Mistress Moira,

I wanted to send my thanks for arranging the job escorting the caravan. The initial portion of the journey was very enjoyable and we arrived at Arbor without incident. This is a delightful little town and I had a very enjoyable time wandering and speaking with the people. During these wanderings, the people were outspoken and shared a bit of their current thoughts.

To be honest, I am a little concerned. It is this concern that compels me to write to you. Perhaps I worry too easily. I am sure you will be able to determine the proper level of importance in my concerns and will pass along anything that seems important to General Liam.

In particular, the people are concerned about the recent drop in trade. Particularly with Carzala and with the Kingdoms. They do not indicate any knowledge for the reasons for this change. With the lack of information, speculation has risen to the forefront. The general consensus is that the Navigator's Guild is trying to maximize profits by creating an artificial lack of supply. As well, they are trying to increase shipping costs and may be coordinating with people in Bliss to profit from the increased storage costs. There is also a feeling that the Guild, in particular General Liam, or yourself, should be applying pressure to the involved parties to bring about normal trade.

Obviously, I have a pretty good idea what has caused this change in trade. My instincts direct me to bring out the truth and set aside blame aimed at the Navigator's or at the Adventurer's Guild. However, anything I say will likely be taken as an official communication from the Adventurer's Guild. Since I am not aware of the true politics, I deemed it wiser to remain discreet.

There is also growing concern with the rumors of humanoids uprisings in the Alliance. This is causing a drop in trade as well. Again, the feeling is that the Rangers, and the Adventurer's Guild, should be putting together an expedition to address the matter and maintain stabilized trade.

While the people here are very supportive of the Adventurer's Guild and the Rangers, I have some concern that their concerns will blossom into anger if left unaddressed. In my experience, it is better to quell the early rumor with fact than it is to wait until the issues have become emotionally entrenched. I would suggest that the Adventurer's Guild should arrange a meeting with the Navigators and the authorities in Arbor to hear out these concerns and then present the facts at hand. Perhaps there is a solution waiting to be found. In the least, it would seem that truth would reduce any future antagonism and possible resentment.

Perhaps my ideas are ill-founded due to circumstances I am not aware of. In any case, I will refrain from acting on my impulses unless given leave by the Guild. In the event that my ideas have merit, I would be happy to offer my services on behalf of the Guild.

Yours in service,

Stephen Fox