Heat 3

I sit here in the room provided by the Navigators jotting down my thoughts. What an astounding place! The whole structure appears to be made from Ice. And what Ice! Jutting up from the sea. In itself, it is terribly impressive. However, the things they have created inside are beyond words. A whole gallery of ice paintings! Portrait after portrait of Master Navigators. The painting itself appears to be colored ice, layered within a frame of ice. Absolutely amazing. I could simply move through the place studying the work. Alas, it does not seem we have much time. There is a whole agenda that we must follow. But, I leap ahead of myself.

We started the day early. The most distressing thing was that we could not find Jaden. Raven and I returned somewhat late, but I did not worry that Jaden had not yet returned. I even slept unusually long, so I did not immediately realize that Jaden had not returned at all in the night. I still held out hope that perhaps he and Lia had managed a tryst somewhere. But, as the morning lengthened, we all began to feel the twinge of doubt. Fortunately, Roderick dropped in to check on Jaden. He was able to give us some word. It seems he discovered Jaden extremely intoxicated outside the Elfsong. He tried to drag him back, and got near the gates. Jaden promised to stumble his way back in, but it seems he never made it. Several other people did see him. They all agree that he wasn't in much condition to get into too much trouble. By this time, it was rapidly closing toward our appointment at the docks. Trusting that Jaden is okay, or that the watch will find him, or that Lia already has, we decided that we must proceed. It would not bode well if we were late to our first real job.

I feel some trepidation in my heart over this decision. But, Bliss seems relatively safe for the time being. And I must accept that I cannot protect everyone by myself. Still, I wonder what it was that brought on such a bout for Jaden. Did the stress of our journey finally bear down upon him? Was it the sadness that wells up with the knowledge that Uncle Max is gone? The burden of responsibilities we are accepting? The obstacles between his and Lia's joining? I don't know, but I will ask when we return. And I will bolster his mood if need be. I am filled with joy and I should bouy the spirits of my friends if they are not.

We boarded the Navigator's ship and introduced ourselves to the captain. It is a beautiful vessel, named the Wave Song. I appreciated the name a great deal. Almost immediately, the Navigators employed magic. Even as we left the docks, we were gaining speed far to rapidly to attribute it to natural causes. It was a wonderful voyage. As we sailed, the most extraordinary vision came to my head. I imagined myself on the deck of a ship. Singing! And as I sang, the sails filled above me. In my vision, I could control the very winds with song. And then, I was just standing on the deck of the Wave Song. Inwardly I laughed. Another of my flights of fancy? I don't know. Ever since hearing the Song at the Wind Shrine, I have been filled with incredible notions of what I might do with song. With understanding and a bit of magic, it seems I could . . . do almost anything! But, only time will tell.

As we came into view of the Navigator's Guild, I was simply awe-struck. The place is made from Ice that does not appear to be melting. It is cool to the touch, but that is all. They have been very careful about maintaining the natural tone of the Ice. Building with it when they can. I have been so accustomed to structures that impose themselves upon the landscape that I had not realized how utterly foreign they are. I now begin to glimpse how little we strive to live in tune with Nature. But, not the Navigators! Instead, they seem to have entered into collaborative union with Nature. Admittedly, they have caused a pillar of Ice to spring out of the sea. A pillar that does not melt. So, they have imposed their own order to a degree. Still, within their chosen element, they seem to strive for harmony. I wonder if Raven would be willing to teach me more about living in harmony with Nature. I shall ask her when we have time for such lessons.

I am amazed at the change that has come over me in just this last week. Self-acknowledgement and awareness seem to be powerful liberators. The joy within my soul seems boundless and I feel . . . alive. More alive than I ever knew I could be. I feel inspired. I feel drive. I feel desire. I feel great energy. I harken to the words carved near the Sword of the Four Winds.

"Life is for Living, Feel to your Fullest"

I find myself caught up in the desire to experience everything. But now, it is not impatience that drives me. Now it is a thirst for sensation and experience and knowledge. I want to know what it is like to feel the wind carry me above the trees. I want to smell the flowers in untouched meadows. I want to sit and listen to the gales of the wind as well as the quiet silence of the night. Having heard the small piece of the Song of Creation, I feel impelled to experience as much of it as I can.

We were kindly shown around the Guild and left in a hall that appears to be designed to make outsiders feel a bit more at ease. Master Tharni appears to have been assigned as our guide while we are here. He was kind enough to answer a few questions and then took us to meet the GuildMaster. I am sure that all of this will be covered in the Company Logs, so I won't go into great detail on these events. After a short discussion with the GuildMaster, we proceeded to an audience hall so that Raven could recite the whole encounter again. During her story, the entire audience was completely still and quiet. There was a feeling of expectancy and tension. Immediately after she finished the tale, the whole room erupted into whisperings. The GuildMaster chastised everyone for speaking and reminded them that there would be pletny of time for speculation and discourse. He then announced that we would celebrate Skellius' life.

Everyone filed out of the room, making for the outside of this amazing structure. Tharni invited us to participate. Once outside, he conjured a small piece of wood, like a boat. The Navigators brought out strings of beautiful flowers. Tharni informed us that these were Ice Flowers and they they are native to another plane. With these, we decorated the little boats and then set them in the water. As one, they moved out into the mists. A little flame in each boat. The affect was remarkable. A thousand candles gliding away. I felt the strong urge to sing come over me. However, I do not know the customs of the Navigators. Is it appropriate to sing at the passing? I do not know. Alas, I did not have time to ask before the event. But, when we have time, I will speak with Master Tharni about it.

Afterwards, we were again led to the great hall. Here, many of the Navigators came to simply greet us and shake our hands. It was strange. To see such a varied range of emotion on all of these people that I have never met. I did not know what to say. Such expectation. It would seem that we have done them a great honor by returning the amulet and bringing word of Skellius's demise. Perhaps I will ask Tharni of this as well. Their sincerity touches me deeply and I would understand the significance so I can better honor them.

Finally, Tharni led us up an Ice tower to some rooms we could stay in. Raven was given her own room while, Blackhakw, Elensul and I were expected to share 2 other rooms. Neither Blackhawk nor Elensul spoke up, so I offered to take a room for myself. The better to stay up late and write this account. As well, I will be singing in the morning. I am guessing that it is passing mid night, so it must now be Heat 3. I wonder what the new day will bring us?