Sebastian cuts a gallant figure. He is tall and muscular and a stylish dresser. His strong jaw line, dark eyes, and short black hair is found to be attractive among the opposite sex. His loose fitting black tunics are accented by colorful vests and his black pants are typically tucked into high boots. He wears a rapier and stiletto at his hip. He moves freely between social groups, a friend to all - quick with a joke, or to lend an ear.

Those who get to know "Bass", come to realize there may be an element of truth to some of the rumors that surround him. His presence at the Guild is alleged to escape a jilted husband or angry father or both. People often leave his presence finding him to be a great listener, without finding much out about him. Many call him as friend, but none would be comfortable calling him a close friend. A great guy to have at your side in a tough scrape, but perhaps not the best choice to cover ones back.... He is proud to be a De Grey and will accept no family insult without a challenge.