Early morning on an island that has been named to us as "Peaceful Island". Is this a bad joke? We have been accosted on and off since we landed. The thing that scares me is that our guide seems trustworthy and this probably is "peaceful" compared to the other islands. I am thinking that we might want to avoid making a fire on the next island. Anyway, many of my notes were accidentally soaked in the sea. Fortunately, the company journal carries much of what I would have recorded anyway. I will summarize some of my thoughts so that I may have them for posterity.

The halflings on Turlough were very friendly and helpful. They were kind enough to quickly sew some pants and a tunic together for me. Finally got out of the "toga" thing. We spoke with their mayor in length. The problem is that they know the dragons on Old Turlough will mature and that they will likely be endangered again. We asked why they had not left. Apparently, they really haven't had the chance since so few ships stop by. Oh, by the way, the mayor was one of the two children saved by Carlotta. His sister died in a later return to Old Turlough. I would help the halflings so that Carlotta's sacrifice would have more permanence. I have sworn to return to Turlough and offer to transport them when I am able. It seems like a good deed and one that I would be proud of. The mayor took my offer solemnly and asked me not to discuss it until lI can follow through. Stoic wisdom? Still, he has his people's welfare to think of and too much looking ahead to the generousity of an Adventurer that could also die might have a bad affect on the village. All that remains is for me to follow through.

Great! Now there is a weird drumming sound somewhere out beyond the fire. Jotork and I must check it out. Wonder what it is.

Well, that was a close call. After the drumming kept going back and forth for quite some time, Jotork and I started getting a bit edgy. Fortunately, the creature finally showed itself. A large humanoid thing with big talons and one eye. Very fiercesome looking. I hesitated a moment and then sung out a quick sleeping rhyme. Fortunately, it worked! The thing fell before our eyes. Jotork and I quickly debated what we should do. Both of us were hesitant to coldly kill it. But, in the end, it seemed foolish to let it wake and renew it's assault upon us. We positioned ourselves to do maximum damage and kill it quickly and painlessly. Why make it suffer? Together we struck and watched it to be sure it's wounds did not miraculously heal. Fortunately, they did not. We have been watching it for about a quarter of an hour and still it does not move. So, back to my notes.

After Turlough, we traveled for a time. We ended up meeting up with some people that could help us a bit. I choose not to go into too much detail right now. I know who they are and if something should befall me, they will not be endangered by my notes. Not as if I expect them to be easily harmed. But, an oath is an oath. Speaking of which, I have another quest to undertake. It seems that this jewellry has some purpose that I certainly had not guessed at. If I can fulfill on it's promise, there is much good I can wield. We shall see. It was with our new found friends that we picked up our guide. I'm not quite sure what to think of her. She seems quite dangerous, and somewhat intriguing. It appears that cousin Jaden is quite taken with her. Maybe I will be able to edit this section once we make it to Bliss. There are many interesting tales to tell. If I felt more secure, this log would be more complete. Perhaps I should summarize my summary.

We met some good people that helped us out quite a bit. In the process, we learned much and made new friends. We also picked up a guide that can help us arrive at Bliss.

It is also noteworthy that Jotork has already grown to be a boon companion. It is a shame that we did not meet while at the Guild. Still, I think I understand enough of his studies to see why we were not likely to meet. He has honored me in a way that I can scarcely believe. I hope he understands my reasons for not accepting his offer. Still, he is a welcome addition to our merry band and there are many things I can learn from him.