Raven’s Journal Entry
23rd Blossom 801

After we had spent part of the predawn night sorting out the thieves’ mess, we were attacked again. This time by a pack of vermin. I had noticed DeVal amusing himself with a number of mice running about and didn't think anything of it, but they apparently were another sign of the abundance of life here, and a precursor to the vermin. Some of us weary, and some of us anxious from the last battle, we turned to face the new attack. Stephen was badly injured; some of the others were too far away to make a move. I had a great deal of pent up energy, and seeing the prey, I reacted to an urge inside. I wildshaped into the form of a wildcat, a cougar, and enthusiastically charged toward the vermin. BlackHawk, in my body, responded with a well placed entanglement on the vermin group. Lia then tossed another one of her mysterious poison potions into the circle. I was as anxious as DeVal had been with the mice, to capture a vermin and feel it in my teeth and under my claws. I paced outside of the circle, waiting to see if any still lived. Finally, one of the remaining vermin broke through, and I pounced upon it, rendering it quite dead. The battle was over. It was suggested that we wash up at a nearby stream. I had the taste of blood in my mouth, but it was tinged with the bitterness of Lia's poison. I followed in cougar form to wash my paws and mouth out.

I found myself hesitant to return to BlackHawks' form. For now, this was much more comfortable and familiar. I was contemplating this, when DeVal got my attention by disappearing into the forest. I suspected that he had returned to the entrance to the tree that he had shown me earlier. I disappeared into the thicket as well, heading for the path long worn by animal feet and paws. I decided that it was appropriate to stay in animal form. I entered the tree, and found myself falling a distance. I cannot speak much of what I found. But I can tell you that I did find DeVal, and one of the largest Forest Spirits that I have ever met. It was huge. It was quite something. Its spirit and the essence of the sacred camphor Tree are no doubt linked. This area was part of the great One Forest that covered this world. I was humbled to be in the presence of so much sacredness. I followed DeVal's example, and comforted in this Spirit's presence, we rested and renewed ourselves.

Finally, feeling it was time to return, DeVal and I gave our goodbyes and returned to the shore. Everyone was waiting anxiously, but we were ready to depart. Oh, except that I was still a large cat. Still reluctant to return to human form, I did not change back until I was ready to depart in the kayaks. This seemed to confuse and annoy the others. I do not know why. If they only knew what it was like to be in this form, they might understand. But I don't think that I could explain it to them.

I looked at BlackHawk, and thought about the Tree. I still needed to give it proper parting salutations. I asked BlackHawk to accompany me. I showed him how to give thanks and make an offering. I suggested he close his eyes and try to connect with the Tree. I had hoped that he might feel the presence of the great Forest Spirit within. But he rather impatiently told me that he had already meditated and seemed anxious to leave. Very well. I hope that his meditations were fruitful.