Journal of Raven Kenda Fox
28th Day of Seedtime

We are still on a small isle that was our saving grace after our shipwreck. All of the events leading up to this day are full of mystery. There are many unanswered questions about our predicament, and our environment.

Currently, there are the mysteries of the structure that we discovered, and the dragon that sighted us. The structure is evidence, I believe of the Old Kingdom. I believe that this was some type of outpost, warning beacon to ships, or a communication center, or perhaps all three. It is hard to tell because of the state of its exterior condition and the state of this island. It is most likely that this landform has changed since the time of the structure’s occupation, so we cannot really make any conclusions of the structures role historically based on the present geography.

And I believe that the structure is somehow linked to the dragon. The dragon, I think, is not overtly hostile, as it did not make an aggressive move when it was given a clear opportunity. I believe that there is a connection between it and the jewelry that Stephan has donned.

The other mysteries that are bothering me, are the dreams that I have been having since we have arrived here. It is mostly that I cannot fathom the meanings of them that distresses me. For clearly they are trying to tell me something.

My first dream three nights ago was about my father and some of the other members of the Black Griffon Company. I believe that in the dream I was young, a child, at least that is what it seemed from my perspective. The Companions were discussing something, and there was a large table in the center of the room with a map on it. My father was idly juggling three daggers as he was speaking and walking around the table. He inadvertently bumped into me, and startled, let the daggers fly upwards. They all landed point down in a group, embedded in the table, sticking through the map. I tried to see where on the map they had landed, but was unable. I don’t recall much else, except for a woman with a harp, which I think now, was Carlotta De Gray.

The next night I dreamt I was in the same room, but this time alone. The daggers were there, still stuck in the table. I approached the map to try to view it, but then heard or felt movement behind me. I turned around, and there was nothing there, not even the room. It was just a gray swirl of nothingness. When I turned around again to the table, it was gone too, and I was surrounded by the grayness. Somehow, I still felt a presence. The third night, last night, I dreamt this yet again. This time the grayness was black, and there was a presence moving within it.

I wish to gain some vision into some of these mysteries. I am preparing to take a visioning journey. I have been preparing a prayer smoke pipe. I have found a suitable shell to use as the bowl. Unfortunately, there is nothing ideal for the pipe, but I can use a type of seagrass that will hold up for one sitting. I have prepared a few seagrass pipes to use with the shell, so that I can use it more than once. There are no suitable herbs to add on this isle, but what I have should be adequate. I have been drying some seaweed, and have gathered some flowers from around the structure. To this mix, I will add a bit of my precious Mistletoe. I have been praying, a part of the creation of my pipe, to Bear, Stag, Wolf, and Crane. I have decorated it with shells and raven feathers (Thank you, Jeck - The raven feathers will aid me in my journeying, giving me flight in my visions.)

I hope that this will allow me to see, clarifying the meaning of my dreams, and perhaps the dragon’s role in the world.