Raven Kenda Fox

Raven is a of medium build at 5'6", but appears more slight than she is by the grace of her movements. Her features are exotic, with a tan complexion and high cheekbones. Her eyes are a liquid dark brown that seem to contain many secrets. Her hair is jet black and long and straight, usually worn free and flowing down her back. Only when she is hard at work might it be braided or tied back. Her dress is always simple and unassuming, a plain shift, or tunic and trousers, bound with a leather belt, and always in earthen colors. On special occasions she may dress up in a dress or shift made of the softest doeskin and decorated with small, colorful beadwork. She has a small drum at her side, and carries a quarterstaff (lightly guilded in blue). When she is adventuring, she also carries a spear, and wears a small bow over her shoulder with some curious arrows. Always quiet and unassuming, Raven is graceful and moves with an elegance that belies her simplicity.

Raven's dark eyes speak more than she does, and they conceal even more. She speaks little, and when she does, it is usually matter of fact and to the point. Unrevealing of herself and emotions, Raven can come across as stoic and reserved. She just prefers observing others and her environment, rather than revealing much of her own personal nature. She is truthful and honest, and always willing to help. She never minds hard work or chores, and even takes pleasure in her tasks, but she mostly prefers her work that is associated with the Druids and nature. Her love of nature and her work is apparent in the way that she lovingly handles the drum that she always carries at her side, (though few know it's purpose or origin), and the respect that she gives to creatures and their gifts. Raven is very much at home outdoors and easily makes her way around the wilderness.

Raven can seem distant and disconnected from others, and this has indeed been apparent to her Druid elders, who have encouraged her to work in more grounded vocations from time to time (such as spending a semester employed as a barmaid during her Guild training years). There are times when Raven, recalling the fond times of her youth and her parents, can break free and enjoy herself. When the music flows, and the humor is high, Raven's laugh will join in, for she has a fine sense of humor herself, and appreciates clever witticisms. In these rare moments, her smile can be radiant, warm, and unforgettable.