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Blossom 22 [Stephen's handwriting is cramped on this entry. In fact, once you read it a bit, you realize he has actually written in one direction on the parchment and then filpped it over and written in the spaces between the lines. It takes a bit of looking, but after a while you get used to it. It does strike you that he may need more parchment soon though.] Wonderful! I lost a day somewhere. So much has occured. I better collect my thoughts before things get even more confusing. On the 20th, shortly after dawn, we headed back down toward our kayaks. Raven spoke with her friend the big cat. They made some small talk about the hunting and she asked it if it had seen any humans. The cat answered in the negative and we now assume that the wizard approached magically. As we neared the beach, we came across an honor guard of sorts. At least, that is the best way I can describe it. Several of the big cats had lined up on each side of the path and nodded at Raven as she passed. On the beach, there were three more cats guarding the kayaks. It appears that this is another mystery that Raven has kept to herself. I wonder if she will ever tell me some of her stories. I am sure they are fascinating. We began paddling toward the next island. This one was unnamed as our guide had not visited it. It was too far to the next island and this one was quite large, so we were all debating how far we should paddle for the day. Blackhawk noticed a tall, skinny tower on the island and we immediately broke into more debate. Most everyone felt sure that we would be visited by Tenebrion's brother this evening. I must admit that it seemed likely. Though, nobody had presented the counter argument that we would not. Being somewhat contrary by nature, and taking my role as leader rather seriously, I brought it up. It was an excercise in Devil's Advocate that was doomed from the beginning. But, I feel it is very important that we examine all options whenever we can. We finally decided to send Jeck out to take a look and provide us with more information before we decided to continue or beach here. In the meantime, the weather was worsening. Jeck's return did not provide much definitive information. He was able to tell us that the tower was not a tower, but couldn't tell us what it was. He also told us that there were lots of animals and that he had found apple trees in a garden. Our curiousity piqued, we decided to beach ourselves here. I had many ideas on a more organized approach to exploring. All of which were dismissed. Apparently, I can be too pesimistic. I wanted to prepare a redoubt in the event that we encountered had to stay the night. The others did not want to stay too long and were hoping to leave early. As it turned out, my concerns about being stuck all night were well-founded, but for all the wrong reasons. There is much that transpired. We saw many mysterious creatures. One particularly nasty denizen was coming for us. I tried to hail it many times while everyone else sought cover. Finally, as it made no indication that it was going to stop and speak with me, I stepped to the side out of the way. In response, the thing whipped out with a vicious knife and tried to eviscerate me. This really got my ire up! The Company assaulted this weird being to very little affect. Finally, I pinned it briefly by stepping on the tails of it's long coat. Feeling that it's clothing was magical and possibly holding the creature enthralled, we attempted to help it as best we could. After several attempts to knock it's hat off, Blackhawk neatly shot an arrow with twine through it. Jotork nabbed the arrow and lifted, pulling the line taut and removing the headgear from this being. For the briefest moment, we saw what appeared to be a turtles head and then the creature disappeared. As it was, this was a simple sampling of the inhabitants of this island. We eventually made it up to the tower that Blackhawk had spotted. We were somewhat surprised to discover that it was not a tower. It was an enormous wand. Covered in runes and an archaic dialect of Elvish. We were able to determine that the wand may have something to do with thunder and lightning as well as retribution to enemies. Such an oddity. We were reluctant to draw too close as we could clearly fel emanations of power from it. Jotork chose to throw one of his javelins near the wand. Unfortunately, he threw it a tad too close. With an enourmous thunderclap and a flash of light, we were deafened and blinded momentarily. Once our sense had begun to return, we saw that the javelin was now nothing more than ash. From the vantage of the hill where the wand was located, we could discern an area that looked to be a garden. Guessing that Jeck had found the apples there, we began to make our way toward it. Along the way, we encountered a man carrying a house on his back. Once he saw us, he dropped the house and soon started shoting arrows at us from inside. It was as if he was a hermit crab (perhaps a crabby hermit) in human form. We bypassed