Blossom 20

More quick notes. Apparently, there are events moving around us that portend important things. Go figure. We were visited by one of the inhabitants of the Accursed Isles. We had taken refuge in an old bears cave. In itself, that is quite a story. So, on with the story.

We arrived on this island, having intentionally avoided the island known to be inhabited by Tenebrion. Our guide had advised us that he was evil and if we encountered him, he would likely enslave us or enchant us to carry out some nefarious deed in the future. Obviously, this did not sound appealing. We thought we could avoid his notice if we paddled past his island and took refuge on the next. After we landed, we began to seek out a place to stay for the evening. In the course of wandering, we saw many, many more creatures. Our guide assured us that each had a reputation of being vicious hunters. I guess the good news is that most of them are acting on instinct and not out of maliciousness. Presently, we came upon a rather large cat. Cousin Raven was encouraged by this rather than being somewhat concerned like the rest of us. Apparently she has a rapport with felines. If it had been someone other than Raven, I would have been startled. But, with her, I am not sure there is much that would surprise me. She conversed with the cat at some length and was advised of the bear's cave. The cat seemed to think it would be safe. Ever cautious, Raven also queried if there had been any other humanoids seen. The cat seemed to find this amusing and volunteered that any not accompanying Raven would probably taste good. After Raven related this to the rest of us, we were satisfied that we should be somewhat safe. Still, it seemed that many of us were just a tad uncomfortable as we weren't sure what our safety margin would be around these cats without Raven nearby.

After a short hike, we arrived at the cave. As predicted, the cave was not currently in use. This was good! Outside the cave, we found an enourmous paw print. Raven and Blackhawk both assured me that it was a bear. Though, of a size I never imagined. I am beginning to understand why the first island was dubbed "peaceful isle" by our guide.

We setup watches and I took an early shift of rest. A few hours later, as we were changing watches, we heard a voice calling out to us. So much for the assurances that humanoids did not visit the island. Though I was a bit reticent, I stepped forth to speak with the caller. After all, it could be another Guild companion that had lived through the assassination atempts of the Blackcloaks. Instead, it was a bedraggled looking figure. I greeted him in Gaelic, which seemed to catchhim a bit off guard. He was not very fluent so we shifted to the common tongue. Claiming to be a hermit, he kept advancing up the hill toward us. Though it filled me with trepidation, I was reluctant to make any hostile moves. His brazeness completely caught me off guard. What affect any attempt to halt his advance would have had will never be known. Upom stepping into our cave, his form changed and we saw before us a man standing tall and firm, with a slight smile to his lips. He was now clothed in blue velvet and carried an ornate staff, and a sword. Now completely taken aback, I decided that polite respect might be the best option. For, it appeared that one of the fueding brothers had decided to greet us. I nodded my head and asked "How may we help you Master?" There were one or two dark looks from my companions. I guess they were afraid I was taking a subserviant position, but nobody found it odd that I have addressed others in a similar manner in the past. Even as I was wondering this, it occured to me that I could not move a muscle, not even to speak.

I felt my heart sink. Assuredly, we were in his clutches now. What transpired was, fortunately, quite different. Tenebrion evidenced his pleasure at seeing us and his disapointment that we had avoided his abode. He further went on to tell us that he had forseen our coming and that we would participate in his quarrel with his brother. In fact, our interference would swing the favor in the direction of one of them and the other would be defeated. Apparently, he wanted to show us his good intentions by proving that he could have killed us, but chose not to. He then departed and we were all left in a frozen state. After some time, the affect wore off and we were free to wake Raven, who mercifully slept through the incident, and tell her what we had experienced.

Dawn is beginning to light the sky as I write this. I cannot help but to wonder what this wizard meant. Since we have arrived in the Isles, we have heard implications that a metaphorical storm is coming and that we will be changing events around us. This appears to be borne out by some of the things we have already experienced. I am filled with unease and awe at the same time. How is it that a group of petty Ardanian nobles are going to have such an affect on things? How does our new companion Jotork fit into this? Why us? On the other hand, I look at things and think that I am not going to be the puppet of some insane wizard just because he says so. If we affect the quarrel he has with his brother, I am determined to make it on our terms, not theirs.