I only have suspicions, as she has not revealed her true self to us, and yet it seems that she has abilities of a thief, or even an assassin. I think that it may be prudent for us to keep an eye on her. I am concerned also, because Jaden is so smitten by her, that I fear that she may try to manipulate him if it becomes a need for her. She claims to be on a quest for an all healing herb of great power, but this desire and her abilities do not seem to coincide, at least not of what I have witnessed of her yet. On the other hand, she has been in the company of the Fianna, and gained their respected trust.