him and soon heard a lilting voice carrying through the trees. Soon we discovered the originator of the singing. It was a dark elf sitting in a glade. As usual, I greeted her and tried to learn anything of value. She appeared to have lost her mind as she thought it was night. I was curious if this could really be a Drow. All that I have heard indicate that this was completely uncharacteristic. We did learn that Luna, as that name suited her when we asked, had once seen a man in lilac robes use the giant wand. Time appeared to have no meaning to her, so we have no idea how long ago this may have occurred. We finally made it to the garden. It was an impressive sight. The walls are 25 feet thick! We could see gargoyles all along the wall. With some hesitancy we entered. Lia immediately set about looking for herbs. The rest of us slowly began to spread out looking around. Jotork had located a large statue that he thought was Elvish. Raven had spotted an odd hill. It had what appeared to be a wedge cut out of it. I had just spotted some odd stones standing in two rows when we all heard a scream. I paused for a moment to look around and make sure I did not see anything hostile in the area before racing off in the direction of the scream. When I arrived, Raven was attempting to minister to Blackhawk. He was laying at the feet of a large, angelic looking statue. There was a basin with water in it and it appeared that Blackhawk had attempted to drink from it. His lips were still smoking. Raven healed him somewhat and he related his story. It seemed that his curiosity had gotten the better of him and he had tasted the water. I must confess, on one hand, I was furious. Such as risk without letting anyone else know! On the other hand, I can understand the curiosity that draws such a decision forth. After all, I am equally as reckless in my own right. Still, my anger is based in my care and concern for Blackhawk. Our chosen profession is dangerous as it is. Now we have the threat of the Blackcloaks to consider as well. Such risks are foolish. I am not really eager to bury any of my friends. Yet, his risk did not kill him. And, we were able to learn a bit more. He described the sensation of drinking the water and the peace that accompanied it. He related a feeling that something was examining his soul and found it lacking. It was at that point that the liquid reacted viloently to him. Raven believed that she might have that which was lacking in Blackhawk. I was dubious but kept my counsel. I knew that if Blackhawk was found lacking, it was likely I would be as well. As it turned out, Raven was lacking in some regard as well. We decided to stop such experiments, but Blackhawk collected some of the liquid for later study. Everyone headed off to investigate the hill that Raven had seen and I wandered over toward the stones. The group later told me that they heard a rythmic thumping sound near the hill before I interrupted their explorations. For, the stones appeared to be ancient tombstones. All were so old as to have had the carving worn off. There was one stone, that looked somewhat newer, that had a faint tracery of carved runes in it. Part of the stone had broken off, so I could only see a portion of the writing. What I did read gave me cause for concern. It was part of a word and the five remaining letters spelled out . . . brion. I had a sudden fear that this was the family graveyard, and possibly the lands, of the family of the fueding brothers. Who knows what offenses they might feel? I quickly gathered everyone together and told them we were leaving. Lia badly wanted to examine the hill, but I was not to be dissuaded. I kept a rear guard with Jotork as everyone headed out of the gate. Once Jotork had passed through, I gave one more look around and headed out of the garden myself. I rushed everyone back as quickly as I could. Finally, as we were nearing the beach again, I explained my concerns to them. I sensed that to some degree or another, everyone was frustrated and angry. I completely failed to convey my concerns. After all, we had already experienced pain and wounds from the liquid we found in the Garden. We had fought a creature that damaged us extensively. We had already expended many of our powers. What if the graves had opened to release undead relations of the brothers? What if the the rythmic thumping was a magical construct that would have attacked us? After all, we know that one brother perfers enchantments and the other favors undead and golems. We had already encountered the Drow that could not even tell us her name or recognize that the sun was in the sky. I hope they will forgive me my concerns. Perhaps, given time, they will understand. How was I to know that though my actions were well-founded they would avail us not? I soon spotted what appeared to be a tombstone following us. I turned to investigate but it was bare. I turned to warn the Company and it disappeared. A bit further along we stepped into a clearing. Before us was a man in sky blue robes. He had red, bushy hair. I started to turn my head to comment when I realized that I could not move. It appeared that nobody else could either. It looked like we had met Umbrion. He had much advice for us. With a sarcastic leer, he warned us that we should not leave our kayaks unattended. Since we had left MacGyver behind to watch them, this statement sounded ominous. Umbrion proceeded to inform us that we stunk of his brothers influence and that he wasn't going to a llow us to interfere in their feud. If I had been able, I would have happily assured him that we have no intention of participating in their quarrel. He went on to tell us he was going to teach us a lesson. The next thing I know, I awoke with dew on my face. We all awoke around the same time. I felt somewhat uncoordinated as I sat up and looked around to see if everyone else was alright. Something was bothering me in a corner of my mind, but I paid it no attention as I was eager to make sure everyone was well. Imagine my surprise when I saw myself sitting a few feet away. It didn't take us long to figure out what happened. By some means of sorcery, Umbrion has swapped our bodies and minds. After a few minutes of confusion, we sorted things out enough to know that I am in Jotork's body, Jotork is in Lia's body, Lia is in Jaden's body, Jaden is in my body, and Raven and Blackhawk have switched. Very distressing! We immediately began discussing our next course of action. Most of the group was determined to re-explore the island. Everyone seemed to feel that we could find some way of curing this problem if we looked around. I am not at all convinced. After all, why would Umbrion leave us the means of fixing this predicament if he wanted to teach us a lesson. He does not strike me as a kind and gentle mentor. Nevertheless, everyone would prefer to stay. I am just hoping that we have not missed more than a day while unconscious. While I was presenting my ideas for how we should proceed, Raven and Blackhawk head down to the beach to check on MacGyver. I missed their departure and I suspect they had other things to talk about. Perhaps they suddenly felt closer since they simply swapped bodies. I do not know. The returned a short time later to report that MacGyver was out cold, but appeared to be alive. We further compared notes and noted that DeVal and Jeck seem to know where the right person is and I can still feel the Torc and Bracers. Odd that those "followed" me. I am guessing that my attachment to them is more spiritual. Finally, we agreed to check out the Wand and the garden and see what we could discover. We also decided to take assumed names for our new bodies to help differentiate who we are. On the way back to the wand, some sort of huge, stone hands started trying to swat us. Melanie tried to sprint past and was swatted pretty good. Bran was pretty upset! He started chastising Melanie for taking risks with the wrong body. While this was going on, I started trying to hum a tune to "distract" the hands. It seemed to work and everyone got past, though after a great detour. As we proceeded back to the wand, Carlotta rejoined us! It may seem a small thing, but it did rouse my spirits somewhat. Lawrence has been acting strangely from the moment that she had re-awakened after our "transmutation". Bran was trying to speak with him and missed the fact that we had all stopped. In the field before us was a battalion of mice! In formation, wearing uniforms and armed! Brand stumbled into their midst and Melanie quickly pulled him back. While standing there debating our options, we struck up a conversation with Carlotta. It is clear that she thought our best bet was to head back to the kayaks and continue around the island. We finally decided to make it to the wand and then head back and circle around the island to proceed the next morning. We pressed through the field and the mice moved out of the way. As we were exiting, I looked back. There was a squad of mice wheeling in a small catapult! Upon making it to the Wand, Jaden tried using magic to decipher the runes. It appears that they are more an ancient dialect and not magical runes. For now, the mystery of the Wand is beyone our ken. We headed back to the kayaks and re-oriented ourselves into paddle buddies. With MacGyver unconscious, we now have more risk. Fortunately, Bran's body is well equipped to carry the additional load. We paddled to the far side of the island and made camp. I took an early rest again. I am not sure what the heck happened, but I was out for six hours. I had heard that Elves meditate instead of sleep. For some reason, I thought it would be great. Instead, it was a reflection on the the mistakes and insecurities I have experienced over the years. These are things I don't want to re-live! Perhaps I did something wrong. I will try again tomorrow night. In the meantime, I am trying to catch up on my notes and getting ready to wake everyone at dawn. Fortunately, it has been a quiet night. I have an idea I want to try before we leave at dawn. Let's see how that turns out.
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